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March 5, 2022

613 Mitzvah Drive

Antipolo City
brother aike
Sigthedmoon Abib Calendar
Feast of Passover - Preparation Day
Erev March 17 thurs 6PM to 6PM next day
Erev March 18 2022 6PM friday sundown
to March 19 Sundown will be the
1st Day Feast of Unleavened Bread As per our Hebrew Calendar
A high Holy Day- Moedim Appointed Time sightedmoon Consultant
Passover SEDER night Meal of the Messiah Joseph Dumond

Celebration on March 18 Friday @ 6PM to 9PM Feast of Shavuot

Binayoyo, Antipolo City Feast of Pentecost
March 20 Feast of Firstfruits ( Resurrection) Erev May 7 Saturday Night
Celebration @ Binayoyo Antipolo
Until May 8 SundaySundown
The 7th Day Feast of HaMatzot
Erev March 24 6PM to sundown
March 25 Friday Night Celebration @Binayoyo
For more info : email:
cp. No: 09311074271
A Jewish Tradition
coincides with
the Feast of
Unleavened Bread
This year 2022
YAH is good to
the jewish people
Learn how the two great lights in the sky are our two
witnesses for time
The moon begins the months, while the sun ripens
the barley and begins the year.
The day of Yeshua/Jesus' death and the Hebrew
idiom for His day of birth prove the month begins
with the sighting of the new crescent moon.
 The Tombstones of Zoar prove the ancient Jewish community used the
moon and barley to set the date for their Passover. Please see and Joseph Dumond's books for an in-depth study!
• Are you loving the work is doing and want to learn
more about end time prophecy and how they are revealed through the
Sabbatical and Jubilee years?
• Maybe you have been looking for the Rapture and the Messiah and you are eager to be in the
wedding with our Groom? explains all of this through the understanding of the
Calendar and Holy Days which also explain end time prophecy to those who study into them.
• There will be those told by their Messiah "I never Knew You!" and they will not be going to the
wedding, even though they did many mighty works. Are you going to be one of them?
If you want to learn more about all of these things and whether or not you will be able to be in that
wedding then here are some of the next steps....
The Barley is
Abib ( Ripe)
As Personally
by Joseph Dumond
In the Land of
What is Aviv barley?
Image result for bible verse
barley waving
The basic meaning of the
word aviv is the stage in the
growth of grain when the
seeds have reached full size
and are filled with starch,
but have not dried yet.
During the plague of hail
(Exodus 9:31), the barley
was said to be [in the] aviv
[stage] and the flax [in the]
This resulted in their
What is Aviv barley? (The flax and the barley were
Exo 9:31 
Image result for bible verse destroyed, because the barley was in the
barley waving ear, and the flax was in bloom. 
The basic meaning of the
word aviv is the stage in the
Exo 9:31 Ang mga tanim na lino at ang
growth of grain when the mga sebada ay sirang-sira sapagkat may
seeds have reached full size uhay na ang sebada at namumulaklak na
and are filled with starch, ang lino.
but have not dried yet. Exo 9:32 Hindi naano ang trigo at ang
During the plague of hail
(Exodus 9:31), the barley
espelta sapagkat huling tumubo ang
was said to be [in the] aviv mga ito.
[stage] and the flax [in the]
This resulted in their
Deut. 8:8  a land of wheat and
barley, vines, figs and
pomegranates, a land of olive oil
and honey,

Deut. 8:8 Sagana rin doon sa

trigo, sebada, ubas, igos,
granada, olibo at pulot.
Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 10 “Speak to the sons of Israel
and say to them, ‘When you enter the land which I am going to give to
you and reap its harvest, then you shall bring in the sheaf of the first
fruits of your harvest to the priest. 11 He shall wave the sheaf before
the Lord for you to be accepted; on the day after the sabbath the priest
shall wave it. — Leviticus 23:9 NASB
The omer offering (Hebrew korban omer, minchat omer) was a grain
sacrifice wave offering, brought to the temple in Jerusalem. The first-
fruits was a sheaf of barley which was offered in connection with the
Feast of Unleavened Bread, directly following the Passover. The first-
fruits of the second harvest, the loaves of bread, are offered at
Shavuot, and both were wave offerings. The leftover of the korban are
kept by the kohen and was listed as one of the twenty-four priestly
Lev 23:9-14 At sinalita ng
Panginoon kay Moises na sinasabi,
(10) Salitain mo sa mga anak ni
Israel, at sabihin mo sa kanila,
Pagka kayo'y nakapasok sa lupain
na ibibigay ko sa inyo, at inyong
nagapas na ang ani niyaon, ay
magdadala nga kayo sa saserdote
ng bigkis na pinaka pangunang Omer
bunga ng inyong paggapas:
Lev 23:(11) At aalugin niya ang
bigkis sa harap ng Panginoon upang
tanggapin sa ganang inyo: sa
kinabukasan pagkatapos ng
sabbath aalugin ng saserdote. (12)
At sa araw na inyong alugin ang
bigkis, ay maghahandog kayo ng
isang korderong lalake ng unang
taon, na walang kapintasan, na Omer
pinakahandog na susunugin sa
Lev 23:(13) At ang handog na harina niyaon ay
magiging dalawang ikasangpung bahagi ng isang
epa ng mainam na harina na hinaluan ng langis,
handog nga sa Panginoon na pinaraan sa apoy na
pinakamasarap na amoy: at ang pinakahandog na
inumin niyaon ay alak, na ikaapat na bahagi ng
isang hin. (14) At huwag kayong kakain ng tinapay,
ni trigong sinangag, ni uhay na bago, hanggang sa
araw na ito, hanggang sa inyong madala ang alay sa
inyong Dios: siyang palatuntunan magpakailan man
sa buong panahon ng inyong lahi, sa lahat ng inyong
mga tahanan.
We carried out this inspection on March 1-2, 2022, in order to have an accurate
survey of the fields just before the upcoming New Moon observation on March 3,
We focused our inspection on the volunteer wild barley in three regions
of Israel:
1. The Jordan Valley - This is where the Children of Israel celebrated the
first Chag HaMatzot (Joshua 5:10-12).
2. The Lower Galilee - This is in Northern Israel, near the Kinneret (Sea of
3. The Northern Negev - This is in Southern Israel, near the Gaza Strip.
* You are invited to watch the video of our inspection (time codes are
provided in the description beneath the video).
Rabbinical Calendar
Spring Feast Dates

March 12, 2022

613 Mitzvah Drive
Antipolo City
brother aike
• Torah is entirely
• But those who
cannot sense
the spiritual see
only stories
 Torah is not just a book.
 It is the blueprint by which the world
was designed.
 Those who know how to learn it can
find everything that exists in Torah.
And every thing that must be.
• Even more: In any one concept of
Torah you can find the entire world.
And how it must be.

And then, the Torah leaves it up to you

to make it that way.
Filipino torah mispachot
Pinoy Torah Families
I am the YHVH thy
God, which have
brought thee out of
the land of Egypt, out
of the house of
Slavery, You shall have
no other gods before
Redemption by strict definition is me.
Thesis: The
Exodus theme
in the Book
of Galatian
Thesis: The
Exodus theme
in the Book
of Galatian
4. Exodus Parallels in the OT
The exodus from Egypt arguably remains the most significant act of
God’s redemption in the OT, so significant that the imagery of
other acts of deliverance appear to be modeled after it.
• This is manifested in parallels and in the various exodus
 Exodus parallels in the Bible have been detected as early as
Genesis. God’s call to Abram to leave Ur and sojourn to
Canaan is a type of exodus.
• Furthermore, the announcement of the Egyptian captivity
and subsequent exodus is made in connection with the
covenant God makes with Abram
4. Exodus Parallels in the OT
• Another possible parallel is the one that runs the gamut of
salvation history.
• After Adam and Eve sin and are exiled (with all humankind)
from Eden,
• the righteous are admitted (a kind of exodus from the fallen
world) to the new Jerusalem in the closing chapters of
Revelation, which now contains the Edenic symbols of
precious elements, life-giving water, and the tree of life
(Gen. 2:10-14; 3:24; Rev. 22:1-2). ***
4. Exodus Parallels in the OT
• There are several exodus parallels in the person of Joshua, the
• successor of Moses. The most obvious one is the parting of the
Jordan River (Josh. 3:7-17), which reenacts the parting of the Red
Sea; in both cases the Israelites pass over the water’s path on dry
• Joshua instructs and leads the Israelites as directed by the Lord
• and brings them into the promised land.
• Joshua 5:10-11 ICB
 The people of Israel were still camped at Gilgal on the plains of Jericho. It was
there, on the evening of the fourteenth day of the month, they celebrated
the Passover Feast. The next day after the Passover, the people ate some of
the food grown on that land: bread made without yeast and roasted grain.
4. Exodus Parallels in the OT
• In Isa. 11:11 the prophet writes that the Lord will rescue his people
a second time, performing a second exodus, and implicitly
referencing the Egyptian exodus as the first rescue.
• In Isa. 43:16, within the context of the promise of the future exodus
from Babylon, the author uses imagery from the original exodus.19
He speaks of the Lord making a path through the sea (v. 16) and
destroying chariots and horses (v. 17).
• Furthermore, the Lord will make a way in the wilderness (v. 19) and
give them water there (v. 20), as he had done for the Israelites in
the Sinai wilderness
4. Exodus Parallels in the OT
• It is prophesied in Jer. 16:14-15 and 23:7-8 that the exodus from Babylonian
• captivity will be even more spectacular than the first exodus, thereby
replacing the former as the central redemptive event of the nation’s
history.20 And as the original event is eclipsed, so will be the people’s former
view of Yahweh as redeemer.21
• Yet, clearly, the second exodus did not turn out to be greater than the first,
for reasons already given.
• Consequently, the Jews had concluded either that the exodus had
• not actually occurred or that it had not been completed.
• Either way, another exodus was
• expected to fulfill the prophecies. This means that many of the prophecies
that appear to
• apply to the second (Babylonian) exodus actually apply to the NE brought
about by the
• Messiah Jesus
The medyos of the philippines
The jew-noys
Deut. 30:1-10  “Now when all these things come upon
you—the blessing and the curse that I have set before
you—and you take them to heart in all the nations
where Adonai your God has banished you,  (2)  and you
return to Adonai your God and listen to His voice
according to all that I am commanding you today—you
and your children—with all your heart and with all your
soul,  (3)  then Adonai your God will bring you back from
captivity and have compassion on you, and He will
return and gather you from all the peoples where
Adonai your God has scattered you.  
Deut. 30: (4)  Even if your outcasts are at the ends of the
heavens, from there Adonai your God will gather you,
and from there He will bring you.  
(5)  Adonai your God will bring you into the land that
your fathers possessed, and you will possess it; and He
will do you good and multiply you more than your
fathers.  (6)  Also Adonai your God will circumcise your
heart and the heart of your descendants—to love Adonai
your God with all your heart and with all your soul, in
order that you may live.  
The Coming of the Son of Man ( yeshua Messiah)
Mat 24:29  “But immediately after the tribulation of those days,
‘the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light and the
stars will fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens will be
Mat 24:30  Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and
then all the tribes of the land will mourn, and they will see ‘the Son of
Man coming on the clouds of heaven’ with power and great glory. 
Mat 24:31  He will send out His angels with a great shofar, and
they will gather together His chosen from the fourcorners,
from one end of heaven to the other.” 
Deut. 30:  (7)  “Adonai your God will put all these curses on your
enemies and on those who hate you, who persecuted you.  (8)  Then
you—you will return and listen to the voice of Adonai and do all His
mitzvot that I am commanding you today.  (9)  Adonai your God will
make you prosper in all the work of your hand—in the fruit of your
womb, and the offspring of your livestock, and the produce of your soil
—for good. For Adonai will again rejoice over you for good, as He
rejoiced over your fathers—  (10)  when you listen to the voice of
Adonai your God, to keep His mitzvot and His statutes that are written
in this scroll of the Torah, when you turn to Adonai your God with all
your heart and with all your soul.
( This will take place at the beginning of the
Millenial kingdom 2034)
5. New Exodus Theme in the OT
• Isaianic New Exodus as if the NE originates in or is unique to Isaiah,
although the term itself is not explained.
• Furthermore, while several other prophets invoke the exodus theme,23 in
Isaiah it is “taken up and transformed, in a word,‘eschatologized.’”24
• This study affirms that the prophecies of Isaiah contain more
NEmaterial than the others, yet will not ignore other OT
• Isaiah uses reenactments from the events associated with the exodus event to
prophesy the future exodus from Babylon and the glorious restoration of Zion.
Moreover, among scholars who recognize the NE theme in Isaiah, the work is
particularly focused on the Book of Consolation.26 This is again easy to
understand, because this section of the prophet’s writing is packed with NE
PROPHECIES hidden or in plain sight
in the TORAH
• Torah is entirely
spiritual. (Rom. 7:14)
• But those who
cannot sense
the spiritual see
only stories
The Feast of
March 20 Begins
the erev evening

'And you shall count for yourselves from the day

Leviticus 23:15-17.
after the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of
the wave offering: seven Sabbaths shall be completed. Count
fifty days to the day after the seventh Sabbath; then you shall
offer a new grain offering to the L ORD.
Sigthedmoon Abib Calendar
Feast of Passover - Preparation Day
Erev March 17 thurs 6PM to 6PM next day
Erev March 18 2022 6PM friday sundown
to March 19 Sundown will be the
1st Day Feast of Unleavened Bread As per our Hebrew Calendar
A high Holy Day- Moedim Appointed Time sightedmoon Consultant
Passover SEDER night Meal of the Messiah Joseph Dumond

Celebration on March 18 Friday @ 6PM to 9PM Feast of Shavuot

Binayoyo, Antipolo City Feast of Pentecost
Erev May 7 Saturday Night
Celebration @ Binayoyo Antipolo
The 7th Day Feast of HaMatzot
Until May 8 SundaySundown
Erev March 24 6PM to sundown
March 25 Friday Night Celebration @Binayoyo
For more info : email:
cp. No: 09311074271
Learn how the two great lights in the sky are our two
witnesses for time
The moon begins the months, while the sun ripens
the barley and begins the year.
The day of Yeshua/Jesus' death and the Hebrew
idiom for His day of birth prove the month begins
with the sighting of the new crescent moon.
 The Tombstones of Zoar prove the ancient Jewish community used the
moon and barley to set the date for their Passover. Please see and Joseph Dumond's books for an in-depth study!
• Are you loving the work is doing and want to learn
more about end time prophecy and how they are revealed through the
Sabbatical and Jubilee years?
• Maybe you have been looking for the Rapture and the Messiah and you are eager to be in the
wedding with our Groom? explains all of this through the understanding of the
Calendar and Holy Days which also explain end time prophecy to those who study into them.
• There will be those told by their Messiah "I never Knew You!" and they will not be going to the
wedding, even though they did many mighty works. Are you going to be one of them?
If you want to learn more about all of these things and whether or not you will be able to be in that
wedding then here are some of the next steps....
We carried out this inspection on March 1-2, 2022, in order to have an accurate
survey of the fields just before the upcoming New Moon observation on March 3,
We focused our inspection on the volunteer wild barley in three regions
of Israel:
1. The Jordan Valley - This is where the Children of Israel celebrated the
first Chag HaMatzot (Joshua 5:10-12).
2. The Lower Galilee - This is in Northern Israel, near the Kinneret (Sea of
3. The Northern Negev - This is in Southern Israel, near the Gaza Strip.
* You are invited to watch the video of our inspection (time codes are
provided in the description beneath the video).
Rabbinical Calendar
Spring Feast Dates
The 10
Plagues and
the 10
– Are they
100+ Messianic Prophecies
in the TaNakh /OT
Bitterness is defined as anger and
disappointment at being treated unfairly. It is
synonymous with resentment and envy. One of
the most well-known stories of bitterness in the
Bible is the archetypal tale of Cain and Abel.
ex: esau bitter against isaac
The Feast of
March 20 Begins
the erev evening

'And you shall count for yourselves from the day

Leviticus 23:15-17.
after the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of
the wave offering: seven Sabbaths shall be completed. Count
fifty days to the day after the seventh Sabbath; then you shall
offer a new grain offering to the L ORD.
Filipino torah mispachot
Pinoy Torah Families
The Ongoing
Greater Exodus Prophecy
in our days
The Scriptures describe three destinies of the Tribulation
Saints: some will die by attempting to use armed resistance,
some will be taken captive and die, but another group will
ESCAPE, SURVIVE, AND ENDURE to the end. This third group
will see the resurrection of the saints and the coming of the
Son of God. So, how will the saints escape? When do they
escape and where will they go? How will they survive with no
water or food and how will they defend themselves? How will
they endure 3 ½ years in the wilderness?
 The answers to these questions are in this three-part series.
God has promised us many things to help us, He has told us
about our escape plan, He has promised key resources for
our survival, and He has instructed us from the past how to
pass the tests of endurance.
• If you have any sense of preparing for the future, then this
program is essential for you and your family. This teaching
was taught at the Feast of Tabernacles in October, 2012.
(MP3 Audio part 1 of 6)
This handbook is a guide for your
family and other like-minded
brethren how to set up the camp
tailored to the threats of the Great
Tribulation. It offers practical tips
addressing survival and endurance
issues as well as spiritual counsel
and encouragement to maintain
trust in the Lord. Other sections in
the handbook include: the
prophetic pattern of Numbers 33
(the 42 camping locations), packing
lists to get ready, and songs and
blessings for the Tribulation Saints.

(100 Pages Digital PDF)

Moses was commanded by the LORD to record the 42 camping
places in Numbers 33 as the Children of Israel journeyed from
Egypt to the Promised Land. The significance of each place is
not based on its geographic location, but on the events that
occurred there. The meanings of the ancient Hebrew names of
these places give us insight into knowing the LORD's plan for
our lives today as well as what we may face in preparation for
the Second Coming.

This comprehensive study on the 42 camping places of the

Children of Israel includes maps and possible routes for the
Exodus journey as well as an in-depth look at each location.
From the very beginning, you will see the patterns and parallels
to other teachings and other parts of Scripture. You will find
that the number "42" and the wanderings of the Children of
Israel have more to do with your spiritual walk with YHVH than
you had ever thought possible. I pray this message is uplifting
and brings blessing to the Body of Messiah.
Passover of the Future
According to biblical prophecy, the exodus from Egypt was only the
Celebrating the Past and the Future
The Meal of Messiah is an example of two things. First, it portrays the continuous
development of the Jewish tradition. The Meal of Messiah shows us that the
Jewish people are a living people, who hold strongly to their tradition and past
yet look forward to their future. By creating new traditions, we breathe life into
the tradition and do not allow it to become stagnant.

Second, it shows that the Jewish people are looking forward to the Messiah.
Although the Jewish people as a whole have rejected Yeshua as the Messiah,
they still have a messianic expectation and look forward to the coming of the
Messiah. This meal shows us that the Messiah is working, even if subtly, among
his people. As believers, we can celebrate this meal as a way to remember both
the first coming of Yeshua and the final redemption he will bring.
Celebrating the Past and the Future
The two seders of the Passover—one to remember the exodus from Egypt and
one to remember the future redemption—are powerful and tangible ways to
place Messiah and his work, both past and future, in our lives.
• This meal has held a special place in my family’s celebration of Passover.
Because the Meal of Messiah is a recent innovation, it contains a lot of
flexibility, so in our family, the meal normally begins in late afternoon and is
full of stories and songs about Yeshua, including remarkable legends from
early non-canonical Christian writings about the Messianic Era that show just
how Jewish the early believers were.
• Families can find ways to honor the Messiah in this meal that are unique to
each of them..
 The exodus story is the base teaching in Scripture
for redemption, salvation, deliverance, and the future
 The blood of the Lamb in the exodus story is the same for us
in the New Covenant with a personal testimony of redemption
(being purchased out of slavery to sin).
 Failing to understand this leads to shallowness in the faith
 It then follows that not appreciating the exodus diminishes
the ability to see a future Greater Exodus.
 Christians could learn much about their faith in the Messiah
and their future if they could see what Jews see and
 Yeshua came after the Babylonian exile/return and before
the worldwide exile.
 Yeshua was there to fulfll the “Lamb of God” prophecies
and to make a way for us to receive personal redemption.
 The stage would then be set to share the good news that
 the Messiah would then take us to the kingdom.
 The same pattern came from the exodus.
 Being redeemed out of Egypt was the work of the Lamb,
 but the trip to the “promised land” (the kingdom) is
something else.
 Yeshua has fulflled the redemption part, we are still looking
for the restoration and His leading of the Greater Exodus
 When the prophets of Israel prophesy about the Messiah, it
 is generally in the context of Him being a part of the Greater
 Exodus.
 Many Bible teachers refer to the message of the Messiah as
the Gospel (the Good News), and they are right,
 but what they fail to understand in the Gospel is the
message of the Greater Exodus coming to the scattered
 Just as Moses was raised up to lead the people out of Egypt,
 so the Messiah is prophesied to be raised
 up from His countrymen to lead His people
 to the “promised land.”
I will raise up a prophet from among their countrymen like
you, and I will put My words in his mouth, and he shall
speak to them all that I command him. It shall come about
that whoever will not listen to My words which he shall
speak in My name, I Myself will require it of him. Deut. 18:18-19
• This is a dramatic prophecy of the Messiah to come; it is the
one from God to Moses.
• Why is the prophet (the Messiah) to be like Moses?
• Jewish Answer: He leads another exodus.
• This then is the basis for the prophets to speak of the future
Messiah. He is to have even more prestige
• than Moses had, and He will deliver and
• save the captives of Israel.
• Just as in the Israelite exodus from Egypt, the Passover sacrifice is a gift of
redemption to all who will accept the call. It is foretold that those among the
nations would throw in their lot with Israel and with the Jewish Redeemer and
follow the God of Israel (e.g., Genesis 12:3, 22:18; Isaiah 42:4, 51:5, 60:9-10,
66:18-21; Jeremiah 16:19, etc.). This occurred at the exodus Passover, when
free Egyptians chose to leave their lives of luxury to follow the God of Israel
and sojourn with the wandering Hebrews. This also occurred after the
Messiah’s sacrifice at Passover, when so many among the nations gave up their
ways of life to follow the Jewish Messiah.
• Every physical descendant of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is born into the
covenant, whether we like it or not. Every Jew is “called,” every Jew is obligated
to take hold of this redemption. It is in the bold print of our contract—our
covenant—with HaShem.
However, with the Gentiles it is different. Very different. And in some senses
the call on Gentiles could be considered to be even more grand. The Gentiles
are not called by nation, they are called by name.
Therefore, behold, the days are coming, declares the LORD, when it shall no longer be said, “As
the LORD lives who brought up the people of Israel out of the land of Egypt,” but “As the LORD
lives who brought up the people of Israel out of the north country and out of all the countries
where he had driven them.” (Jeremiah 16:14-15)
• So let’s compare the exodus with the kingdom. Just as God’s name will be sanctified through
the mighty deeds he will perform at the advent of the Messianic Era, so was his name
sanctified in Egypt through the ten plagues. Just as God will gather Israel from the four
corners of the earth back to the land in the kingdom, so did he gather Israel and bring them
out of Egypt. Just as the prophets say that Gentiles who join themselves to God and Israel
will be gathered as well, so were Gentiles gathered as Israel left Egypt. And just as in the
kingdom the whole world will keep the Sabbath, so did all the people keep the Sabbath
together after the exodus.
• In Jewish tradition the Messianic Kingdom is called a “time that is all Shabbat.” When the
Torah says “So the people rested on the seventh day” (Exodus 16:30) it prophetically alludes
to the time when the whole world will be in the rest of God in the Messianic Era. As
Hebrews says, “there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God” (Hebrews 4:9). May it
be soon and in our days. Amen.
Every Christian is waiting expectantly for the
2nd return of Jesus Christ. He left as a suffering
Servant but one day He will return as a
conquering King. That will not happen until
the Tribulation period has been completed.
What will happen then? The Average Christian
has little or no knowledge of what will happen
after the ecclesia or the "called" out will be
raptured away by Jesus Christ. Our reward will
not only be to spend eternity with Christ, but
will also include special duties as we serve our
Lord and Savior for 1000 years during the
Millennial Kingdom. It will be a golden age
during which our Lord and Savior will rule and
reign from his palace and throne in Israel.
How will the earth be changed in the
Millennial Kingdom?
• What special role will the Jews play?
• What will be the worldwide political and
social structure?
• What are the Bema Seat, the Great White
Throne and the Sheep and Goat Judgments?
• Will the Millennial Kingdom have sin and
sinful people?
• Who will rule and reign during this
• How will this world end?
• Where will we spend eternity?
• What is the New Jerusalem?
• What is the final fate of Satan and his
B. A Panoramic View of the Millennial Kingdom
By comparing the exodus narrative with the words of the prophets, we
can see the awesome scale of the messianic redemption.
• The eleven parallels below come from a liturgical poem called
“Passover of the Future.”[1]
1. The Salvation of Israel
After the Israelites left Egypt, Exodus states that “the LORD saved Israel
that day from the hand of the Egyptians” (Exodus 14:30).

Regarding the future redemption, salvation will become permanent:

“Israel is saved by the LORD with everlasting salvation” (Isaiah 45:17).
2. The Hand of God
Yeshua’s picture of the kingdom: LIKE THE STARS IN THE SKY
And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the
stars forever and ever. (Daniel 12:3)
• Notice the two groups described in this verse: the wise, and those who turn many to righteousness.
 Who are the wise? According to Rashi’s comment on this verse, the wise are those who occupied themselves with the Torah
and commandments.
• Malbim explains that those who keep the commandments are called wise “because they have purified their material self
and disciplined the impulse of the evil inclination and the dust [of physicality].”[1] In other words, a righteous person has
used their intellect to overcome their animalistic urges.
 What about “those who turn many to righteousness”? Malbim expounds that they “enlightened the eyes by teaching
righteousness to many.”[2]
 Thus, the two groups in this verse parallel the two factors by which individuals are seemingly ranked in Yeshua’s statement:
whoever does them, and whoever teaches others to do the same.
 But what does it mean for the righteous to shine like the sky and stars? According to many ancient sources, this verse
describes the status of the righteous in the Messianic Era.
The Midrash on Psalms interprets:
 “Praise him, all you shining stars!” (Psalm 148:3). Who are these shining stars? They are the righteous. As it says, “those
who turn many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever” (Daniel 12:3). Therefore it says, “praise him, all you shining
stars.” Based on this, you can learn that every one of [the righteous] has a star in heaven that shines in accordance with his
deeds. Therefore it says, “Praise him, those whose stars shine.”[3]
• Paul uses a strikingly similar metaphor to teach about the glory of those who have
There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the
stars; for star differs from star in glory. So is it with the resurrection of the dead. (1
Corinthians 15:40-41)
• This similarity implies that some version of the interpretation in these midrashim
existed in the Apostolic Era.
 We now can see that there is a concept in ancient Judaism of the righteous being
ranked and honored in the kingdom of heaven, from least to greatest. We also see
that Judaism teaches that there are two factors by which one’s merit is evaluated: by
one’s observance of the commandments, and by teaching others to do so.
 These interpretations are based on a verse in the apocalyptic book of Daniel. This
information strongly suggests that Yeshua had this verse (and a contemporary
version of these interpretations) in mind as he urged his followers to keep the
Yeshua says that the Holy Spirit “dwells with you and will be in you.” This is a
promise of the Master for every disciple. Paul says that we are a Temple of the
Holy Spirit. Learning to walk in that truth, submit ourselves to the Spirit, and let
the Spirit work through us and use us for the kingdom is another matter, but the
fact remains that all disciples of Yeshua have already been sealed (to use Paul’s
language). We have already been sealed by the Spirit, which is given to us as a
guarantee of the fullness of spiritual revelation and endowment that is coming in
the Messianic Era.

In this age, we have only a measure of the Spirit, but in the age to come, we will
have the Spirit in its fullness. This is the partial. It is not the whole. “For now, we
know in part and we prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the partial
will pass away” (1 Corinthians 13:9-10).
A Heavenly Country—Not a Country in Heaven
So what does the author of Hebrews mean by saying that Abraham sought a heavenly country? Did
Abraham know all along that God had no interest in the earthly Jerusalem?
• A Western mindset relegates what is spiritual to an invisible dimension. This is not the case in a
Jewish perspective. The prophets, with all their focus on the tangible land of Israel and the earthly
stones that comprise Jerusalem’s ramparts, never denied the spiritual, heavenly quality of that place
of promise. The difference between a city founded by men and one founded by God is not the sphere
of its existence. A city built by God is one that will not be destroyed and is filled with the glory of
In his promise of the new covenant, Jeremiah declares,
Behold, the days are coming, declares the LORD, when the city shall be rebuilt for the LORD from the
Tower of Hananel to the Corner Gate… It shall not be plucked up or overthrown anymore forever.
(Jeremiah 31:38-40)
 That is the heavenly country and the city founded by God that Abraham anticipated. The goal of
redemption is not to put an end to what is physical, but to unite the heavenly kingdom with this
material earth, as our Master said, “On earth as it is in heaven.”
 Abraham’s children were promised a heavenly country, not a country in heaven. That place is none
other than the land of Israel. When Yeshua returns and his reward is with him, Mount Zion—yes, that
Mount Zion—will be his throne. This fulfillment will simultaneously be spiritual, impacting all
humanity, and physical, for Abraham and his descendants forever.

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