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Control of ABP

Makkawi .A.A. Osman
B.Sc, M.Sc
Department of physiology
Session No – (7)
Arterial blood pressure.
Rapid term regulation.
Intermediate term regulation.
Long term regulation.
Arterial blood pressure
The arterial blood pressure (ABP)
has two important component
2.Peripheral resistant ( PR)
 Expressed as SBP
Pulse pressure
Is the pressure that can be
obtained by the difference
between systolic and diastolic
 SBP – DBP = (120 - 80)
Normally about 40 mmHg
Mean arterial blood pressure
Is equal to the diastolic
pressure + 1/3 the pulse
 MAP = DBP+1/3 Pulse P.
MAP = 80+13 = 93 mmHg
 normally up to 100mmHg
Factors affect peripheral resistant
Most of the resistant to the blood
flow occur in the arterioles.
So it called peripheral resistant.
The factors include ;
a.Radius of the blood vessels.
b.Length of the blood vessels.
c.Viscosity of the blood.
Poiseulle Hagen formula
PR = 8Lƞ
The resistant (R) is directly
proportionate to the length and
blood viscosity and inversely
to the 4th power of the radius of
the blood vessels
:Control of arterial blood pressure
When ever the arterial blood pressure
(ABP) is altered the following three
mechanisms are brought into action
respectively to restore it to the normal
1.Short term mechanisms
2.Intermediate term mechanisms
3.Long term mechanisms
 Potent mechanisms that maintain
survival .
 Act within a few second after alteration
of the ABP (ms to half an hour)
 Mostly nervous reflexes (neural) that
adjust :-
1. Vascular capacity
2. Resistance
3. Cardiac pump
1. Baroreceptors reflex.
Located in carotid and aortic
Are stretch receptors that
discharge when the ABP ↑
Stimulation : by distension of the
structure in which located so they
discharge will ↑ when the pressure ↑
in this structure.
The net result ↓COP via ↓ HR
& SV, & ↓ peripheral
resistance through
Note: in low blood pressure
the opposite will occur .
:Chemoreceptors reflex .2
Theses chemoreceptors that detect
chemical changes in the blood or CSF.
There are two types of
- peripheral chemoreceptors
- central chemoreceptor
.Stimulated when the ABP is reduced
below 60 mmHg (due to local ischemia &
hypoxia )
Discharge signals in the buffer nerves
leading to stimulation of VMC &
inhibition of CIC
This cause elevation of ABP by ↑ :-
(I) Cardiac pumping power
(II) Peripheral resistance
(III) Catecholamines secretion
Peripheral Chemoreceptors
 Special receptors
found in: Aortic bodies
and Carotid bodies
 There is a carotid
body near the carotid
bifurcation on each
side, and there are
usually 2 or more
aortic bodies near the
arch of the aorta
Figure 22.27
:Mechanism of regulation
Afferents from the carotid bodies ascend
to medulla via the glossopharyngeal
nerves, and fibers from the aortic bodies
ascend in the vagi
send excitatory impulses through IX & X
to the respiratory center to ↑ respiration
The impulses also stimulate the VMC &
cardiac center, this ↑ blood pressure via ↑
symp- discharge from these center to the
heart & blood vessels
3. The CNS ischemic response :-
Decrease the ABP below 60 mmHg, brain
ischemia occurs
This result in accumulation of CO2 & VMC
is very sensitive to CO2
Local hypoxia stimulate the VMC resulting
in generalizes V.C. which elevate the ABP
via ↑ symp- discharge
The same effect occur in case of increase
intracranial pressure ( Cushing's reflex)
Control the ABP by adjusting
1.Vascular capacity
3.Blood volume .
I. Catecholamines
Adrenaline & noradrenalin are
released in response to
hypotension act on α1 receptors
causing vasoconstriction which
elevate B.P
Act on the β1 receptors on the S.A
node and ventricular muscle and the
coronary artery.
Released from posterior pituitary
gland stimulated by other stimuli
by hypotension act on V1 receptor
by IP3 as second messenger
Mechanism of regulation:
vasoconstriction & elevate blood
III. Renin angiotensin V.C. mechanisms :-
Stimulated by
1. Renal ischemia
2. hyponatremia.
3. symp- stimulation (all these
stimuli may be assosiated with
Mechanism of regulation

Decrease of ABP lead to renal ischemia

→ stimulate secretion of renin which act
on angiotensinogen → AgI → AgII
(potent V.C.) which increase ABP
On other hand symp- stimulated for its
own release(+ve feedback)
Has along term effect also
Actions of AngiotensinII: -
1.Generalized V.C. all over the body
2.Stimulation of aldosterone secretion
3.Decreasing GFR
4.Stimulation of osmoreceptors & the thirst
center & salt appetite centers leading to:
a)Release of ADH
b)Increase thirst sensation
c)Excess salt intake
d)Secretion of ACTH
IV. Capillary fluid shift:
When BP increased due to
increase in blood volume.
This will lead to increase in the
capillary hydrostatic pressure
This will lead to more filtration of
fluid in the interstitial space and vis
versa when the blood volume
1- renin angiotensin aldosterone system:
 Control of the ABP by adjusting body
fluids & blood volume through
modifying the excretion of water &
salt by the kidneys this occur by
variations in:
a) Glomerular filtration
b) Secretion of aldosterone hormone
 A fall of ABP reduce the GFR so the
renal excretion of water & salt is ↓&
renin is secreted…
A rise of ABP ↑ GFR , producing
pressure diuresis which lead to
excessive loss of water & salt in
urine & renin secretion is inhibited.
2- ADH: as long term regulation it act
on V2 receptor on collecting ducts
in the kidney causing reabsorption
of water to intravascular space an
this will ↑ blood volume & therefore
the BP
: thirst mechanism -3
control by thirst center in
hypothalamus & it stimulate
among other stimuli by
hypotension the subject drink
water this ↑ blood volume &
therefore B.P
4- ANP:
Released by atria in response to
stretch by hypervolemia & act in
the kidney to ↓Na+ reabsorption &
then Na+ is lost followed by water
this ↓ the blood volume & therefore
‫العلم مغرس كـل فخر فافتخـر ‪ ...‬واحذر يفوتك فخـر ذاك المغـرس‬
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