Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966

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Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966


Aim and objectives of MRTP ACT-1966

 It started with Bombay Act 1915 for Bombay state today geographical boundary of
Gujarat & Maharashtra
 It provides for:
 Preparation of Town Planning Schemes
 Recovery of betterment contribution from benefitted owners of land.
 Concept of Development Plan was introduced
 TP remained the main planning instrument for implementation of DP
 Regulated development in urban areas
 And in areas having potential of becoming urbanized.
The participants:

1.Regional Planning Board –

Director of Town Planning, Town planning officer,

others appointed by the state from local authorities and
other persons with special knowledge

2. Regional Planning Committee – Advisory body

3. Planning Authority – local authority, a special planning authority

4. State Government

5. Public
Objectives MRTP Act:

• Planning development in “regions”

• Constitution of Regional Planning Board

• Better provision for preparation of DP & TP

• To provide for creation of new towns by means of DA

• To make provisions for the compulsory acquisition of land

required for public purposes in respect of the plans.

Salient Features:

• Provisions for RP, DP & TP

• And Implementation schemes : Land acquisition ., TDR,

Plot reconstitution

• Finance, accounts & audit and Governance for plan enforcement

are also available under this act
•Stages of Act:

The 3 scales:
1. Regional Plan
2. Development Plan
3. Town Planning Scheme

1.Regional Plan

Regional Planning contents & scale:

• Allocation of land for different uses
• Reservation of areas for open spaces, recreation etc.
• Transport & communication
• Public utilities & amenities like water supply, drainage etc.
• Reservation of sites for green field development
• Preservation, conservation & development of areas of natural scenery,
forest etc.
• Heritage preservation
• Areas for military & defence purposes
• Prevention of erosion & afforestation, reforestation & other environmental
• Proposals for irrigation, water supply, flood control etc.
• Distribution of population
Process of forming Regional plan-

• Establishment Of region---- (Notification in official gazette)

• Constitution of Regional Planning Board---- (Notification in official gazette)

• Survey of Region--No prescribed time limit, but as the State govt. may

• Preparation of Draft Regional plan--Notification in official gazette;

Copies available for sale to public Suggestions & Objections invited before
such date not less than 4 months.

• Suggestion & Objections invited from public—

• Modifications--Reasonable opportunity to all persons affected of being heard.

• Submission to state govt---By Regional Planning Board

• Publication of Regional plan & Date of operation--By State Government

Plan would come into operation not before 60 days from publication
Restriction on change of user or development

Revision of Regional Plan-

Not earlier than 10 years By State Government May follow the same process right from
‘Establishment of region’.
2- Development plan-

Development Plan contents & scale:

• Allocation of land for different uses

• Reservation of areas for open spaces, recreation etc.
• Transport & communication
• Public utilities & amenities like water supply, drainage etc.
• Service industries, industrial estates etc.
• Preservation, conservation & development of areas of natural scenery,
forest etc.
• Heritage preservation
• Proposals for irrigation, water supply, flood control etc.
• The filling up or reclamation of low lying, swampy or unhealthy araes,
or levelling up of land
• Development control regulations.
Process of forming Development plan –

•Declaration of the intention to prepare DP- By Planning Authority

Notification in official gazette & Restriction on development.
•Suggestions & Objections invited from public not before 60 days
•Survey & preparation of existing Land-use map -Not later then 6 months from the date of
declaration of intention Time can be extended by Sate govt.
•Preparation of draft Development Plan- Not later then 24 months from the date of declaration of
intention Notification in official gazette.
•Suggestion & Objections invited with in 60 days from the notification.
•Modifications in the draft DP- The affected are given a reasonable opportunity of being heard &
submit report to Planning Authority within 2 months.
•Including modifications in draft DP within 3 months of receipt from PC
•Suggestions & Objections invited from public- Within 60 days from date of notice.
•Submission to the State Government- Within 12 months from the date of publication of notice in the
official gazette, regarding its preparation (may be extended but not more than 24 months)
•Sanction of plan- Within 12 months from the date of receipt of plan & inviting objections (if any)
within 60 days.
•Final Development Plan & Acquiring of land- Final DP would come into operation after 1 month
from its publication Acquiring of land within 10 years from the date of operation Revision within 20
years from the date of operation.
3-Town planning scheme –

Contents of Draft Town Planning Scheme

•Ownership, area and tenure of original land holdings.
•Details of reservation, acquisition or allotment of land.
•Extent and boundaries where plot reconstitution is required.
•Total cost estimations.
•Allotment of final plots to owner and transfer of ownership.

•Land management options:

1. Land acquisition
2. Transferable Development Rights (TDR)
3. Plot reconstitution method

Planning and Development Funds consist of:

1. Grants from National & State Govt. and any other agencies.
2. Budget allocated to the planning authority.
3. Development charges and fees.
4. Betterment charges.
5. Development permission charges.
6. Loans.

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