Political and Legal Issues

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The role of the political system is to integrate the

various parts of its society into a viable, functioning

It also influences the extent to which government

intervenes in business, and the way in which business
is conducted domestically and internationally.

The general orientation within a society concerning the

primacy of the rights and role the individual versus that
of the larger community.

Political officials and agencies have a limited role in
Make and apply regulations to correct market inefficiencies:
accessibility to information, promoting fair and just
Government is detached from and independent of the day-
to-day practices of business in an individualistic society.
 Government officials should intervene in the structure of
industries, conduct of companies, and actions of
managers to ensure they benefit society.

 Setting up formal and informal partnerships with the

business community to develop successful companies.

 Governments are highly connected to and interdependent

with business.
 Freedom of opinion, expression, press and
 Elections
 Limited terms for elected officials
 Independent court system
• High regard for individual rights
• Respect for property
 Nonpolitical bureaucracy and defense
 Accessibility to the decision-making
Indicators of Political Rights
 Degree to which fair and competitive
elections occur
 Ability of voters to endow
representatives with real power
 Ability to organize political parties
 Existence of safeguards on the rights
of minorities

Indicators of Civil Liberties
 Existence of freedom of the press
 Equality under the law for all
 Extent of personal social freedoms
 Degree of freedom from extreme
governmental indifference or

A political system in which a single agent, whether an
individual, group, or party, monopolizes all political

Aims to subordinate all aspects of the day-to-day life of

people to the power of the state.

Merging the concepts of the state and the people.

Order is often imposed through military power.

Neither recognizes nor permits opposition. Tools used

include: violence, persecution, propaganda, censorship.
 Authoritarianism: a political system that aims to
rule completely all affairs of all citizens.
 Fascism: to control people’s minds and souls
through the supremacy of the state.
 Secular Totalitarianism: using the power of the
state or the army to enforce control of all aspects
of the business environment. Communism and
total government ownership and control of the
factors of production.
 Theocratic Totalitarianism: religious leaders are
the political leaders,
Trends in Political Systems
1. Breakdown of Totalitarian Regimes.

Many totalitarian regimes failed to deliver economic

progress to the vast majority of their populations.

2. Improved Communication Technology

Weakened the ability of totalitarian states to control

citizens’ access to information.

3. Higher Standards of Living

Political Risks for International Business

 Political Risk:
The chance that political decisions, events,
or conditions in a country will affect the
business environment in ways that lead
- To lose some or all of the value of their
investment, or
- Be forced to accept a lower than expected
rate of return.
Sources of Political Risk
 Systemic: Political risk created by shifts in public policy,
such as a new political leadership that may adopt a different
approach than its predecessor.

 Procedural: Political actions can sometimes create frictions

that interfere with the procedural transactions between units.
(Government corruption, labor disputes, a partisan
judicial system)

 Distributive: Political actions that aim to claim a greater

share of rewards.

 Catastrophic: Random political developments.

Political Strategies for International
 Identify the exact issue
• Trade barrier?
• Environmental standards?
• Workers rights, etc?
 Define/determine the political aspect of the issue
 Assess the potential political action of other
 Identify important institutions and individuals
 Formulate strategies
• Key objectives
• Alternatives
• Probable effectiveness

Legal Environment
 Common law systems (tradition/precedent)
• United States
• United Kingdom
 Civil law: based on a systematic and extensive codification of laws.
Political officials prepare a written collection of laws. Judges apply
existing laws instead of creating them.
• Germany
• France
• Japan
 Theocratic law (based on religious principles and rules)
Islamic Law that is based on the Qur’an, the practices of the prophet, the writings
of scholars, and consensus of the community.
• Sudan
• Pakistan
 A Customary Law System: follows the wisdom of daily experience.
 A Mixed Legal System.

Impact of Laws on International Business
 National laws affect all local business
 National laws affect cross-border
 International treaties and
conventions may govern some cross-
border transactions.
Legal Issues in International Business
Managers look at legal issues from two

 Operational (Procedural) Concerns: How do legal

regulations impact day-to-day operations?
 starting a business,
 hiring and firing,
 entering and enforcing contracts,
 closing down the business
Legal Issues in International Business

 Strategic Concerns: How do legal regulations

affect companies’ long-term competitiveness?
 Product safety and liability
 Marketplace behaviour
 Product origin
 Legal jurisdiction
 Arbitration
Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs)
Now, countries are competing on the strength of
their brainpower to create might, prestige, and

The output of this brainpower is called intellectual

property – books, designs,brand names, software.

Problems occur because IP is hard to conceive but

easy to copy. (Piracy)

IPRs refer to the right to control and derive the

benefits from writing (copyrights), inventions
(patents), processes (trade secrets),and identifiers
Legal Issues for International
 Worker relations
• Health and safety standards
• Workweek
 Employment practices
 Antitrust prohibitions
 Contractual relationships
 Environmental practices
 Patents, trademarks, and intellectual
property protection
 Taxes and reporting requirements

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