B Inggris

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Table of contents
Daily Pronunciation

Language Daily Reading


Nursing Vocabulary
Translation Exercise
Daily Conversation
Example daily conversation :
Amira is janet’s old friend. They have not met for several years. Once upon a time, they met each other. Look atr the
following conversation between amira and janet.
Amira : Hi, janet. Oh my god! It has been a long time we don’t meet. How are you ?
Janet : Hi, amira. Glad to meet you. Im fine, thankyou, what about you?
Amira : Im fine too. We haven’t met for years. And now you look so different
Janet : You’re right. We haven’t met since we graduated from senior high school.
Amira : Do you work in hospital janet ?
Janet : Yes, I do. I am a nurse of this hospital.
Amira : That’s sounds great. You must be very busy with your duty.
Janet : You're right. I must take care patients, make sure their health help doctors in curing patients, and many
Amira : Awesome! Anyway do you enjoy your job?
Janet : Sure It's my dream to become a nurse. So I feel happy with my job.
Amira : Nice to hear that
Janet : Anyway, have you worked?
Amira : Yes. I am an accountant of a private company in this city
Janet : That's cool. You were really keep on accounting when we were in senior high school.
Amira : Amira Thank you, Janet
Janet : Anyway, I can't be longer any longer. I must be back to nurse station.
Amira : Sure. Good luck with your job, Janet
Janet : Thanks. You too, Amira.
Language Daily
• Direct and supervise care delivered by other healthcare personnel like LPNs and nurse aides
• Conduct research in support of improved practice and patient outcomes
• Assess, observe, and record the patient's behavior and the need for restraint
• Apply a last resort
• Get written order and consent as hospital policy
• Communicate with patient and the family
• Coordinate with physicians and other healthcare professionals for creating and evaluating customized care plans
• Provide emotional and psychological support to the patients and their families
• Create harmonious environment
• Diagnosing the disease by analyzing patient's symptoms and taking required actions for his/her recovery
• Carry out the requisite treatments and medications
• Check the stock on a regular basis for maintaining the inventory level, and placing orders if required
• Change patient's medication as indicated by their conditions and responses
• Adhere with the protocols, norms, rules and regulations in order to maintain complete medical records
• Maintain hygienic and safe working environment in compliance with the healthcare procedures
• Conduct research for improving the nursing practices and healthcare outcomes
• Discussing treatment with pharmacists and physicians in the critical cases
• Provide necessary guidance on health maintenance and disease prevention
• Mengarahkan dan mengawasi perawatan yang diberikan oleh personel perawatan kesehatan lain seperti
LPN dan asisten perawat
• Melakukan penelitian untuk mendukung peningkatan praktik dan hasil pasien
• Kaji, amati, dan catat perilaku pasien dan kebutuhan untuk menahan diri.
• Terapkan upaya terakhir.
• Dapatkan perintah tertulis dan persetujuan sebagai kebijakan rumah sakit
• Berkomunikasi dengan pasien dan keluarga
• Berkoordinasi dengan dokter dan profesional perawatan kesehatan lainnya untuk membuat dan
mengevaluasi rencana perawatan yang disesuaikan
• Memberikan dukungan emosional dan  psikologis kepada pasien dan keluarganya.
• Ciptakan lingkungan yang harmonis
• Mendiagnosis penyakit dengan menganalisis gejala pasien dan mengambil tindakan yang diperlukan untuk kesembuhannya
• Melaksanakan perawatan dan pengobatan yang diperlukan
• Periksa stok secara teratur untuk mempertahankan tingkat masuk, dan menempatkan pesanan  jika diperlukan
• Ubah obat pasien seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh kondisi dan tanggapan mereka
• Mematuhi protokol, norma, aturan dan peraturan untuk memelihara catatan medis yang lengkap
• Menjaga lingkungan kerja yang higienis dan aman sesuai dengan prosedur perawatan kesehatan
• Melakukan penelitian untuk meningkatkan praktik keperawatan dan hasil perawatan kesehatan
• Membahas pengobatan dengan apoteker dan dokter dalam kasus kritis.
• Berikan panduan yang diperlukan tentang pemeliharaan kesehatan dan pencegahan penyakit.
Nursing Vocabulary
And Translation
• Staf laboratorium
• Laboratory staff
• Perawat untuk penderita kesulitan belajar
• Learning disability nurses • Staf perpustakaan
• Library staff • Pelayanan laundry
• Laundry services • Manajer pelayanan Kesehatan
• How service managers Kesehatan • Asisten laboratorium medis
• Medical laboratory assistants • Sekretaris medis
• Medical secretaries • Perawat untuk penderita kesehatan jiwa
• Mental health nurses • Bidan
• Dokter spesialis genetik (DNA)
• Midwives
• Dokter bedah syaraf
• Molecular geneticists doctor
• Perawat
• Neurosurgeons • Asisten perawat
• Nurses • Staf perawat untuk anak dibawah lima tahun
• Nursing assistants • Dokter kandungan
• Nursery staff • Dokter mata
• Obstetricians • Ahli periksa mata atau kacamata
• Ophthalmologists • Dokter ahli masalah mata
• Optometrists • Dokter bedah mulut
• Dokter spesialis tulang, trauma, dan luka
• Orthoptists
• Orthodontic
• Orthopedi
• Outpatiensts department • Klinik rawat jalan
• Pediatric surgical/orthopedic unit • Ruang bedah anak
• Pediatric care center • Pusat pelayanan anak
• Pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) • Ruang perawatan khusus untuk bayi
• Pediatric cardiac intensive care unit (CICU) sampai usia 28 hari
• Perinatology • Ruang perawatan intensif anak
• Pharmacy • Ruang perawatan bayi dengan masalah
• Policlinic Kesehatan
• Psychiatry unit • Farmasi
• References letter • Poliklinik
• Renal/gastroenterology/endokrinology unit • Unit psikiatri
• Respiratory unit • Surat rujukan
• Surgical ward • Unit endokrin
• Urgent care center • Unit respiratory
• Ruang perawatan bedah
• Pusat pelayanan darurat
• Administrative staff • Staff administrasi
• Ambulance care assistants • Asisten perawatan ambulans

• Ambulance technicians • Tekhnisi ambulan

• Anaesthetics • Dokter anastesi

• Dokter terapi seni
• Art therapists
• Ahli audiologi
• Audiologists
• Ilmuwan biomedis
• Biomedical scientists
• Ahli fisiologi jantung
• Cardiac physiologists
• Ahli kardiografi
• Cardiographers
• Dokter spesialis jantung
• Cardiologists
• Stop katering
• Catering staff • Rohaniawan
• Chaplains • Perawat untuk pasien anak-anak
• Children's nurses
Example Article

A Nurse practitioner is a type of Advanced Practice Registered Nurse. If you are planning to
become a Nurse Practitioner, know that you are reaching toward one of the highest positions in
the nursing field. It takes a great deal of time, education, experience, and dedication to become a
nurse of this sort. Like other nurses, nurse practitioners work to help accommodate and care for
patiensin healthcare settings.

However, most of the time, nurse practitioner have much more responsibility than other types of
nurses. In fact, thay are often in charge of supervising nursing professionals such as Registered
Nurses and Lisenced Practical Nurses. They are also able to actively participate more in their
patiens' care due to their increased clinical knowladge and patiens care techniques.

Nurse Practitioners can also specialize in certain areas, much like psysicians. Family nurse
practitioners for instance, deal with the general and physical health of patients. In contrast,
pedriatric nurse practitioners deal primarily with children, while geriatric nurse practitioners
deal primarily with ederly patients. Other areas that nurse practitioners might specialize in
include obstetrics, gynecology, neurology, and anesthesiology .
Praktisi Perawat adalah jenis Perawat Terdaftar Praktik Lanjutan.JikaAndaberencana menjadi
Praktisi Perawat, ketahuilah bahwa Anda sedang mencapai salah satu posisi tertinggi di bidang
keperawatan.Dibutuhkan banyak waktu, pendidikan, pengalaman, dan dedikasi untuk menjadi
perawat semacam ini.Seperti perawat lain, praktisi perawat bekerja untuk membantu
mengakomodasi dan merawat pengaturan perawatan patiensin.

Namun, seringkali, perawat praktisi memiliki lebih banyak tanggung jawab dibandingkan jenis
perawat lainnya.Faktanya, mereka sering bertugas mengawasi profesional keperawatan seperti
Perawat Terdaftar dan Perawat Praktis Berlisensi.Mereka juga dapat berpartisipasi lebih aktif
dalam perawatan pasien karena peningkatan pengetahuan klinis dan teknik perawatan pasien.

Praktisi Perawat juga dapat berspesialisasi dalam bidang tertentu, seperti psysicians.Praktisi
perawat keluarga misalnya, menangani kesehatan umum dan fisik pasien.Sebaliknya, praktisi
perawat pedriatrik menangani terutama anak-anak, sedangkan praktisi perawat geriatri
terutama menangani pasien yang ederly.Area lain yang mungkin menjadi spesialisasi praktisi
perawat termasuk kebidanan, ginekologi, neurologi dan anestesiologi
Answer the following questions based on the text !

• What is a nurse practitioner?

• What are the responsibilities of a nurse practitioner?
• Why is nurse practitioner the highest position of being a
• What areas does a nurse practitioner specialize in?
• Do you want to be a nurse practitioner? Give the
Present Progressive
Present Progressive Tense
Present Progresive Tense
The form of the verb used to express an action that taking
place now (present) or plans in the future
Negative sentences
The pattern is
S + to be (am/is/are)+ not +present
S + to be (am/is/are) + present participle (- ing)
particple (-ing)
Example :
She is smiling
She is not coming

Using The present Progessive Tense

1. We can use to expreses longer actions not at this moment but in progress.
For example : a. She is studying to become a science teacher
b. We are working on a new project
c. I am learning to play guitar

2. We can use the tenses with always, Constanly forever to describe the idea that something often happens in a negative sesnse
For example : a. She is always talking
b. These students are constanly complaining about everything
c. You are always coming to work late

3. We can use to indicate that something will or will not happen in the near future
For example: a. You are starting work tomorrow
b. My sister is coming with us to the party toninght
c. Iam talking to the teacher after this lesson
4. We can use to explain the idea that something is happening now at this moment
For example : a. We are learning English now
b. My mother is cooking dinner in the kitchen at this time
c. The Gardener is working in the garden at present
To Form Present Continuous
Subject + to be+ Verb + ing
Negative and Question in the present continuous tense


Present continuous tense
I am eating fruit Am I eating What am I eating I am not eating can also be used for the
future. We use it for things
You are crying Are you crying Why you are crying You are not crying
thst we have made
He is going Is He going Where is he going He is not going definite arrangement to do
For example :
She is arriving Is She arriving When is he arriving She is not arriving
I am having dinner with
We are leaving Are we leaving When are we We are not leaving
leaving my friend tonight
I am playing football with
They are playing Are they playing What are they They are not playing my team this weekend
football football playing football football
The teacher is Is the teacher What is the teacher The teacher is not
teaching in the class teaching in the is teaching in the teaching in the class
class class
Other example
* She is brushing the bathroom
* I am driving a car to Bandung now
* He is learning English in order to be
Other example
a greate guide* She is brushing the bathroom
* I am driving a car to Bandung now

* I am living with my sister at the

* He is learning English in order to be a greate guide
* I am living with my sister at the moment
* I am spending my holiday on Kuta beach next month
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC

* I am spending my holiday on Kuta

beach next month

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