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Bishop Moore Catholic High School

Ethnic Specific Observation Bishop Moore Catholic High School Marisa Salcido

Honor Code
BISHOP MOORE CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL HONOR CODE In order to promote a superior secondary education while fostering Christian values, Bishop Moore Catholic High School establishes this Honor Code. It is the responsibility of all students, parents, faculty, and staff (collectively member ) to uphold Christian morals and to nurture a caring community. It is also the responsibility of every member of Bishop Moore Catholic High School to ensure that Christian morals and this code of honor are carried into the adult world.It is the responsibility of every member of Bishop Moore Catholic High School to abide by this code of honor, and to report any and all violations. There will be:no cheating; no lying; no stealing; no plagiarism; no fightinghonesty among all members and respect for others propertyThese standards are not all-inclusive, and the administration reserves the right to declare a member in violation of the code for any conduct that is inconsistent with Christian morals. Discipline up to or including expulsion may be administered for violation of this code. Self-dignity and self-control are expected of each member. Violation of this code jeopardizes membership in the honor societies.

Community Service Opportunities

World Elder Abuse Awarness DaySeminole County Triad is sponsoring an Elder Abuse Awarness day, Wednesday, June 15, 10-2 at Lutheran Haven Fellowship Hall, 1525 Haven Drive, Ovideo. Volunteers are needed to help with setting up tables, greeting the elderly and caregivers and providing directions to the participants to specific vendor booths. Shifts are available or you can work all day If you are interested and need more information, please contact 407-s265-0534 Florida Blood CentersHow can you help Florida Blood Centers?? By donating your time and talent! Some of the activities available for volunteers include clerical/administrative duties, data entry, donor room assistance, branch promtions, special-event voluteering and much,much more. For more information, please contact the volunteer coordinator at 407248-5067. There will also be informational pamphlets in the main office at school Touch-A-Truck June 18, 2011Touch-A-Truck at Seminole Towne Center is an exciting event that gives children the opportunity to see and explore all kinds of trucks and service vehicles. Kids House is the beneficiary of the event this year and is need of volunteers tohelp host the Kids House Booth and distribute materials. Two shifts are available: 9:30-12:00 (is responsible for set up) and 12:00-2:30 (is responsible for take down). If you would like to participate in this fun day, please contact Orange County Regional History Center Summer Camp ProgramThe Orange Co. Regional History Center in downtown Orlando has volunteer openings in their summer camp program for students 14 years of age and older. Summer campers are ages 5-11; camp runs from June 13-August 12 and you choose two weeks within this time frame to volunteer. You must serve M-F of each week from 7:30 AM-4PM OR 8:30 AM-4:30 PM. Volunteers enjoy many benefits including an endof-the-summer party. To Apply, call 407-836-8583 or email Pat. to receive an application/parental consent form.

Community Service

The Mustard Seed Winter Clean UpThe Mustard Seed, a furniture and clothing bank, is in need of volunteers to help with a variety of jobs during their Winter Clean Up. Volunteers are needed to help with mattress deconstruction, the clothing department, Warehouse assistance/recycling and linen and dish rooms. All of these items will help in fulfilling their mission to rebuild the lives of families in need. Special instructions would be to wear comfortable clothing and sneakers. Interested in helping? Please contact Lindsay Mays at 407-875-2040 ext 17 or for more information TLC Horse RescueTLC horse rescue is a non-profit organization that takes in and cares for unwanted horses. Volunteers are always needed for a variety of tasks around the rescue. If you need more information, speak with Mrs. Russo at Bishop Moore or contact or 407-309-9707. Their website is Kids House Speaker BureauInterested volunteers are invited to attend a 3-hour training session to become a member of Kids House Speakers bureau. Speakers are Kids House volunteers who have a positive hope for what we can do for our most vunerable children, those who suffer abuse. Training sessions are offered quarterly and scheduled dates for 2010 are 9Am -12Pm on August 10 and November 9. Once you have completed training you will be contacted about potential speaking opportunities. If you are interested or have questions, please contact Dana Karen at 407-324-3036 X 235 or at Share the CareShare the Care is in need of student volunteers to help for their day center for seniors with Alzheimers and/or Dementia for service hours over the summer. Share the Care is located directly across from Bishop Moore. Students would be helping with arts and crafts, singing, playing games and visiting with seniors. Share the Care is open M-F 7:30 AM to 5PM. Those interested can contact Amy Erisman at 407-423-5311 or at

To the Family and Friends of Bishop Moore Catholic High School, It s hard to believe but the 2010 - 2011 school year is already a month old. The new school year has brought back lots of familiar faces, new students, faculty and staff, and continued improvements of the physical campus. The new stadium is (Praise God!) finally dedicated and our science lab renovations are now two thirds complete. Thanks to all our supporters for those projects. We are also delighted to have lured Mr. Thomas Doyle away from All Souls to be our new Principal effective July 1. The Board has received a number of questions, however, regarding the timing of adding a new Principal (particularly in this economic environment) and questions regarding the relative roles and responsibilities of the Principal and the President. Let me try to add some clarity starting with some background. First, as an outgrowth of the Synod, all Diocesan high schools have moved to a President Principal governance model in conjunction with our Board transitioning from an Advisory Board to a Board of Limited Jurisdiction. What does that mean? It means that the Diocese has pushed down a great deal of responsibility for the oversight of the school to the Board. We are no longer just an advisory board with little or no powers. Our duties and responsibilities vis a vis the diocese are clearly defined and, rest assured, we provide active strategic direction for the school. In order for Bishop Moore to move forward, we supported the decision to separate the administration of the academic affairs of the school from the other activities. Specifically, the Board felt Bishop Moore needs to strengthen our marketing and development efforts which would require more high level time and attention. Clearly this has a cost but we are confident that we will more than make up that cost in support for Bishop Moore. Miss Kane, as President, reports to the Board of Trustees and the Diocesan Superintendent of Schools. She is responsible on a day-to-day basis for areas covering Development, Finance, Facilities and faith-based aspects of the school. A great deal of her time will be devoted to the marketing and development efforts going forward which we expect to be very beneficial to the school. Mr. Doyle, as Principal, reports to Miss Kane and she has transitioned many of her old responsibilities to him already. As Principal, Mr. Doyle is responsible for all Academic and Student Affairs as well as Athletics. Both of these positions are more than full-time jobs and we are grateful that Bishop Moore has the resources to afford both. I encourage any of you with more questions to reach out to me or any Board member. A list of the Board members is on the website. You are also welcome to attend any of our board meetings as an observer or we will make time on the agenda if you have a particular topic that you would like to cover. We just need to know that in advance of the meeting. All of our Board committees also meet regularly if you would like to be a part of one of their meetings to potentially cover a topic in more detail. Finally, we are always looking for new Committee and Board members so please let us know if you re interested in serving. God bless and Go Hornets! Philip MarshallChair, Board of Trustees

1.) Identify the cultues/Etnicities and religions that are represented in your class room: Ms. Williams: The majority of our students at this school are Caucasian. A small percentage is African America, Asian, and Spanish. The majority of the students in my class are Caucasian. 2.) Can you identify a value/behavior that might be in conflict with your own? How do you deal with this conflict in your classroom? Ms. Williams: Since I myself am catholic, my values are the same as the students since they are catholic as well. What I believe in and what my morals are based on come from the same source that theirs do, so that helps eliminate conflict and behavioral problems.

3.) What are the ways or means that you adapt to know your student? Ms.Williams: When I use to teach elementary students, we had icebreakers and games that would allow me to get to know my students and help them to get to know each other. Now that I am teaching a higher-grade level, we do not have time for those activities. My way of getting to know my students is to simply ask question and take interest in their lives. Also the first day of school they fill out an evaluation form that asks a few simple questions about themselves that I get to hold on to through out the year.

4.) What kinds of accommodation are made for the ethnic specific cultures or minority students? Ms.Williams: As stated previously, the majority of our students are all of the same ethnicity. The cafeteria has specific days that they cook lunches inspired by different cultures. Accommodations are made more for specific learning needs instead of culture needs. 5.) What programs/ideas does your school use to promote diversity in the school? Ms.Williams: We offer different languages at this school, which helps promote diversity. Also we have a strong theatrical program at this school, which allows students to become more involved in acting, band, and chorus, which help the students to be more diverse. Also all of the sports that we offer help maintain diversity as well.

Lesson Plan Example

Subject: Mathematics. Standard Category: Measurement and Estimation. Lesson Focus: Metric System. Teaching Strategies: Modeling, Whole Group Instruction, and Independent Practice. Assessment Strategies: Participation & Individual Practice.

2.3.8A: Develop formulas and procedures for determining measurements (e.g. area, volume, distance). Related TESOL Standards: Goal 2: To use English toachieve academically in all content areas. Standard 1: Students will use English to interact in the classroom. Standard 2: Students will use English to obtain, process, construct, and provide subject matter information in spoken and written form.

Key Objectives in Accordance with TESOL Level:

Pre-Conversational Beginning: Students will be able to participate in group human modeling . Learn how to convert from one unit to another. Some ESL students may already be familiar with the metric system. Verbally Express the number of places the decimal or commas need to move. Intermediate: All beginner activites. Advanced: Help explain the metric system to an English speaking student if the ESL student is already familiar with the metric system. Materials: Twelve sheets of 8.5X11in. Paper, Black Marker, and Paper with metric units.

Using the marker, make number cards by writing numbers (1-9) on nine of the cards. Using the three other pieces of paper, make two comma cards and one decimal card . Give brief explanation of the metric system to the students. Using the board, show how one metric unit can be converted to another by moving the decimal or comma the prescribed number of spaces. Students need to connect the moving of the point to multiplying or dividing by powers of 10. Ask for volunteers to help in modeling how to convert from one unit to another. Volunteers each hold a number card or appropriately placed comma or decimal card. Number cards should be held one per volunteer, so when the students stand in a line, they form a larger number. The teacher should assign one student with a unit card to stand at the end of the line. The teacher should call on a student who is at his/her seat to read the number that the volunteers have created. The teacher then tells the students to which unit the number needs to be converted.

The students work together to help the person(s) with the comma or decimals to move to the correct spot. This should continue until the students are able to easily convert from one unit to the other, with different students taking turns at being the commas or decimal. The teacher should then write problems on the board for the students to copy and solve independently. Assessment: Students are evaluated based on their participation in the group modeling and their ability to solve the individual problems at the end of the lesson. Lesson8.pdf


Breeze Way

Study Area

Library & Gym


Verification Form

Summer Schedule

I think that my observation at Bishop Moore High School helped me to get a better idea of what I want to do in my future. At first I was only considering teaching the elementary level of education. Kindergarten, Children s garden was the area that I was planning on teaching. Songs and stories are used as the foundation before the formal education began (pg. 331). When I switched my major from Nursing to Education, my idea of working with children never changed. Now that I have had the opportunity to see what a high school teacher s day is like, it struck my interest and led me to considering teaching at a high school level. My fear of working with high school students is that high schools have always been considered obsolete (pg 47). This not only means that high schools come with drama, flaws, and broken situations but they are slowly moving away from teaching students what will really help them once they get out in to the real world. Aside from that the students in high school are fun to work with. The majority of the students seem hard working, from my observation at least, and seem like they want to be there. Its nice to see the way they look up to their teacher and can feel comfortable going to their teacher for specific help with the curriculum or even other issues going on in their home and social life. The other thing I enjoy about teaching at the high school level is the majority of all the high school s around the world are set up the same and have the same core courses. In the text it was stated that in the 1890 s, the classroom set up and instruction hasn t changed by much at all (pg. 48). Another thing that this observation has opened my eyes to is how helpful the teachers are to one another. One of the teachers had to step out for the last hour of his class because of a personal emergency and with in no time another teacher stepped up to the plate and took over for him. In the text it talks about communication among teachers (pg.51)

I think what I witnessed was an example of that. In all of the class rooms there were encouraging signs and posters that said things like hope, chase your dreams, and other encouraging words of wisdom. I think it is crucial to have a positive school environment. If you are constantly surrounded by positive out looks on life, it could help calm you down if you are having a stressed day. It even states in the text that a school that has an environment that is calm, safe, pleasant, and orderly is conductive to learning (pg 54). There wasn t a large amount of diversity at this school. I think that it should bring in a little more diversity. With out diversity we wont have cultural pluralism, which calls for an understanding and appreciation of the culture differences in our world (pg. 61). Since there isn t a large amount of diversity, multicultural education isn t something that has to be stressed about. Multicultural education allows students of different races and genders to all succeed at the same academic level (pg.63). One of the things I also realized while observing is that I think I myself want to teach in a catholic environment. I have been in a catholic school my whole life until college. I like that they pray and go to church as a community. Also I like that they participate in charities that the churches are involved in. Religion is slowly evolving in to the school community. Bible reading and the recitation of the Lord s Prayer were required by constitutions or by statues in a number of states (pg.266).In the text it talks about how large schools are often equally overwhelming for parents, who then tend to remain at a distance and uninvolved in their children s school lives (pg. 399). Thankfully this doesn t seem to be a problem at the school I observed. Bishop Moore is gradually expanding every single year and more students are becoming interested at being students there. Thankfully that is their main issue. They don t have enough room to expand the way they want to. Like most schools that have problems like gangs, bullying, and vandalism, Bishop Moore has very minor problems in that area (pg 136). Over all I enjoyed going back to Bishop Moore and getting to be an outsider looking in instead of a student. It definitely helped me figure out some decisions I need to make and also opened my eyes to teaching at different age levels instead of focusing on one age group.

The school culture is not as diverse as a public school. I observed courses taken at a catholic high school that I myself attended. The majority of the students were Caucasian. A small percentage of the students were Hispanic and Asian. The schools foundation is Catholicism, which inspires the students to treat each other equally aside from their gender and ethnicity. I observed three different courses. The first course I observed was Geometry Honors. Mr. Hage taught this course. He has been a teacher for 16 years, 4 of those years he has been teaching at Bishop Moore. The second course that I observed was LMS. Mrs. Scarabino taught this course. She has been a teacher for 12 years and has taught for 6 at Bishop Moore. The final course that I observed was a FLVS component taught by Ms. Williams. She s been a teacher fro 9 years and has taught for 2 years at Bishop Moore. I also observed a PE course for an hour, taught by Mr. Wasinger. He has been a teacher for 22 years, 8 of them spent at Bishop Moore. The demographics of the classrooms that I observed were all very similar. All courses were taken in the same hall at the high school. Since I didn t get to observe elementary or middle school, there wasn t much of a comparison to be made.

4.) One of the main challenges faced at this school was the amount of students allowed to be accepted. This school has expanded greatly every year and the only down side of that is that there isn t enough room for all of them students. Aside from that the only other issues are following the dress code. At this school you not only wear uniforms but also they have to be tucked in with a belt and your school ID has to be worn at all times. It s a constant battle to get the students to respect those minor rules. 5.) The school offers different levels of curriculum for each grade. Each grade level has regular courses, honor courses, and AP courses. Depending on where you stand when you take the entrance exam determines what level you will be placed in as an incoming freshman. If you start out in honors courses, then you are more then likely going to continue in honors courses and then eventually AP by the time you are a junior or a senior. The majority of our regular level courses are compatible to a public schools honor courses. The class sizes are smaller, usually ranging from 15 to a maximum of 25. 6.) The school persuades the majority of their communication from one to another through personal one on one communication. Aside from e-mail and phone, the school encourages parents and students to come to the principle/dean with any issues that need to be confronted about. The faculty s main way of communication from one to another is e-mail. If a faculty member needs to reach a students parent, the first way is through phone-call (depending on what the situation is, it could be through e-mail). When the community needs to be informed of something, the school then sends a letter home with the students or sends a letter personally to their home.

7.) The teachers usually maintain a consistent role at each grade level. Usually the freshman and seniors tend to get a more strict approach from the teachers. The reason for the freshman getting a stricter approach is because it is the teacher s goal to set the foundation for the new students and to make the boundaries and rules clear. Seniors get a more strict approach as well because they usually try to take advantage of the seniority and slack. Sophomore year at this school is usually the most lenient year. Junior year is crucial because that year SAT s are taken and colleges come in to play. Teachers tend to buckle down on their students the hardest their junior year academically. 8.) The curriculum becomes more intense as each grade level inclines. Freshman year is usually a setting stone for the students and a foundation built when it comes to academics to help them learn what to expect, as they get older. Depending on what course level you are in (regular, honors, A.P.) will determine the academic level of challenge and curriculum level.

9.) Depending on what courses you take leads to what electives you take. For example the core requirements to graduate are Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, and Pre-Calculus. If you decide to go beyond those courses, your 5th math becomes an elective (Calculus). The electives that are offered at this school are: Art 1, Drawing and Painting 1&2, Sculpture 1, 2, 3, Pottery 1,2,3, Advanced art, Advanced placement art portfolio, Advanced placement art history, Multimedia Technologies 1&2, Electronic Music, Intro to Computer Programming, Advanced placement computer science, advanced programming honors, Creative writing, speech, debate, Drama 1,2,3, Comprehensive Theater, Theatre History and Literature Honors, Journalism 1,2,3, Mathematic Analysis, Calculus honors, Advanced placement calculus, advanced placement statistics, Learning and study skills, Critical thinking and study skills, intensive reading, intensive math, Band 1,2,3,4, Chorus 1,2,3,4, Music Theory, Advanced placement music theory, Electronic Music, Basketball, Team sports, Weight Training, Nutrition and Fitness, Ecumenical and interreligious issues/world, Intro to chemistry and physics, Advanced placement Biology, Advanced placement Chemistry, advanced placement marine biology, Marine biology honors, Human anatomy & physiology honors, advanced placement physics B, Environmental science, Sociology, Psychology, Law studies, Comparative economic systems honors, advanced placement psychology, French 1, 2, 3, 4, Latin 1, 2, 3, 4, Spanish 1,2,3,4, Spanish for heritage speakers, Advanced placement Spanish language, advancedplacement Spanish literature.

10.) Since I did not get to observe different levels, I think it is safe to assume that anything under the high school level is going to be a little more immature as far as behavior. This would lead to assessing academic performance differently. At this school there are guidance counselors that make sure each student is on track academically as each semester ends. If the student is by any means falling behind, the parents will be notified and the problem will be worked on. If the student is academically ahead then the teacher will take note of this and recommend honors or AP courses.11.) One effective strategy that I observed was group study. In the geometry class that I observed, the students are there every day from 7:30 to 3:45. Lecture would lead to a loss in their focus so the teacher would teach a section from the chapter for 30-40 minutes and then give them the same amount of time to work with another student or group of students and do math problems together. After they finished their set of math problems, as a class they would go over the problems together. This method I find helpful because it gives the students to learn on their own by lecture, and then the ability to ask their peers for help and work together which might be more comforting for some students to do that then to have to ask the teacher. 12.) The main form of technology used in this school is the computer database that goes through the projector and reflects on the white board. They use this computer database to pull up math problems or to show short videos depending on the curriculum being taught. Aside from this method, the basic book and pencil is their technique of teaching and learning.

14.) One incentive of doing well in a course for a student would be to move up to an honors course. This would allow them to up their chances at getting in to the college of their dreams. Also if you take summer school or challenging courses during your first two years of high school, you will be eligible for free periods your junior and senior year. These periods allow you to have 45-60 minutes per day to study, go to the library, cafeteria. If your free period falls on the last period of the day, that can result in you leaving school early once a week! 15.) The administrative and community involvement at this school is highly involved. There are fundraisers and different drives that go on during the school year. Faculty runs some of these drives and the community runs others. One example would be the Christmas drive. Each student brings in one or two gifts for an adopted family. These gifts them are given to that family for Christmas. The school runs this Christmas Drive .

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