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prepared by; Esmael Aliyi

Wisdom institute

Welcome to turkey 2

Flag of turkey

prepared by; Esmael Aliyi

Wisdom institute

prepared by; Esmael Aliyi

Wisdom institute

Introduction 4

Ottoman Empire
Republic of Turkey
Modern Turkey
prepared by; Esmael Aliyi
Wisdom institute

What was Turks called before the 5

Ottoman Empire?
 Turks were originally a nomadic people from central Asia and established several
empires including the Seljuk Empire and later the Ottoman Empire which was founded
in Anatolia by Turkish ruler Osman in 1299.
 People have been living in Anatolia (the Asian part of Turkey - also called
Asia Minor) longer than almost anywhere else in the world, except Africa.
 The first major Empire in the area was the Hittites (during the 18th century to the
13th century BC). The Hittites, who spoke one of the Indo-European languages,
developed a high culture from Central Anatolia. Their Kingdom was destroyed by
the Cimmerians in the 7th century BC and the successor States were Lydia, Caria
and Lycia.
 Then Anatolia became home for various kingdoms including the Persian
Achaemenid, Hellenistic kingdoms, Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire (Eastern
Roman Empire) and Mongol Empire.

prepared by; Esmael Aliyi

Wisdom institute

Ottoman Empire 6
 The Ottoman Empire was an empire that controlled much of southeastern Europe,
Western Asia, and Northern Africa between the 14th and early 20th centuries. It was
founded at the end of 13th century in northwestern Anatolia in the town of Sogut by the
Turkman, tribe leader, Osman I.
 Osman I, Founded the Ottoman Empire around 1299. The term “Ottoman” is derived from
Osman’s name, which was “Uthman” in Arabic. The Ottoman Turks set up a formal
government and expanded their territory under the leadership of Osman I, Orhan, Murad
I and Bayezid I.
 After 1354, Ottomans crossed into the Europe and wit the conquest of Balkans, the
Ottomans beylic transformed into a transcontinental empire.
 The Ottomans ended the Byzantine Empire with conquest of Constantinople ( modern-
day Istanbul ) in 1453 by Mehmed the Conqueror ( Mehmed Al-fahti ).
 In 1453, Mehmed II the conqueror led the Ottoman Turks in seizing the ancient city of
Constantinople, the Byzantine Empire’s capital.

prepared by; Esmael Aliyi

Wisdom institute

Continue… 7
 Sultan Mehmed renamed the city Istanbul and made the new capital of the
Ottoman Empire. Istanbul became a dominant international center of trade and
 Mehmed died in 1481. His oldest son, Bayezid II, became the new Sultan.
 By 1517, Bayezid’s son, Selim I, brought Syria, Arabia, Palestine, and Egypt
under Ottoman control.
 The ottoman Empire reached its peak between 1520 and 1566, during the reign of
Suleiman the Magnificent. This period was marked by great power, stability
and wealth.
 Suleiman created a uniform system of law and welcomed different forms of arts
and literature. Many Muslims consider Suleiman a religious leader as well as a
political ruler.

prepared by; Esmael Aliyi

Wisdom institute

Ottoman legacy 8

 After ruling for more than 600 years, the Ottoman Turks are often remembered for
their powerful military, ethnic diversity, artistic ventures, religious tolerance and
architectural marvels.
 The Ottomans were known for their achievement in art, science and medicine.
Istanbul and other major cities throughout the Empire were recognized as artistic
hubs, especially during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent.
 The mighty empire’s influence is still very much alive in present-day Turkish
Republic, a modern, mostly secular nation thought of by many scholars as a
continuation of the Ottoman Empire.

prepared by; Esmael Aliyi

Wisdom institute

Armenian Genocide 9

 The Armenian Genocide was the most

controversial and damning event
associated with the Ottomans.
 In 1915, Turkish leaders made a plan to
massacre Armenians living in the
Ottoman Empire. Most scholars believe
that about 1.5 million Armenians were
 For years, Turkish government has denied
responsibility for a genocide. In fact, it’s
illegal, even today, to talk about the
Armenian Genocide in Turkey.

prepared by; Esmael Aliyi

Wisdom institute

The down fall of Ottoman Empire 10

 Starting in 1600s, the Ottoman Empire began to lose its economic and military
dominance to Europe. Around this time, Europe had strengthened rapidly with
the renaissance and the down fall of industrial Revolution. Other factors such as
poor leadership and having to compete with trade from the Americas and India,
led to the weakening of the empire.
 At the start of World war I the Ottoman Empire was already in decline. The
Ottoman army entered in the war in 1914 on the side of the Central Powers
( including Germany and Austria-Hungary ) and were defeated in October
1918. Following this, most of the Ottoman territories were divided between
Britain, France, Greek and Russia.

prepared by; Esmael Aliyi

Republic of Turkey 11

 The Ottoman Empire officially ended in 1922 when the title of ottoman sultan
was eliminated. Turkey was declared a Republic on October 29, 1923 when
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, an army officer, founded the independent Republic of
Turkey. He then served as Turkey’s first president from 1923 until his death in
1938, implementing reforms that rapidly secularized and westernized the country.
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk 12
 Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was the first President of the Republic of Turkey until his death in
 . He is known for being a leader of Turkey who freed the country from being controlled by
other countries, and later for starting reforms that made Turkey more modern and similar to
 He was given the name Atatürk (Father of All Turks) later.
 In fact few countries have such a person in their history. Not only was he a successful military
commander, but he established a democratic constitution and put in place reforms that set
Turkey on the road to becoming a modern and developing nation. He is also noted for inspiring
many later leaders, like Gamal Abdel Nasser, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, and others.
 His six principles still serve today as a sign post for establishing a democratic government:
 Republicanism: Replacing the hereditary monarchy with an elected parliament.
 Nationalism: Citizens working together with pride in a common interest.
 Secularism: Separating religion from government.
 Populism: The equality of all citizens before the law.
 Reformism: A constant process of development and modernization.
 Tautism: An economic system combining private enterprise with government-funded
monopolies of large industries
Wisdom institute

Outlines 13

 Human right turkey

 Republic of turkey  Science & technology
 Biodiversity
 Name of turkey  Demographics
 Flora of turkey
 History  Fauna of turkey  Immigration
 Administrative division  Vegetation  Languages
 Climate of turkey
 Geography  Religion
 Climate change in turkey
 Politics  Culture
 Economy
 Law  Tourism  Education
 Infrastructure  Education system
 Military
 Transport
 Foreign relation  List of Universities
 Communication
 System of gov’t  Energy
 Healthcare

 Gov’t of turkey
 Water supply  Sports

prepared by; Esmael Aliyi

Wisdom institute

Republic of turkey 14
 Turkey is a country in both southeastern Europe and weastern Asia. The area of Turkey is
about 780,000 square kilometers.
 Turkey is a republic. There are 81 provinces in Turkey. The money of Turkey is called
Turkish Lira.
 The capital city is Ankara. The cultural and economic center is Istanbul, which is in Europe.
In the past Istanbul was called Constantinople.
 The republic was founded in 1923, after the war of independence. Before that, Turkey was
the core of the Ottoman Empire. This war of independence was between 1919-1922 after
World War I.
 Mustafa Kemal Atatü rk, the first President of Turkey, made many changes that made Turkey
more modern.
 But some people did not like some of the things he did because they thought they were
against Islam
 Many civilizations were located in the area that is now Turkey, like the Hittites and the
Byzantine Empire. Many important events in the history of Christianity happened in Turkey.

prepared by; Esmael Aliyi

Ankara 15

 Ankara is the capital city of the

country of Turkey. It is in the center of
Anatolia. Ankara is the second largest
city after Istanbul. The city has a
population of 4,319,167 (2005)
(Province 5,153,000), and an elevation
of 938 meters (3080 feet). It was
formerly known as Angora or Engü rü ,
and in Roman as Ancyra, and in
classical and Hellenistic periods as
Άγκυρα Á nkyra. The city is also the
capital of Ankara Province.
Wisdom institute

Republic of turkey 16

prepared by; Esmael Aliyi

Wisdom institute

Name of turkey 17

prepared by; Esmael Aliyi

Wisdom institute

History of turkey 18

 People have been living in Anatolia (the Asian part of Turkey - also called
Asia Minor) longer than almost anywhere else in the world, except Africa.
 The first major Empire in the area was the Hittites (during the 18th century
to the 13th century BC). The Hittites, who spoke one of the
Indo-European languages, developed a high culture from Central Anatolia.
Their Kingdom was destroyed by the Cimmerians in the 7th century BC and
the successor States were Lydia, Caria and Lycia.
 Then Anatolia became home for various kingdoms including the Persian
Achaemenid, Hellenistic kingdoms, Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire
(Eastern Roman Empire) and Mongol Empire.

prepared by; Esmael Aliyi

Wisdom institute

Adminisrtative division 19

prepared by; Esmael Aliyi

Wisdom institute

Geography 20

prepared by; Esmael Aliyi

Wisdom institute

Climate of turkey 21

prepared by; Esmael Aliyi

Wisdom institute

Economy of turkey 22

 Its warm climate lets many kinds of

food crops grow, and livestock and
forestry are important industries.
 Turkey is one of the countries in the
world that makes enough food to feed
 There is a strong manufacturing sector
making airplanes, electronics, cars,
clothing and textiles for home and for
other countries.

prepared by; Esmael Aliyi

Wisdom institute


prepared by; Esmael Aliyi

Wisdom institute

Facts about Turkey 24

 Turkey is famous for being the only country which is located b/n two continents,
Asia & Europe. 3% of Istanbul located in Europe, while 97% of located in Asia.
Istanbul is the largest city , but Ankara is the capital city of the country.
 The tulip flower, which is symbol of the Netherlands, was originally discovered
in turkey.
 Soup is essential part of Turkish food. They have it before every meal.
 They give a very high importance to their flag. It is placed everywhere
throughout the country.
 It is common to kiss an elderly individual’s hands as a sign of respect.
 Turkish people are very patriotic. You will never hear them complain or say bad
things about their country.
 There are more than ten UNESCO world heritage site found in turkey.
 Istanbul was formerly known as Constantinople. It was the capital city of three
Empires; Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire and Byzantine Empire for 2,000
 Turkish public buildings commonly have a black arrow placed on their ceilings.
It shows the direction of Mecca which is considered to be the holiest place on the
earth for Muslims.
 The country takes equality between men & women very seriously . Since 1750,
turkey has had institutions that uphold women’s right & they were one of the
first countries that allowed women to vote.

prepared by; Esmael Aliyi

Wisdom institute

General information 25
 Capital : Ankara
 Largest city : Istanbul
 Official languages : Turkish
 Currency : Turkish lira (TRY)
 Calling code : +90

prepared by; Esmael Aliyi

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