Gas Testing Day 3

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Common Hazards in Petroleum Oil and Gas

Natural gas and oil are important parts of everyday life.
Combined, these two fossil fuels alone make up 86% of global
energy demand. Products made from gas and oil are used
worldwide, commonly as fuel (such as diesel fuel or gasoline), or
as building blocks for the chemical and petrochemical industries.

Methods of extracting, transporting, processing, and refining

gas and oil are complicated, often pose a great risk to both
workers and assets. One common hazard is that of fire or
explosion, resulting from the presence of flammable liquids and
gases. Toxic chemicals or gases encountered during these processes
may present an additional risk of burns, asphyxiation, cancer, or
system corrosion.
In order to reduce these risks to life, property, or the wider environment,
gas and oil companies are required to follow strict, mandatory safety
practices. Both fixed and portable gas detection systems, often
working alongside flame detection systems, are essential
inadequately monitoring the environment of any potential hazards.

If hazards are detected, safety gear such as respiratory equipment can be

provided to workers to ensure their safety.

Thankfully, the gas and oil industry has less safety incidents today than
in the past, primarily as a result of understanding and managing hazards
via mandatory regulations,

The gas and oil industry is generally separated into three main
sectors: upstream, midstream, and downstream.
Petroleum Oil and Gas Refineries: Common Hazards
The refining process results in several different hazardous materials
being released into the atmosphere. As well as the risk of industrial
exposure to chemicals, or accidents such as explosions or fire, health and
hygiene hazards must also be considered. These are caused by air
contaminants which could either be part of the routine refining process. or
that could unexpectedly escape into an oil refinery.
Crude oil itself contains thousands of hydrocarbons and other
chemicals, exposure to many of which can result in short- and long-
term health problems, corrosive burns or asphyxiation.
As a result of these considerable risks, gas and flame detection systems
are vital across the various units of a refinery, while some more specific
risks can be addressed in specific units. These specific risks should also
be monitored; some of these are listed below.
Gas and Flame Detection Systems in Refining
Fixed gas and flame detection systems are employed in locations throughout
refineries to detect any leakage or spills of flammable or toxic gases.
Choosing the appropriate sensor for detection involves a thorough
assessment of any potential hazards. Placement and configuration options
such as open path, fixed point or a combination of different systems will
help ensure appropriate coverage across the required area, whilst
simultaneously minimizing false-positive results.
Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection can provide a range of consulting,
design, commissioning, integration, and training services for customers,
ensuring effective and appropriate solutions for their particular
Portable gas detection systems are one such option. These are
worn by workers and contractors, with their exact usage being
dependent on the refinery’s standard operating procedure.
Generally, however, gas detectors will be worn in any zone which
is considered to be potentially hazardous.
As multi-gas detectors continue to decrease in size, many
refineries are opting to use these rather than single gas
detectors. Some applications - such as confined space – must
employ portable and/or transportable gas detectors in order to
comply with specific regulations.
Confined Spaces
Working in confined spaces is a common occurrence in refineries, due
to the various collections of reactors, tanks, vessels, and ducts
commonly found in these environments. Historically, workers have
died because the necessary precautions were not taken, or they did not
use appropriate equipment when entering a confined space.
Potential hazards in confined spaces include Oxygen deficiency,
H2S, CO, HCl, SO2, NO2, NH3, Cl2, and H2.
Hot Work
Hot work operations include welding, cutting, grinding, brazing,
soldering, and thawing – or any work which has the potential to create
spark, heat, or hot slag which could ignite any combustible or flammable
materials nearby.
If hot work and its associated equipment cannot feasibly be situated outside
of hazardous areas, appropriate precautions must be adhered to in order for
safety to be improved.
Before starting hot work, the atmosphere is commonly monitored with a gas
detector, with regular reassessments undertaken throughout the duration of
the work. Hot work taking place in a confined space should also follow
relevant confined space regulations.
Potential hazards in hot work operations include H2S and flammable gases.
Turnarounds and Shutdowns
Turnarounds are periods of scheduled maintenance, often involving the
cleaning of storage and processing units. These are generally a part of
normal operating procedures. Companies will often spend a significant
amount of time planning for these events, aiming to implement this
maintenance process as quickly as possible to reduce refinery downtime.
Shutdowns, however, are generally unexpected stoppages of work within
the refinery.
In both these scenarios, it is common that refineries employ service
companies that bring contractors to the site to do the work. These
contractors should be equipped with PPE and portable gas detectors,
using these for the full duration of the turnaround.
The transportable BM 25 has been designed with team protection or area
surveillance in mind and is particularly useful where fixed detection
systems are not suitable.
Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection Products and Solutions
Numerous technologies can be employed to detect gases present in gas and
petroleum oil refineries. Electrochemical sensors are often used to monitor
oxygen rates in the air or to check for the presence of toxic gases such as
H2S, CO, Cl, and Cl2.
Semi-conductor sensors are commonly utilized where high
concentrations of H2S are likely, or where the ambient temperature
may be high. Catalytic and infrared sensors are generally used for the
detection of explosive gases, for example, carbon dioxide (CO2) or
Infrared sensors are also advisable for use in corrosive atmospheres, or in
environments where high levels of H2S may be present.
Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection develops products that utilize all these
different technologies, allowing workers at refineries to focus on the job at
What does carbon monoxide poisoning feel like, and how to treat it

Carbon monoxide has no smell, no taste, and no sound. Neither people

nor animals can tell when they are breathing it, but it can be fatal.

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a byproduct of combustion. Common

household items — such as gas fires, oil-burning furnaces, portable
generators, and charcoal grills — put people at risk of exposure to
this poison gas.
The person may feel like they have the flu but without a fever. If several
people in the same building have the same symptoms, they may have CO
The most common Trusted Source symptoms of CO poisoning are:
 headache
 dizziness
 weakness
 nausea
If the symptoms are mild, there is a high chance of a full recovery.
CO poisoning may affect people with heart-related or breathing problems 
more quicklyTrusted Source. Pregnant people, babies, and small children
are also more susceptible.
Pets, too, will react quickly to CO poisoning. If a family pet suddenly
becomes ill or unexpectedly dies, the owners should rule out CO
poisoning as one of the possible causes.
The first step is to move away from the possible CO gas source and
contact medical services. A medical professional will be able to assess
symptoms accurately.
If a person’s symptoms are severe, they may require hospitalization.
Hospital treatments include the delivery of 100% oxygen through a mask.
This can speed up the production of oxygen-carrying proteins in red blood
cells, known as oxyhemoglobin, which helps to replace CO-carrying
hemoglobin, called carboxyhemoglobin.
Learn more about hemoglobin and hemoglobin levels here.
If a medical professional suspects nerve damage or if exposure to CO has
been extensive, they may recommend hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT).
This treatment floods the blood with pure oxygen to compensate for the
lack of oxygen caused by CO gas poisoning.
HBOT may be necessary for people experiencing a loss or reduction of
oxygen supply, a person in a coma, individuals with a history of loss of
consciousness, those with an unusual ECG reading or reduced brain
activity, and those who are pregnant.
According to a 2012 study, CO binds to hemoglobin over 
220%Trusted Source more easily than oxygen does. Because CO more
easily occupies the space where oxygen would bind, its presence means that
less oxygen can enter the hemoglobin.
As a result, parts of the body will experience oxygen starvation, and the
affected parts may die.
Short term effects
Following CO exposure, a person may notice that something is wrong, but
they may not know where the symptoms are coming from.
Short-term effects of CO exposure can include:
 headache
 lethargy
 coma
 seizures
Short-term exposure to CO can also cause death in severe circumstances.
Long term effects
Typically, the longer an individual is exposed to CO, the more
severe the symptoms will become.
CO poisoning can cause Trusted Source severe brain damage, and
it may cause a progressive worsening of memory and concentration.
Heart damage, including coronary heart disease, can result from
prolonged exposure. In severe cases, a person may also experience
urinary or fecal incontinence.
Very rarely, CO poisoning can also cause Parkinsonism. This is not
the same as Parkinson’s disease but can result in physical stiffness,
slow movements, and shaking.
Household appliances — such as gas fires, boilers, central heating
systems, water heaters, cookers, and open fires that use gas, oil, coal, and
wood — may be possible sources of CO gas. Due to poor maintenance,
ventilation, or other technical faults, they may produce the gas.
Typically, well-maintained household appliances should produce
negligible quantities of CO gas. Using old appliances and not servicing
them frequently leads to a higher risk of CO emission.
The following can all produce CO and potentially lead to CO
 Leaving a car in a closed garage with its engine running.
 Burning charcoal in a poorly-ventilated environment.
 The fumes from certain paint removers and cleaning fluids.
In addition, people should handle products that contain methylene
chloride (dichloromethane) with care because methylene chloride turns
into CO upon inhalation.
Every dwelling should have a carbon monoxide alarm. Some detectors
have a digital readout, while others give out a loud, high-pitched sound
when levels of CO pass a certain limit.
According to the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission,
long-term exposure to 1 to 70 parts per million (ppm) of CO may not
cause noticeable symptoms. However, some people with existing heart
conditions may experience an increase in chest pain.
If CO levels increase and remain above 70 ppm they may cause
noticeable symptoms, such as headache and fatigue. If they reach above
150 to 200 ppm, they may cause disorientation, unconsciousness, and
To diagnose CO poisoning, a medical professional will first assess
a person’s symptoms. They may then request a blood test to detect
unusual levels of carboxyhemoglobin.
For people who do not smoke, a carboxyhemoglobin level of 
3–4%Trusted Source is outside normal limits, while this level is
around 10% in people who do smoke. A reading of more than 20% in
adults and 15% in children indicates severe exposure.
As part of an overall diagnosis, medical professionals may order an
electrocardiogram (ECG) to check Trusted Source for ischemia,
irregular heart rhythms, and assess overall heart function. Ischemia is
a lack of blood supply to the heart, a condition that can be life
It is important to be aware of the dangers of CO poisoning.
The following can help to prevent leakage of CO gas:
 Keep appliances in good working order, and use them safely.
 Do not use gas ranges or ovens for heating.
 Make sure all rooms are well ventilated and that vents are not blocked.
Be especially careful in well-insulated environments.
 Ensure chimneys and flues are clear of obstruction and providing
adequate ventilation.
 Be careful when using gas-powered tools and equipment inside rooms.
 Wear a mask when using products that contain methylene chloride.
 Do not leave a gasoline-powered motor — such as a motorbike, car, or
lawn mower — running in a garage.
 Do not use charcoal on an indoor barbecue.
 Service the exhaust pipe in a motor vehicle every year.
 If the tailgate of a vehicle is open and the engine is running, open the
doors and windows too.
Methane CH4

methane, colorless, odourless gas that occurs abundantly in nature and

as a product of certain human activities. Methane is the simplest
member of the paraffin series of hydrocarbons and is among the most
potent of the greenhouse gases. Its chemical formula is CH4.
Chemical properties of methane
Methane is lighter than air, having a specific gravity of 0.554. It is only
slightly soluble in water. It burns readily in air, forming carbon dioxide
 and water vapour; the flame is pale, slightly luminous, and very hot.
The boiling point of methane is −162 °C (−259.6 °F) and the melting
 point is −182.5 °C (−296.5 °F). Methane in general is very stable, but
mixtures of methane and air, with the methane content between 5 and 14
percent by volume, are explosive. Explosions of such mixtures have
been frequent in coal mines and collieries and have been the cause of
many mine disasters.
Sources of methane
In nature, methane is produced by the anaerobic bacterial
decomposition of vegetable matter under water (where it is sometimes
called marsh gas or swamp gas). Wetlands are the major natural
source of methane produced in this way. Other important natural sources
of methane include termites (as a result of digestive processes), volcanoes,
vents in the ocean floor, and methane hydrate deposits that occur along 
continental margins and beneath Antarctic ice and Arctic permafrost.
Methane also is the chief constituent of natural gas, which contains from 50
to 90 percent methane (depending on the source), and occurs as a
component of firedamp (flammable gas) along coal seams.
The production and combustion of natural gas and coal are the major 
anthropogenic (human-associated) sources of methane. Activities such
as the extraction and processing of natural gas and the destructive 
distillation of bituminous coal in the manufacture of coal gas and coke-
oven gas result in the release of significant amounts of methane into
the atmosphere. Other human activities that are associated with
methane production include biomass burning, livestock farming, and 
waste management (where bacteria produce methane as they
decompose sludge in waste-treatment facilities and decaying matter in
The production and combustion of natural gas and coal are the
major anthropogenic (human-associated) sources of methane.
Activities such as the extraction and processing of natural gas and the
destructive distillation of bituminous coal in the manufacture of coal gas
and coke-oven gas result in the release of significant amounts of
methane into the atmosphere. Other human activities that are associated
with methane production include biomass burning, livestock farming,
and waste management (where bacteria produce methane as they
decompose sludge in waste-treatment facilities and decaying matter in
Uses of methane
Methane is an important source of hydrogen and some organic chemicals.
Methane reacts with steam at high temperatures to yield carbon monoxide
 and hydrogen; the latter is used in the manufacture of ammonia for 
fertilizers and explosives. Other valuable chemicals derived from methane
include methanol, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, and nitromethane.
The incomplete combustion of methane yields carbon black, which is
widely used as a reinforcing agent in rubber used for automobile tires.
Role as a greenhouse gas
Methane that is produced and released into the atmosphere is taken
up by methane sinks, which include soil and the process of methane
oxidation in the troposphere (the lowest atmospheric region). Most
methane produced naturally is offset by its uptake into natural sinks.
Anthropogenic methane production, however, can cause methane
concentrations to increase more quickly than they are offset by sinks.
Since 2007 methane concentrations in Earth’s atmosphere have increased
by 6.8–10 parts per billion (ppb) per year. By 2020 atmospheric methane
had reached 1873.5 ppb, some two to three times higher than preindustrial
levels, which hovered at 600–700 ppb.
Increased concentrations of methane in the atmosphere contribute to the 
greenhouse effect, whereby greenhouse gases (particularly 
carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapour) absorb infrared radiation
 (net heat energy) and reradiate it back to Earth’s surface, potentially
trapping heat and producing substantial changes in climate. Increased
atmospheric methane also adds to the greenhouse effect indirectly. For
example, in methane oxidation, hydroxyl radicals (OH−) remove methane
by reacting with it to form carbon dioxide and water vapour, and as
concentrations of atmospheric methane increase, concentrations of
hydroxyl radicals decrease, effectively prolonging the atmospheric
lifetime of methane.

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