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SPONGES: Multi-cellular, Heterotrophic, no cell walls, metamorphosis, internal fertilization.

CNIDARIANS: Jellyfish, coral, and sea anemones. Soft bodied, carnivorous, stinging tentacles, simple bodies, two stage lifecycle: polyp and medusa, external fertilization.

CRUSTACEANS: Lobsters, crabs, shrimp. Many live in water and have gills, have antenna and two to three body sections and mandibles. ARACHNIDS: Spiders, ticks, scorpions. Have two body parts, fangs-like mouths with two parts, eight legs. Some spin webs. INSECTS: Bees, ants, flies, centipedes. Have three body parts; head, thorax, and abdomen. Six legs.

Arthropods: Worms & Mollusks Sponges & Cnidarians

Have segmented bodies, touch exoskeleton, jointed appendages. Reproduce sexually.

FLAT WORMS: Flukes, Turbullarians, Tape worms. Soft, flat, simple shape, internal organs, hermaphrodites. ROUND WORMS: Unsegmented, have mouth and anus, reproduce sexually, many are parasites. MOLLUSKS: Snails, clams, oysters, octopus, squids. Soft bodies with internal or external shell. Reproduce sexually, move using a foot or tentacles. ANNALIDS: Earthworms, leeches. Segmented, some reproduces sexually and some are hermaphrodites, internal organs.

Sea urchins, sea stars, sand dollars. Spiny skin, internal skeleton, water vascular system, suction-like structures called tube feet. External fertilization.

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