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Acts of People

Who Doubt Their

SELF EFFICACY – an overview
Self Efficacy refers to “people’s beliefs about
their capabilities to produce designated levels of
performance that exercise influence over events
that affect their lives” (Weibell, 2011).
Self-efficacy refers to an individual's belief in his
or her capacity to execute behaviors necessary to
produce specific performance attainments
(Bandura, 1997). 
 Approach difficult tasks as challenges to be mastered

 Set challenging goals and maintain strong commitment to them

 Heighten or sustain efforts in the face of failures or setbacks

 Attribute failure to insufficient effort or deficient knowledge

and skills which are acquirable

 Approach threatening situations with assurance that

they can exercise control over them
Acts of People
“who doubt their capabilities”
 Shy away from the tasks they view as personal

 Have low aspirations and weak commitment

to goals they choose to pursue
 Dwell on personal deficiencies, obstacles they
will encounter, and all kinds of adverse
outcomes rather than concentrating on how
to perform successfully
Acts of People
“who doubt their capabilities”
 Slacken their efforts and give up quickly in
the face of difficulty

 Slow to recover their sense of efficacy

following failure

 Fall easy victim to stress and depression

o Views difficult tasks are challenges to be o Views difficult tasks as personal threats
o Sets challenging, but realistic goals o Avoids challenging tasks and has low
o Willing to take greater risks o Less likely to take risks
o Possesses stronger commitment to interests o Exhibits weaker commitment to interests and
and activities activities
o Highly engaged o Tends to be withdrawn
o Patient and persistent o Easily discouraged
o Confident in the face of adversity o Resigned in the face of adversity
o Resilient in disappointments, setbacks, and o Despondent in disappointments, setbacks,
failures and failures
o Focuses on solutions o Focuses on problems
o Manages stress well o Prone to depression
•Dr. Bandura identified that “mastery experiences” or
“personal performance accomplishments” are the most
effective ways to create a strong sense of efficacy.
Successes build a robust belief in one’s personal
efficacy. Failures undermine it, especially if failures
occur before a sense of efficacy is firmly established.
•Vicarious experiences through observance of social
models also influence one’s perception of self-efficacy.
The most important factor that determines the strength
of influence of an observed success or failure on one’s
own self-efficacy is the degree of similarity between
the observer and the model.
Thank you <333

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