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Interdisciplinary approach in

any engineering project

BCE Group
What is Interdisciplinary approach?

Interdisciplinarity is a process of answering a

question, solving a problem, or addressing a topic that
is too broad or complex to be dealt with adequately by
a single discipline or profession. It draws upon
disciplinary viewpoint and integrates their insights
through construction of a more comprehensive

This type of approach has a broader scope

than traditional concepts.
Interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary

● Currently, disciplines educate and equip ● If a problem simultaneously requires

students with the disciplinary knowledge the resolution of mechanical, chemical
and skills they need to address and and telecom problems, a standard
solve problems in their specific approach would be to bring together
discipline-oriented areas of expertise individuals with these skills to form a
multidisciplinary team.

● For complex, interdependent systems, however, the team would need to

integrate their disciplinary skills, knowledge, experience and insights,
and synthesise this into a shared body of knowledge that enables them to
gain a more in depth understanding of the problem at hand.
Interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary

● While a multidisciplinary approach ● For example, In Biomedical

involves people from different engineering, to design medical
disciplines collaborating together, an equipments, an engineer has to have a
interdisciplinary approach involves fairly thorough understanding of
an individual or team integrating and anatomy, physiology, biology,
synthesizing knowledge from across chemistry and similar subjects.
a variety of disciplines.
How to apply interdisciplinary
approach in engineering
People who wish to get into interdisciplinary
engineering start out studying subjects considered
fundamental to traditional engineering such as math,
chemistry and mechanics. This is supplemented with
courses in the liberal arts. Beyond this, it is up to the
interdisciplinary engineering student to fill his

Although IDE programs are highly flexible in this way,

students still are given broad guidelines for the number
of credits they must have from predetermined
categories of courses.
Engineering branches for
interdisciplinary education

Environmental Mechatronics
Engineering engineering

Robotics and

Energy & power

Nano engineering
Benefits of interdisciplinary
approach in engineering

● Authentic real life learning ● Brings more opportunities and

scope for students
● Increased critical thinking and
problem solving skills ● Student-eccentric

● Highly engaging ● Increased cognitive gain

● Highlights learner’s strengths ● Collaboration and

● It can become the basis for narrowing rather than widening of
perspectives, it can have the effect of dissolving the very “discipline”
required for any serious scholarship or science.

● This can lead to budgetary restrictions, downgrading of departments,

and sometimes their dissolution in universities and research centres.

● Researchers from different disciplines also have

different methodologies and integrating research can be

● It can get too meta-theoretical and not address real-life problems like
the research was supposed to. This defeats the original purpose of
exploring different perspectives to solve actual problems
“ Difficult, but not Impossible ”

This suggests that implementing interdisciplinary approach is

difficult but not impossible. To date, there is no proven cookbook
approach to implementing interdisciplinary education within
engineering. However, the topic is currently receiving considerable
attention from engineering education researchers. This means that
increasingly, we are now able to identify evidence-based approaches
that can help us in our endeavours to implement interdisciplinarity
within engineering education.
A Project by - Swaraj Metkar (122034)
Meet Shah (122059)
Vaibhav Ingle (122063)
Vedanti Dhende (122078)
Sarthak Patwari (122044)

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