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• Concept of percentage & Practise from PPT
• Net effect & Practise from PPT
• Product constant Ratio (Price depreciation/increase)
• Passing marks and percentage bifurcation based problems
• Miscellaneous Percentage problem on Venn diagram, dry fruits etc.
• Data Sufficiency on related topic
Remember the following conversion to increase your calculation speed:

1) x% and x/100 mean one and the same thing.

2)y% of x = x% of y = xy/100.

3) In order to convert a percentage into a fraction we have to divide the

number by 100 i.e. x% = x/100.
Example: 25% = 25/100 = 1/4; 45% = 45/100 = 9/20 etc.

4) In order to convert a fraction into a percentage we have to multiply the

number by 100.
Example: 1/5 = (100/5)% = 20%; 4/25 = (400/25)% = 16% etc.

Basic concepts on percentage:

Value of A = 1500, B = 2000
1. A is what percent of B? 2. B is what percent of A?
Required percentage= (1500/2000)* 100 = 75% Required percentage= (2000/1500)* 100 =133.33%

3. A is what percent less than B? 4. B is what percent more than A?

Required percentage= [(2000-1500)/2000]* 100 = 25% Required percentage= [(2000-1500)/ 1500]* 100

1. Rohan spends 30% of his monthly salary on rent , 20% on food , 15% on education,
10% on medical . If he saves Rs.15000 per month. What is his monthly salary ?
A. Rs.50000 B. Rs.45000 C. Rs.60000 D. Rs.65000

2. Aman spends 25% of his monthly salary on rent , 25% on food , 30% of the
remaining on Health & 20% of the remaining on Entertainment. Finally he saves
Rs.14000 per month. What is his monthly salary ?
A. Rs.50000 B. Rs.45000 C. Rs.60000 D. Rs.65000

3. A person makes a profit of 360000 in his business. 30% of the profit he reinvests in his
business for its diversification. Of the remaining profit he distributes 40% as bonus to his
employees, 30% he denotes in charity and rest on advertisement. Find the amount spent
on advertisement.
A.75000 B. 80650 C. 75600 D. 78000

4. A man spends 75% of his income. His income increases by 20% and his expenditure
also increases by 10%. The percentage of increase in his savings is
A.10 B. 25 C. 40 D. 50

5. Two numbers A and B are 22.22% and 27.27% more than the third number C
respectively. Then find B is how much % more than A?
A. 4.25% B. 5% C. 10% D.4.13%

6. Numerator of a fraction is increased by 50% and denominator is increased by 100%.

The resultant fraction is 9/8. Find the original fraction.
A. 3/5 B. 7/2 C. 5/2 D. 3/2

7. A number is erroneously multiplied by 3/8 instead of 8/3. Find the approximate

percentage error.
A. 86% B. 92% C. 72% D. 65%

8. In an election 20% votes were invalid. Out of two candidates one got 60% of the valid
votes and he wins by 3200 votes. Find the total number of valid votes.
A. 11000 B. 12000 C. 14000 D. 16000

9. There were two candidates in an election. 10% of the voters did not caste their votes.
10% of the votes were invalid. The winning candidate got 54% of the valid votes and
won by 6400 votes. Find the total number of voters enrolled.
A. 1.3 lakh B. 1.2 lakh C. 1.5 lakh D. None of these

10. A student requires 38% marks to pass in an examination. He scored 30% marks and
failed by 32 marks. Find the maximum marks.
A. 300 B. 400 C. 600 D. 800

11. A student scored 25% of the marks and failed by 61 marks. Another student scored
34% marks and pass the exam by 20 more marks. Find passing marks of the examination.
A. 236 B. 256 C. 266 D. 286

When the value of an object is first changed (increased or decreased)

by a% and then changed (increased or decreased) by b%, then the net
effect is
(a + b + ab/100)%

NOTE: Increase is represented by a positive sign, decrease is

represented by a negative sign. Net effect of a increase or a decrease is
according to the sign (positive/negative).This net effect is also called
successive percentage.

If the value of a number is first increased by a% and then

decreased by a%, then the net effect is a decrease of

Example: Salary of a worker is first increased by 10% and

then decreased by 10%. What is the percentage change in his
Decrease percentage = (102/100)% = 1% decrease

12. Two years ago population of a town was 25000. It is increased by 15% in first
year, and decreased by 12% in the second year. Find the present population of the
A. 25450 B.25300 C.25000 D.24320

13. Price of a Product is first increased by 12% and then 10% in two successive years.
Present worth of a Product is 36960. Find initial price?
A.25000 B.27000 C.30000 D.35000

14. The radius of a circle is increased by 15%. By how much % it’s area must be
A. 29.2% B. 28.33% C. 32.25% D. 16.5%

15. The length of a rectangle is increased by 20%. By how much % its breadth should be
decreased so that the area is increased by only 10%.
A. 9.2% B. 8.33% C. 7.2% D. 6.5%

16. The height of a cylinder is increased by 10% and it’s radius is increased by 5%. What
will be the approximate percentage increase in it’s volume?
A. 21.4% B. 35.2% C. 32.25% D. 48.2%


Percentage Increase/Decrease:
If the price of a commodity increases by R%, then the
reduction in consumption so as not to increase the
expenditure is: 
= [R/ (100 + R)] x 100%

If the price of a commodity decreases by R%, then the

increase in consumption so as not to decrease the
expenditure is
= [R/ (100 - R)] x 100%

17. The price of rice is increased by 20% due to which family reduce its consumption by
10%. What is increment in expenditure?
A. 5% B. 8% C. 12% D. 15%

18. The price of sugar is increased by 60%. By how much percent consumption should
be decreased so that the expenditure remain same.
A. 54.6% B. 37.5% C. 22.6% D. 42.7%

19. The price of a cinema hall ticket is increased by 30%. But revenue of the hall is
decreased by 10%. Find the percentage decrement in number of persons visiting to the
A. 15.46% B. 28.42% C. 23.32% D. None of these

20. 50% student of a school play cricket. 40% play football. If 15% of the student plays
both the game then find how much percentage student do not play any game.
A. 10% B. 15% C. 20% D. 25%

21. 35% people a society watch English news and 40% of the people watch Hindi news
and 10% watch both news. If 700 people do not watch any news find the total number of
the people in the society.
A. 2000 B. 2200 C. 2520 D. 2840

22. In a test consisting of 80 question carrying 1 marks each, Rupali answered 70% of the
first 40 questions correctly. How much percentage of the another 40 questions does she
need to answer to correctly to score 79% in the entire exam.
A. 84% B. 86% C. 88% D. 90%

23. In a test consisting of 120 question carrying 1 marks each, Ajay answered 50% of the
first 40 questions correctly and 55% of the next 40 questions correctly then find how
much percentage of the another 40 question does he need to answer correctly to score
60% in the entire exam.
A. 75% B. 80% C. 85% D. 90%

24. A bag contains 800 pens of brand X and 1600 pens of brand Y. If 20% of brand X
pens and 30% of brand Y pens are removed, then what is the approximately percentage of
total pens remains in the bag?
A.75% B. 80% C. 68% D. 73%

25. Fresh fruit contains 70% water and dry fruit contains 20% water. How much dry fruit
can be obtained from 560 kgs of fresh fruits?
A. 200kg B. 210kg C. 220kg D.224kg

26. Fresh sugarcane contains 73% water and dried sugarcane contains 28% water. How
many kilograms of dried sugarcane can be obtained from 72 kg of fresh sugarcane?
A.25kg B. 26.5kg C. 27kg D. 27.3kg
Directions (Q.27 – Q31)
27.What is the average number of female workforce (in lakh)
in all the sectors together? (Approximate)
A. 6lakh B.6.5 lakh
C. 5 lakh D. 7 lakh
Directions (Q.27 – Q31)
28. The number of workforce in service sector is how
much % more than no. of male employee in professional
Sector ?
A.100% B. 75%
C. 80% D. 65%
Directions (Q.27 – Q31)
29. The number of workforce from others and sales together
is what % of management workforce?
A. 72.67% B. 80.25%
C. 67.66% D. 85.71%
Directions (Q.27 – Q31)
30. What is the Ratio of male employee from
Management and Female employee from Professional
A. 4:5 B. 6:7
C. 3:7 D. 7:6
Directions (Q.27 – Q31)
31. Find the difference between the no. of male employee
from Management , product & transport & Professional
together and no. of female employees from Service,
Sales & Construction sector together (approximately) ?
A.11 lakh B. 8.72lakh
C. 9.6lakh D. 6.5lakh

Directions (31 - 34):

For each of the following questions two statements are given. Use the data of those
statements and then determine which of the following statements is necessary to answer the question.
A) Statement I is sufficient to answer the question.
B) Statement II is sufficient to answer the question.
C) Either Statement I or statement II is sufficient to answer the question.
D) Neither Statement I nor statement II is sufficient to answer the question.
E) Both Statements I and II are necessary to answer the question.

32. What is the population of town X?

Statement I . The ratio of population of town X and town Y is 9:11
Statement II. After increment of 20% ,the population of town Y will be 66000.

Directions (32 - 35):

For each of the following questions two statements are given. Use the data of those
statements and then determine which of the following statements is necessary to answer the question.
A) Statement I is sufficient to answer the question.
B) Statement II is sufficient to answer the question.
C) Either Statement I or statement II is sufficient to answer the question.
D) Neither Statement I nor statement II is sufficient to answer the question.
E) Both Statements I and II are necessary to answer the question.

33. How many students in a college did not secure first class grade in final examination .The total number
students in the college were 1200.
Statement I . 70% of the total students passed the examination and these students were classified as first,
second and third class.
Statement II. The ratio of failed students to first class grade students is 4:3

Directions (32 - 35):

For each of the following questions two statements are given. Use the data of those
statements and then determine which of the following statements is necessary to answer the question.
A) Statement I is sufficient to answer the question.
B) Statement II is sufficient to answer the question.
C) Either Statement I or statement II is sufficient to answer the question.
D) Neither Statement I nor statement II is sufficient to answer the question.
E) Both Statements I and II are necessary to answer the question.

34. How much minimum marks will be required to pass an examination?

Statement I . Students A secured 30% marks in that examination and he failed by 12 mark. Student B
secured 36% marks in the same examination were 6 more than the minimum pass marks.
Statement II. Student A secured 32% of full marks in the examination and he failed by 5 marks. If he had
secured 16 more marks his percentage of marks would have been 40%

Directions (32 - 35):

For each of the following questions two statements are given. Use the data of those
statements and then determine which of the following statements is necessary to answer the question.
A) Statement I is sufficient to answer the question.
B) Statement II is sufficient to answer the question.
C) Either Statement I or statement II is sufficient to answer the question.
D) Neither Statement I nor statement II is sufficient to answer the question.
E) Both Statements I and II are necessary to answer the question.

35. 40% of all teachers in a school are females. If 20% of the female teachers in that school teach 4 classes
a day, what is the number of female teachers who do not teach 4 classes a day?
Statement I . There are 72 male teachers in the school
Statement II. There are 30 male teachers in the school who do not teach 4 classes a day.
Any Doubts???


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