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Business Research Methodology



5.1. Primary data

Data collection method

5.2. Secondary
Data collection Method
5.1.1.Primary Data meaning and source
• Meaning of data: factual information such as measurements or
statistics used as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or calculation.
• Information in digital form that can be transmitted or processed.
• Information output by a sensing device or organ that includes both
useful and irrelevant or redundant information and must be
processed to
• Taken first hand collected by the researcher.
• Considered as real time data.
• Primary data means first-hand information collected by an
• It is collected for the first time.
• It is original and more reliable.
• Sources are respondets.
5.1.1.Primary data meaning and source…
Advantages of primary data Disadvantage primary data
Flexible to be used by the researcher Involves huge amount of time and resource relative
There can be change in the course of collection. to secondary data
Secondary data may be outdated Times consuming
Requires availability of skilled people
Difficult to administer
5.1.2 Primary data collection methods

• Observation
• Questionnaire
• Schedule
• Interview

I. Observation method
• popular in behavioral sciences.
• The researcher her self collect the data.
• Monitoring and recording of behaviors/events.
5.1.2 Primary data collection methods
Advantages of observation method Disadvantages of observation method

• Not only verbal but also non verbal

• No time laps between occurrence • Analysis is cumbersome particularly if observation
• Flexible method, can be adjusted during is unstructured.
observation. • Interpretation error .
• not depend of the willingness and unwillingness of • Biasness of the researcher.
respondents. • Couldn’t be applied in large sample size.
5.1.2 Primary data collection methods…
• II. Questionnaire.
• Sets of questions sent to the respondents.
• This can be filled by the respondents or by the researcher or
5.1.2 Primary data collection methods…
Mailing questionnaire
• Cheaper
• Cover large geographical areas
• Gives freedom
• Misunderstanding the questions
• Law response rate
• Unreliable source of data
• Limited accuracy
5.1.2 Primary data collection methods…
Schedule by enumerators
• Free from personal biased because enumerators based on the
• Expensive method;
• Time consuming
5.1.2 Primary data collection methods…
Advantages of Questionnaire method Disadvantages of Questionnaire method

 there is no interviewer bias  affected by Intelligence level of the respondents.

 Allow anonymity/secrecy  Response rate is low relative to interview and
 Doesn't pressure the respondent observation.
 Careful and diligent thought  No knowledge who has filled the questionnaire.
 Writing may not be legible.
 Doesn’t allow clarity from both parties interviewer
and interviewee.
5.1.2 Primary data collection methods…
III. Interview method
Could be personal or telephone interview.
5.1.2 Primary data collection methods…
• Personal interview: Interview by director face to face communication
of the interviewee.
 This can be in different form.
 Direct/ in direct, structured/unstructured.
 Focused/ diagnostic / Directive.
Advantages of personal interview method Disadvantages of personal interview method

 High degree of originality is high;  Requires lot of time and resource;

 High reliability;  Variability in the data collection due to interviewers
 Suitable range of data; difference in interpretation;
 Detail information;  Prone to personal bias asking leading questions;
 Doubts are cleared during interview;  Respondent may be influenced by the interviewer;
 Attitudes, opinions, behaviors can be recorded; and others
 Allows great flexibility for additional question;
wording and sequencing;
 Much preferred b/c suitable usual life of people;
and others
5.1.2 Primary data collection methods…
• Telephone interview: interview through telephone.
5.1.2 Primary data collection methods…
Advantages of telephone interview method Disadvantages of telephone interview method

It is cheaper than personal interview; Impossible to have visual aid;

possible to cover large geographical areas etc. Exclusion of areas which have no telephone collection
5.1.2 Primary data collection methods…
• A focus group is a discussion made by a panel of 6- 12 respondents led
by a trained moderator.
• The purpose of FGD is to obtain in-depth information on concepts,
perception and ideas of a group
5.2.1 Concept and Sources of Secondary
• Second hand information.
5.2.1 Concept and Sources of Secondary
Data …
•  books, personal sources, journals, newspapers, websitess, government
records etc.
• They are readily available compared to that of primary data.
• requires very little research and needs for manpower.
• The become easily accessible to day with the advent and development
of the digital media.
5.2.1 Concept and Sources of Secondary
Data …
• Books: are authentic sources when carefully chosen.
• Journal: At times more important than books due to they are
5.2.1 Concept and Sources of Secondary
• Newspapers: one can make it source of secondary data if it is
5.2.1 Concept and Sources of Secondary
Data …
• Websites: the information shared on websites is mostly not regulated
and as such may not be trusted compared to other sources.
• Blogs: Blogs are one of the most common online sources for data and
may even be less authentic than websites.
• Diaries: They are personal records and as such rarely used for data
collection by researchers
5.2.1 Concept and Sources of Secondary
Data …
• Government Records: census data, health records, education institute
records, etc.
• Letters;
• Radio stations; and
• Public sector records.
5.2.1 Concept and Sources of Secondary
Data …
• Internet-Enabled Devices: This could be a mobile phone, PC, or
tablet that has access to an internet connection. They are used to access
journals, books, blogs, etc. to collect secondary data.

• Radio accessing radio via different devices.

5.2.2 Methods of extracting data from secondary

A. Extracting quantitative Data

• Directly by taking statistical data from sources
• Content analysis
B. Extracting Qualitative Data
Grounded theory
Thematic text analysis

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