Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company Limited: Presented by Shreya Jiya Sailatha Akhil

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Presented by
who we are
Bajaj allianz general insurance company limited is a
joint venture between allianz se, the world’s leading
insurer, and bajaj finserv limited. the company
received the certificate of registration from irda on
2nd may 2001 to conduct general insurance business
in india. bajaj allianz general insurance, today, is
one of the largest private insurer in the industry with
offices in over 1100 towns and cities.


At Bajaj Allianz General Insurance, we..  
  At Bajaj Allianz General Insurance, we..
Customer First Always  
•Treat all customers with warmth and respect High Standards
•Understand and manage customer expectations •Set new benchmarks of excellence
•Listen and are empathetic to the customer •Are open to new ideas for raising the bar
•Engage with the customer in the long term •Take pride in our work and excel in what we do

Products of the

1. Health Insurance:
The Health Insurance cover from Digit offers protection for the medical expenses incurred due to
hospitalization caused because of an accident or illnesses.

Although every policy is different, based on who it's being purchased for, it mainly covers:

1.Accidental Hospitalization (pre & post)

2.Accidental illness and hospitalization
3.Daycare procedures
4.Psychiatric Support
5.Annual Health Checkups
6.Daily Hospital Cash
2. Travel Insurance
Travel Insurance covers your financial liability, if any, when you travel within or beyond the Indian
boundaries. The financial liability may arise due to medical or non-medical emergencies.

The duration of the travel for one time can be 180 days at the maximum. The policyholder can take
more than one trip in a year. Your Travel Insurance will cover:

1.Delayed flights
3.Medical Emergencies
4.Loss of Passport
5.Accidental Deaths

A m o t o r i n s u r a n ce p o l ic y i s m a n d a t o r y t o b e a b l e t o d r i v e l e g al l y i n i n d i a . b r o a d l y t h e r e a r e t w o t y p e s a ) t h i r d - p a r t y l i a b i l i t y b ) c o m p r e h en s i v e p a ck a g e p o l i cy.
a t h i r d - p ar t y p o l i cy co v e r s f o r l o s s e s f a c ed i n a s i t u at i o n w h e r e y o u r v e h i c l e d a m a g e s a n y t h i r d - p a r t y s u c h a s a p u b l i c p r o p e r t y, p e r s o n o r t h i r d - p a r t y v eh i c l e. t h e s a m e i s t h e
m i n i m u m r eq u i r e m en t t o b e a b l e t o d r i v e l eg a l l y i n i n d i a , as s t a t e d b y t h e m o t o r v e h i c l e s ac t .
a c o m p r e h en s i v e p a ck a g e p o l ic y c o v e r s b o t h t h i r d - p a r t y d a m a g e s an d l i a b i l i t i e s a n d d a m a g e s / l o ss e s ca u s ed t o y o u a n d y o u r o w n v e h i c l e. t h e l o s s e s m a y a r i s e d u e t o a n
a c c i d e n t , t h e f t , f i r e , n a t u r al c a l am i t i e s, a n d o t h e r s .

Digit Insurance provides some add-ons under its
Comprehensive Package Policies for Cars and Bikes that
act as additional shields to your vehicle, such as:

Tyre Protect Cover

Zero Depreciation Cover
Return to Invoice
Engine and Gearbox Protection
Breakdown Assistance Cover
4. Home Insurance:
You build your home with your toil and hard earned money. Everything you buy is a priceless possession for
you and hence it needs to be protected.

A Home Insurance Policy protects your valuable and other assets. It is a comprehensive package policy that
covers all valuables.

Digit Insurance gives protection for Home against Burglary, Loss/Damage of Jewelry, Fire and Natural
Disasters .
06/21/2022 SAMPLE FOOTER TEXT 10 1 0
1.Complete solution for insurance – Bajaj Allianz provides complete insurance and
financial solutions. It is one complete brand for all your insurance requirements. It
provides various tending plans for life insurance and general insurance.
2.Online Plans – To benefit the customers, Bajaj Alliance also has various online plans for
life insurance and general insurance. Stay connected with various social networking sites.

1.The absence in rural areas – Bajaj Allianz Company has less access
in the rural areas of about six to seven percent, due to which it is not
reachable to many customers.
2.Strong competitors – Bajaj Allianz has strong competitors with better
offerings and premium. So new customers will tend to provide get
insured from a company that provides the best offering
1.India’spopulation – India being a top population in the world, provides a huge
opportunity for health insurance, retirement plans, and general insurance. As Bajaj
Allianz insurance has various plans for people of all ages, it does see a huge opportunity
with it.
2.Automobile sector – India being a large automobile sector, having about 40 million
vehicles, thus sees a large opportunity in vehicle insurance.
1.Large competitors – Bajaj Allianz has a strong competition as there are about 11
private sectors that cater to the Life Insurance sector alone. This is a huge threat to
the company as it has to provide outstanding service and schemes to the
2.Economic condition – Economic condition is also a threat to the business.
Where there is a huge economic crisis and instability in the country, customers
might feel that their money will not fetch good returns.

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