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Presentation By:
Rekha Raghavan
RM Mandloi
Shailesh Shahpurkar
Rahul Topkhanewale

Historical Background

US Japan
Malcom Balridge Demings



Historical Background
• EFQM formed in 1988
• Launch of The European Quality Award 1991
• Joint sponsorship with EU and EOQ
• CII adopts the model in 1994
• Award instituted in collaboration with EXIM
bank in 1994

Why this model is selected by K group?

• To anticipate the need for change, enhance knowledge

and prepare organization in advance to meet the
challenges of present and future
• To develop capacity for rapid change and flexibility
• To make rate of change of organization faster than the
rate of change in the environment.

Organizational Competitiveness

100% World 100%

Won’t go the Class
distance 80%


Punch bags Promising

50% 60% 80% 100%

Questions to ask ourselves
• What must change in the Organization? [Results and

• How to prioritize the change initiatives in line with

business strategy?

• How to align every one’s action in the organization

to achieve business excellence?

• How to measure the pace and direction of the

Self Assessment - Key Questions
1. How have we been doing in the business over last 5 years?
I) Performance II) Practices
III) Leanings IV) Refinements
2. What are the future prospects?
I) Clarity on the aim / long term goals
II) Sustainability of good performance
3. How do we know we are pursuing the right aim or it needs course
I) Capturing & understanding stakeholders current & future needs
III) Environmental scanning, benchmarking
III) Early warning Indicators
4. Who are the taking ownership of change?
I) Who are the leaders [1st, 2nd … line]
II) Skill & will of the people to make the change
III) How much of their time is spent on this?
IV) What is rewarded / recognized in the organization?

Function of Management
Retainment……. To maintain Business / Quality level
of already achieved

Improvement…… Improve Business / Quality level

more than that of achieved

Breakthrough….. Innovation of Improvement

Function of Management

Executive Breakthrough

Head of Dept

Dept Manager

Share of Responsibility

Three types of Organizations

The Organization that:

1. Change by themselves

2. Change, when told by others

3. Do not change even when told by others

Crisis Management

Many Trouble
defect, rework
phone call etc

Poor effort in Busy and trouble

improvement only shooting and care for
countermeasure for aftermath
trouble, no prevention

People are looking only

present & past. Not
enough time to think
improvement Down
Improvement Management

Everyday, Everything
is going Smoothly

Improvement installed People have much time

into System to Think for Future

People engage more for

Improvement &
Five Steps In Management
A. Plan….. Think future & plan a change
B. Change…. Organize all resources to realize
change [goal of plan]
C. Check….. Check the result comparing goal
of plan and actual
D. Action….. Take countermeasure and
E. Next Plan

Trigger Points
1. Vision / Mission / values
2. Company Plans
3. Learning of teams - Benchmarking, R & D, Audits etc
4. People and partner ideas
5. Customer Demands
6. Changes in competition
7. Changes in government policies
8. Changes on ownership
9. Changes in economic environment
10.Reaction to problems / failures

CII Award for Business Excellence

• To recognize appropriately organizations which show a

high level of commitment to Quality [Overall Business]
• To receive a prize, the organization must demonstrate that
its approach to TQM has contributed significantly to
satisfying the expectations of its customers, employees
and stakeholders.

CII Award Steps

Prizes [600+]
Commendations for Significant Achievement [500-600]

Commendations for Commitment to TQM [400-500]

Business Excellence Model
Enablers 50% Results 50%

People Results
People [9%]
Leadership Policy & Strategy Processes Customer Results Performance
[10 %] [8%] [14 %] [20%] Results
Partnership & Society Results
Resources [9%] [6%]



Model relationship with ISO 9000

Enablers Results

People Results
Leadership Policy & Processes Customer Performance
Strategy Results Results

Partnership Society
& Resources Results



RKQP - Business Excellence Model

CII - EXIM bank Award categories

Large - Sales turnover more than

Rs. 500 Crores

Medium - Sales turnover Rs. 50-500 Crores

Small - Sales turnover less than Rs. 50


Fundamental concepts

There are eight fundamental concepts which underpin the

model are
• Customer focus
• Partnership development
• People development and involvement
• Management by processes and facts
• Continuous learning, innovation and improvement
• Leadership and constancy of purpose
• Public responsibility
• Results Orientation
Business Excellence Award Criteria
700 + - Genuine world class
- Excellent approaches leading to excellent results
600 - 700 - Amongst outstanding companies
- Potential for world class
500 - 600 - Doing the right things
- Potential for becoming outstanding company
400 - 500 - Competently managed
- Quality initiatives have taken roots
- Leading to good results
300 - 400 - Many activities [enablers]
- Doing things right
- Loose linkages with results
- 300 - Several quality initiatives started
- Lacking focus on results

Model Defines…...
• Excellent results with respect to Performance,
Customers, People & Society are achieved
through Leadership driving Policy & Strategy,
People, Partnership & Resources and Processes.

• The Results criteria concerned with What the

organization has achieved & is achieving.

• The Enablers criteria are concerned with How

results are being achieved.
Requirements of Model
• Leadership [10%] {10%}
• People [9%] {10%}
• Policy and Strategy [8%] {10%}
• Partnership & Resources [9%] {10%}
• Processes [14%] {20%}
• People Results [9%] {5%}
• Customer Results [20%] {18%}
• Society Results [6%] {5%}
• Key Performance Results [15%] {12%}

Determine Results

Plan and develop


Assess and Review

approaches and their


RADAR Logic states that organization needs to:

• Determine the Results aimed for as part of its policy and

Strategy making process
• Plan and develop an integrated set of sound Approaches to
deliver results
• Deploy the approaches in a systematic way to ensure full
• Assess & Review the approaches

Elements and Attributes - Enablers
Elements Attributes

Approach Sound
 Approach has a clear rationale
 There are well defined and developed processes
 Approach focuses on stakeholders needs
 Approach supports policy and strategy
 Approach is linked to other approaches as appropriate.
Deployment Implemented
 Approach is implemented
 Approach is deployed in structured way
Assessment Measurement
and review  Regular measurement of the effectiveness of approach and deployment is carried
 Learning activities are used to identify & share best practices and improvement
 Output from measurement & learning is analyzed & used to identify, prioritize,
plan & implement improvements.

Elements and Attributes - Results
Elements Attributes

Results Trends
 Trends are positive and / or there is sustained good performance
 Targets are achieved
 Targets are appropriate
 Comparison with external organizations takes place and results compare well
with industry averages or acknowledged best in class
 Results are caused by approach
Results Scope
 Results address relevant areas

Enablers : Approach
Approach covers what as organization does or plans to do, and
the reasons for it, for each sub criterion. The score awarded will
take account of the:

• Appropriateness of methods, tools and techniques used

• Existence of well defined and developed processes

• Focus on stakeholders requirement

• Support of policy and strategy

• Integrated with other approaches appropriately

Enablers : Deployment

This covers what an organization does to deploy the

approach. The score awarded will take account of whether
the approach is:

• Implemented vertically and horizontally in all relevant

areas, processes, products and services

• developed in systematic way

Enablers : Assessment & Review
This covers what an organization does to assess and
review the approach and the deployment of the approach.
The score awarded will take account of whether:

• Appropriate measurement of the approach and

deployment has been identified and undertaken

• Learning activities are undertaken

• Output from measurement and learning is analyzed and

used to identify, prioritize, plan and implement
Results : Excellence of results
This covers what an organization achieves. The score
awarded will take account of:

• the existence of positive trends and / or sustained good


• whether targets are set and achieved

• comparisons with external organizations including

“best in class” are undertaken

• the visibility of results caused by approach

Results : Scope

The scope for the scope of results will take account of:

• the extent to which the results cover all relevant areas of

the organization

• the extent to which a full range of results, relevant to the

criterion, are presented

• the extent to which the relevance of the results

presented is understood

How leaders develops and facilitate the achievement of mission
and vision, develop values required for long term success &
implement these via appropriate actions & behaviors, and
personally involved in ensuring that the organization’s
management system developed and implemented.

• Leaders develop the mission, vision and values and ethics and are role models of a
culture of Excellence
• Leaders at all levels are personally involved in ensuring the organization’s
management system is developed, implemented and continuously improved

• Leaders at all levels interact with customers, partners and representatives of society
• Leaders at all levels reinforce a culture of Excellence with the organization’s people

• Leaders at all levels identify and champion organizational change

Policy and Strategy
How the organization implements its mission and vision via a clear
stakeholder focussed strategy. Supported by relevant policies, plans
objectives, targets and processes.

• Policy and strategy are based on the present and future needs and
expectations of stakeholders
• Policy and strategy (directions) are based on information from performance
measurement, research, learning and external related activities .
• Policy and strategy (directions) are developed, reviewed, updated .

• Policy and strategy (directions) are communicated and deployed through a

framework of key processes

How the organization manages, develops and releases the knowledge
and full potential of its people at an individual, team-based and
organization-wide level, and plans these activities in order to support its
policy & strategy and the effective operation of its processes

• People resources are planned, managed and improved

•People’s knowledge and competencies are identified, developed

and sustained.

•People are involved and empowered.

•People and the organization have a dialogue.

•People are rewarded, recognized and cared for.

Partnership and Resources
How the organization plans and manages its external partnerships and
internal resources in order to support its policy and strategy and the
effective operation of its processes.

• External partnerships are managed.

• Finances are managed

• Buildings, equipment and materials are managed.

• Technology is managed.

• Information and knowledge are managed.

How the organization designs, manages and improves its processes in
order to support its policy and strategy and fully satisfy, and generate
increasing value for, its customers and other stakeholders.

• Processes are systematically designed and managed.

• Processes are improved, as needed using innovation in order to

fully satisfy and generate increasing value for customer and other

• Products and services are designed and developed based on

customer needs and expectations.

• Products and services are produced, delivered and serviced.

• Customer relationships are managed and enhanced.

Customer Results
What the organization is achieving in relation to its external customers.

Perception measures
These measures are of the customers’ perceptions of the organization (obtained, for example
from customer surveys, focus groups, vendor ratings, compliments and complaints).
• Overall image
• Products and services
• Sales and after support
• Loyalty

Performance indicator
These measures are the internal ones used by the organization in order to monitor,
understand , predict and improve the performance of the organization and to predict
perceptions of its external customers.
• Overall image
• Products and services
• Sales and after support
• Loyalty

People Results
What the organization is achieving in relation to its people.

Perception measures
These measurers are of the people’s perception of the organization (obtained for example, from
surveys, focus groups, and interviews structured appraisals).

* Motivation
* Satisfaction

Performance indicator
These measures are the internal ones used by the organization in order to monitor, understand,
predict and improve the performance of the organization’s people and to predict their

* Achievements
* Motivation and involvement
* Satisfaction
* Services provided to the organization’s people

Society Results
What the organization is achieving in relation to local, national and international
society as appropriate

Perception measures
These measures are of the society’s perception of the organization (obtained, for example, from surveys,
reports, press articles, public meetings, public representatives, and governmental authorities). Some of the
measures contained in the guidance for Perception Measures may be applicable to Performance Indicators
and vice versa.

• Performance as a responsible citizen

• Involvement in the communities where it operates
• Activities to reduce and prevent nuisance & harm from its operations throughout
the lifecycle of its products
• Reporting on activities to assist in the preservation and sustainability of resources
Performance indicator
These measures are the internal ones used by the organization in order to monitor, understand,
predict and improve the performance of the organization and to predict perceptions of society.
• Handling changes in employment level
• Press coverage
• Accolades and awards

Key Performance Results
What the organization is achieving in relation its planned performance

Key Performance Outcomes

These measures are key results defined by the organization and agreed in their policy and

* Financial outcomes
* Non financial outcomes

Key Performance indicators

These measures are the operational ones used in order to monitor and understand the processes
and predict and improve the organization’s likely key performance outcomes.

* Processes
* External resources including partnerships
* Financials
* Buildings, equipment and materials
* Technology
* Information and knowledge

Linkages of People Results with Enablers

2b Policy&
2c Strategy
2d 3a
1a 3b
1b Leadership People 3c
1d 3d
1e Results 3e

7a, 7b
Partnership 4d
5a Processes
& Resources
5b 4e

Linkages of People Results with Enablers
1a Leaders develops the mission & values 7
are role models of a culture & excellence People resources are planned, managed
3a and improved
Leaders are personally involved in
1b ensuring the organization’s management 3b People’s knowledge & competencies are
system is developed, implemented & identified, developed & sustained
continuously improved 3c People are involved and empowered
1d Leaders motivate, support & recognize 3d People & the organization have dialogue
the organization people
3e People are rewarded, recognized & cared
Policy & strategy is based on present and
People Buildings, equipment's and materials are
future needs & expectations of
2a Results 4c
stakeholders managed
Policy & strategy are based on 4d Technology is managed
information from people performance
2b Information and knowledge are managed
measurement, research learning & 4e
creativity related activities People processes are systematically
5a designed and manages
Policy & strategy are developed, received
2c and updated based on needs and 5b People processes are improved as needed
expectations of people & values using innovation in order to fully satisfy
and generate increasing value for
Policy & strategy are communicated and
customer and people
2e implemented
Linkages of Customer Results with Enablers

2b Policy&
2c Strategy
2d 3a
1a 3e
1b Leadership People

5a 6a, 6b
5b 4c
5c Processes
Partnership 4d
& Resources 4e
Linkages of Customer Results with Enablers
1c Leaders involvement in
Creating synergy in working together to
• meeting, understanding & responding to 4a improve processes & add value to the
needs & expectations of customers customer / supplier chain.
• establishing & participating in
Information and knowledge on customer,
partnership & joint improvement
activities with customers
4e market, competitors
Resolving interface issues with
• recognizing for their contribution to the 5a
business, loyalty etc.
2a 5b Stimulating & bringing to bear creative
Basis for policy and strategy Customer & innovative talent of customers
• gathering, understanding & anticipating Results
Products & services are designed &
the present & future needs
5c developed based on customer needs and
• developments in market place & expectations
competitors activities 5d Products & services are produced,
Policy & strategy are based on delivered and serviced
2b information from people performance
Customer relationships are managed and
measurement, research learning & 5e enhanced
creativity related activities
Policy & strategy are developed, received 6a Customer perception measurement
and updated based on needs and Customer performance indicators like
2c expectations of people & values
6b time to market is given consideration
Steps towards Business
• Self assessment with respect to Model
• Maintaining on the strength of organization
• Improving on the areas needs attention
• Aligning all the approaches in one direction.
• Deploying approaches in the systematic way
• Assessment and review for measurement, learning
and improvement.
• Measuring, monitoring and improving results
World Class Factory

World Class Factory

One - Piece Flow Kanban Material Productivity

Work balancing Cells Process Productivity

Total Productive Maximize Today
Quality Tools Poka-Yoke Seven Wastes Quality
Visual Culture (foundation)
5 S’s 5 Whys Factory

Can We Do It?

We will Do It

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