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creating competitive advantage

Project Management Discipline

Discipline: Project Management

Training Code: GIP_Project Management
Created by: SL DPG

Jun 23, 2 Software Engineering Process Group

Project Management - Overview

 Purpose
 To provide a framework for managing projects.
 To provide practical guidelines for planning, staffing,
executing, and monitoring projects.
 To provide a framework for managing risk.

 Scope
 Applicable for all the client projects, in-house projects
except for pre-sales activities.

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 2

Project Management - Policy

 Projects shall
 Have a documented project approach, reviewed and approved
by senior management and the client where applicable, for
which the designated project manager is responsible.

 Estimate the size of the work undertaken using appropriate

parameters, both at the start of the project and at the end of
each life cycle stage of the project, as applicable. Each
project shall estimate its effort, schedule and cost based on
the size and use this information for planning.

 Plan for various other activities ensuring appropriate

representation of quality assurance, infrastructure and
logistics, team availability, skills and training, client
management, progress monitoring and status reporting,
commitment from various stakeholders, etc.

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 3

Project Management – Policy Cont ….

 Have a risk management plan for managing risks. Project Risks

shall be documented, analyzed and their mitigation strategies
developed and periodically tracked.

 Identify the applicable metrics based on the client requirements

and Virtusa's information needs and derive the quantitative goals
based on the organizational quality goals.

 For the selected measures and metrics, each project shall

identify the activities that need to be monitored.

 Use statistical techniques and forecast models, as appropriate,

to control the process and product quality to meet the defined

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 4

Project Management – Policy Cont ….

 Monitor the progress against the plans, schedules and

quantitative objectives. Appropriate corrective actions shall be
taken when the progress of the projects significantly deviates
from the plans and objectives. Projects shall report the progress
to the senior management and the client periodically. The senior
management and the client review the project regularly.

 Regularly obtain feedback on the deliverables and project

performance from client and take necessary corrective actions
for enhancing client satisfaction.

 After Project Closure, all the project records will be archived

and retained for a minimum of five years or till the end of the
contract period.

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 5

Project Management - Workflow

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 6

Workflow Detail – Initiate Project

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 7

Activity – Conduct Team Kickoff

 Purpose
 To ensure that all project team members understand the
 Client’s vision and business drivers
 Project critical success factors
 Background to the client organization and stakeholders
 Clients operating culture
 Project timelines
 Business constraints and known risks of the project
 Project governance (roles and responsibilities, project
communication, issue escalation paths)
 Project’s tailored process
 Project approach and other related plans

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 8

Activity – Conduct Team Kickoff Cont ….

 Entry Criteria
 Project is initiated and Project manager is appointed

 Input Artifacts
 Presales documents
 Contract documents
 Project Approach
 Project Communication Plan
 Project Schedule
 Process Tailoring Record
 Client Provided Documents

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 9

Activity – Conduct Team Kickoff Cont ….

 Steps
 Prepare for Team Kickoff meeting
 Decide on meeting participants
 Project delivery team
 Sales
 Support functions – IT, process Quality Assurance,
Knowledge Management, Resource Management …. etc
 Define Meeting agenda
 Distribute pre-meeting material
 Should be completed within first one or two weeks from project
start date

 Conduct the Team Kickoff Meeting

 Define and establish follow up activities

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 10

Activity – Conduct Team Kickoff Cont ….

 Exit Criteria
 Team Kickoff conducted and Minutes of Meeting notes
prepared and circulated

 Resulting Artifacts
 Minutes of Meeting Notes
 Team Kickoff Documents

 Verification
 Senior Manager reviews Kickoff presentations and participates
in Team Kickoff.

 Tailoring
 Can be clubbed with Customer kickoff meeting, but it is
Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 11
Activity – Conduct Client Kickoff

 Purpose
 Ensure all team members (Client Stakeholders, Client Project
team, Virtusa Account Management and Virtusa Project
team) understand the client's vision and business drivers

 Understand the project's objectives and critical success

factors: the project timelines, Virtusa's commitment to the
project, project goals and contractual obligations

 Instill confidence in Virtusa's delivery capabilities and

establishing a successful working model for the project
moving forward with the Client.

 Scope
 Project Kickoff presentation to all stakeholders that briefs
about the project vision, critical success factors of the
project, project goals and identified risks.

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 12

Activity – Conduct Client Kickoff Cont ….

 Entry Criteria
 Project Initiation Note received and Project manager
 Approved Contract / Statement of Work / work Order

 Input Artifacts
 Project Initiation Note
 Presales documents
 Contract documents
 Work in progress version of Project Approach
 Project Communication Plan
 Project Schedule
 Client Provided Documents
 Process Tailoring record

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 13

Activity – Conduct Client Kickoff Cont ….

 Steps
 Prepare for Kickoff Meeting
 Conduct Kickoff Meeting

 Exit Criteria
 Communication and distribution of kickoff material
 Kick off material reviewed by senior Management

 Resulting Artifacts
 Client Kickoff documents
 Minutes of Meeting

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 14

Activity – Conduct Client Kickoff Cont ….

 Verification
 Kickoff material reviewed by Senior Management

 Tailoring
 Mandatory for all projects
 Kickoff material is tailorable

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 15

Activity – Initiate Project

 Purpose
 Understand the scope of the project / phase / iteration and
review the scope to assess efforts, resources and schedule
required for completing the project

 Create a schedule for initial project Planning activities

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 16

Activity – Initiate Project Cont ….

 Entry Criteria
 Issue of Project / Phase / iteration Initiation Note
 Project Team identified and formed
 Approved Contract / Statement of work / Work Order

 Input Artifacts
 Project Initiation Note
 Client provided Documents
 Contract Documents
 Pre-Sales Documents
 Process Tailoring record
 Skill Gap Analysis
 Project Communication Plan
 Project Schedule (for initiate activities)
 Project Approach Documents

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 17

Activity – Initiate Project Cont ….

 Steps
 Understand Project / Phase / iteration
 Review the client submitted documents and existing project
initiation documents
 Understanding the
 Commitments made to the client in terms of effort, schedule
and work
 Risks, Assumptions and Constraints documented during the
 Proposal & Contract
 Document the clarifications required and track them to closure.
 Update the Approach Document

 Plan Project / Phase / Iteration initiation activities

 Identify the activities for Planning and define the schedule for
the planning activity.
 Identify and assign leadership team
 Identify skills required for the project and prepare draft skill
gap analysis report

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 18

Activity – Initiate Project Cont ….

 Exit Criteria
 Project Approach Document Updated

 Resulting Artifacts
 Project Approach Document (Draft)

 Verification
 Verification is performed through Phase Audits

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 19

Workflow Detail – Plan the Project / Iteration

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 20

Workflow Detail – Plan the Project / Iteration Cont…..

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 21

Activity – Establish Estimates

 Purpose
 To estimate the magnitude of work required for delivering
the project.
 To re-estimate the magnitude of work during the execution
of the project

 Scope
 Scope includes establishing the Size of the software project
to be developed. This also includes estimating the first level
of effort & cost using the size estimate. This is carried out at
the end of every phase of the project life cycle and for
Change Requests.

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 22

Activity – Establish Estimates Cont ….

 Entry Criteria
 Availability of Requirements
 Request for Proposal (RFP) received
 Contract or SOW signed off
 Availability of Design documents and code for the respective phase end

 Input Artifacts
 Historical data
 RFP, Contract or SOW
 Assumptions and Constraints
 Research findings regarding the current system
 High Level WBS
 Risk & Issue List
 Project Approach Document
 Business Requirements Specifications
 Estimation Worksheet (for update)
 Change Request (for update)
 Design Documents (for update)
 Source Code (for update)

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 23

Activity – Establish Estimates Cont ….

 Steps
 Establish the estimation and review teams
 Identify the project leadership team and get their commitment
 Identify and obtain time commitment from the members of the
Estimation SME Panel
 Circulate corresponding information to the project leadership
team and the review team
 Create a schedule in consultation with the participants for
completing the estimation, reviews and the rework activities
 Estimate Size of the Project
 Establish costing factors
 Derive the Effort and Cost Estimates
 Review the estimates
 Update Project Approach Document

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 24

Activity – Establish Estimates Cont ….

 Exit Criteria
 Completion of estimation
 Review and acceptance of estimates by Senior Management
 Resulting Artifacts
 Estimation worksheet
 Updated project approach document
 Detailed WBS
 Updated Risk & Issue List
 Verification
 Review and acceptance of estimates by Senior Management /
 Tailoring
 All steps described here are mandatory
 If the client supplies estimates then the step on review of
the estimate would be applicable

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 25

Activity – Develop Plan

 Purpose

 To perform planning and prepare / update Project Approach

and project schedule

 Scope

 This covers integration of various plans prepared by the

project team and preparation of overall project schedule.

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 26

Activity – Develop Plan Cont ….

 Entry Criteria
 Project Manager allocated & project leadership team identified
 Project Kicked Off
 Project Scope has been defined.

 Input Artifacts
 Pre-Sales Documents
 Contract Documents
 Client Provided Documents including Standards to be complied with
 Size, Effort and Cost Estimates (as and when available)
 Requirements Documents if available
 Current skills information of the resources (from Heart)
 Process Database (past projects information, lessons learnt)
 Best Practice Explorer
 Project Repository
 Kickoff Documents (if available)

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 27

Activity – Develop Plan Cont ….

 Steps
 Perform Project Planning
 Identify
 Deliverables and milestones
 Project organization structure and communication Channel
 Hardware and Software requirements
 Tools and standards
 Requirements from all the other affected parties like IT,
Finance, HR, Logistics and Resources etc
 The resources along with their R&R
 Skill sets required and training needs
 Mailing groups
 Identify all audits (product, phase and internal process
 Plan for the capture of measurement data and analysis

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 28

Activity – Develop Plan Cont ….

 Develop Project Schedule

 Assign resources to each task with appropriate allocation
 Identifies the critical path and balance the schedule to have a
minimal impact on the end dates
 Determine the milestones and time separations
 Transfer all internal and client milestones to DSV / PTW
document for tracking

 Create & Review project Approach

 Project leadership reviews
 Process consultants review
 Obtain sign-off from Process Consultant and Senior Management

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 29

Activity – Develop Plan Cont ….

 Exit Criteria
 Project Approach Document reviewed and signed off
 Project Approach Document and associated Plans baselined.
 Documents needing client approval are reviewed and
approved by client
 Skill gap analysis performed and training needs identified

 Resulting Artifact
 Project Approach & supporting documents including Project
 Skill Gap Analysis
 Quality Indicators sheet (update goals)
 Review Records

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 30

Activity – Develop Plan Cont ….

 Verification
 Review by SEPG / PQA and Senior Management

 Tailoring
 For projects under long-term engagement (Global
Development Center), an umbrella approach document
(Account Approach) can be prepared and retain only project
specific sections in Project Approach document.

 If customer signs off Project Approach, the template may be

tailored to meet customer specifications.

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 31

Activity – Identify and Assess Risks

 Purpose
 To identify, analyze and prioritize risks to the project and
determine appropriate risk management strategies.

 Scope
 Identification and Risk assessment activity need to be carried
out during the initial stage of each and every phase and at
regular intervals during the entire development life cycle.

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 32

Activity – Identify and Assess Risks Cont ….

 Entry Criteria
 Project has been approved and team has been formed
 Project / phase / iteration has been started and risk review is
 Periodic scheduled risk management meetings

 Input Artifacts
 Contract Documents
 Risk Management Plan (a section of Project approach document)
 Risk database
 Project Vision (a section of Project approach document)
 Project Initiation documents
 Project Schedule
 Risk list (for update)
 Pre-sales documents if available

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 33

Activity – Identify and Assess Risks Cont ….

 Steps
 Identify Risks
 Refer to existing risk databases
 Refer to input artifacts to examine the assumptions, constraints
 Contractual obligation and the possibility of not meeting them
 Consider the each element of the WBS
 Examine general parameters
 People, hardware, software, network connectivity… etc
 Organize risks into specific categories
 Technical, Requirements & scope, schedule, quality, … etc

 Analyze and Prioritize Risks

 Estimate the impact of the risk
 Probability of occurrence of this risk
 Calculate the risk exposure

 Identify Risk Mitigation and Contingency Strategies

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 34

Activity – Identify and Assess Risks Cont ….

Risk Exposure = Probability of Occurrence X Impact level

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 35

Activity – Identify and Assess Risks Cont ….

 Exit Criteria
 All key risks have been identified and addressed with actions
and/or contingency plans
 Project plans / Schedules updated with contingency /
mitigation plans

 Resulting Artifacts
 Risk List (updated)
 Project Schedule
 Updated Risk Management Plan

 Verification
 Review of risk list and the contingency / mitigation plans and
their effectiveness by the Senior Management.

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 36

Activity – Identify and Assess Risks Cont ….

 Tailoring

 Identification and Risk assessment is mandatory

 Frequency of risk monitoring can be tailored, specific to the
 Roles involved in Risk Management process can be tailored
depending up on the size of the project team.
 Tools used for tracking the Risks can be tailored, specific to
project requirement.

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 37

Activity – Develop Acceptance Plan

 Purpose
 Determine mutually agreed
 criteria for accepting deliverables with client
 process for resolving the problems identified during acceptance
of deliverable

 Scope
 Applicable for all the client deliverables across the project
lifecycle through the phases of Inception, Elaboration,
Construction and Transition

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 38

Activity – Develop Acceptance Plan Cont ….

 Entry Criteria
 Analysis of requirements is complete and DSRS is available

 Input Artifacts
 Contract Documents
 Project Approach
 Pre-Sales Document
 Detailed Software Requirements Specifications (DSRS)

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 39

Activity – Develop Acceptance Plan Cont ….

 Steps
 Define Client and Project Responsibilities
 Explicitly identify the individual who will make the final
acceptance decision.
 Responsibilities include:
 Delivery/pick-up of software and documentation,
Installation of hardware/software test platforms, Provision
of test data, Provision of resources to conduct the
acceptance tests, Timely turn-around of acceptance test
 Identify Artifacts and Evaluation Methods
 Document the Project Acceptance Criteria
 Define Project Acceptance Process
 Define Project Acceptance Schedule
 Identify Required Resources
 Define Problem Resolution Process

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 40

Activity – Develop Acceptance Plan Cont ….

 Exit Criteria
 Project Acceptance is reviewed and accepted by client and
senior management

 Resulting Artifacts
 Project Acceptance Plan

 Verification
 Reviewed and Accepted by Senior Management

 Tailoring
 Mandatory activity
 Template can be tailored to meet specific needs of the client

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 41

Activity – Plan Team Score Card Schedule

 Purpose
 Develop the schedule and identify the review teams for
providing feedback for Team members and the Project
Leadership team

 Scope
 Applicable for all the team members. Team scorecard is due
 when a project closes or
 when a resource is transitioned out or
 when a resource moves to different location or
 when project completes 3 months, whichever is earlier.

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 42

Activity – Plan Team Score Card Schedule Cont ….

 Entry Criteria
 Project Kicked off and Project Schedule is ready

 Input Artifacts
 Project Schedule

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 43

Activity – Plan Team Score Card Schedule Cont ….

 Steps
 Define Scorecard Schedule
 Identify the dates
 Team members and the appraisal team
 Project leadership team

 Communicate the Schedule

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 44

Activity – Plan Team Score Card Schedule Cont ….

 Exit Criteria
 Team Scorecard Schedule is prepared and shared with
project team

 Resulting Artifacts
 Team Scorecard Plan

 Verification
 Verified Team Scorecard Plan during ATC reviews.

 Tailoring
 Mandatory activity

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 45

Activity – Plan Project Knowledge Management

 Purpose
 Weave Knowledge Management (KM) in project execution life
cycle so as to ensure ongoing project knowledge capture and
 Shift KM activities from end of the project to throughout the
project life cycle
 Facilitate knowledge reuse by project teams

 Scope
 This covers identification of best practices, reusable objects
that are useful to the project, planning and monitoring of
knowledge management activities related to the project.

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 46

Activity – Plan Project Knowledge Management Cont ….

 Entry Criteria
 Completed Team Kickoff meeting
 Project Planning is in progress
 KM Consultant is identified for the project

 Input Artifacts
 Project Approach
 Best Practices from BP Explorer
 Requirements Documents if available

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 47

Activity – Plan Project Knowledge Management Cont ….

 Steps
 Plan, Capture/Reuse
 Make team aware of KM activities during the team kick off and
explain the related R&R
 In the approach document
 Project knowledge champion’s / KM consultant
 Metrics for reusable asset usage
 KM plan
 Ensure infrastructure availability
 Identify artifacts for project knowledge
 Encourage reuse of Assets within project team
 Monitor Project Knowledge Capture and Reuse
 Discuss the KM activities in the ATC project review meeting
 To quantify reuse efficiency review knowledge management
metrics in QI
 Knowledge Asset Guidelines
 Share KM guidelines with the team

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 48

Activity – Plan Project Knowledge Management Cont ….

 Exit Criteria
 KM Plan is reflected in Project Approach

 Resulting Artifacts
 Project Approach with KM Plan
 Discovery Note
 Team Kickoff Documents
 Project Closure Report
 Project Tracking Workbook

 Verification
 Review performed by KM Consultant during Project Closure

 Tailoring
 Mandatory activity
Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 49
Activity – Develop Measurement Plan

 Purpose
 Define quality goals for measuring and tracking project
 Determine what needs to be measured periodically to
support these goals

 Scope
 Covers identification of metrics and measures for tracking
project performance.

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 50

Activity – Develop Measurement Plan Cont ….

 Entry Criteria
 Project Kicked off and Project approach and schedule is

 Input Artifacts
 Project Approach
 List of organizational metrics
 Client specified performance goals, if any

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 51

Activity – Develop Measurement Plan Cont ….

 Steps
 Understand the Project’s measurement Needs
 Project leadership shall take in to account the following
 Nature of the project and the applicability of various
 Existing organizational quality goals
 Client and other stakeholder specified quality goals
 Acceptance criteria agreed with the client
 Project team skill levels
 Define Measurements and Metrics
 Set Project Performance Goals
 Establish the data Collection and usage Mechanisms
 Write the Measurement Plan
 Review the Measurement Plan

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 52

Activity – Develop Measurement Plan Cont ….

 Exit Criteria
 Project Approach is updated with identified goals
 Quality Indicators is updated with identified goals

 Resulting Artifacts
 Project Approach
 Quality Indicators Report

 Verification
 Verified during Project Approach reviews

 Tailoring
 Mandatory activity

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 53

Workflow Detail – Execute Project

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 54

Activity – Execute Plan

 Purpose
 To perform planned tasks and follow up with support group
for resource requirements.

 Scope
 Includes assignment of work and executing project
management activities not related to monitoring and control
of the project.

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 55

Activity – Execute Plan Cont ….

 Entry Criteria
 Availability of Project Schedule

 Input Artifacts
 Project Schedule
 Project Risks / Issues List
 Project Repository

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 56

Activity – Execute Plan Cont ….

 Steps
 Assign Work
 Liaison with Resource Management Team for Resources
 Liaison with IT for IT requirements.
 Liaison with Admin for Travel Arrangements

 Exit Criteria
 Project Closure

 Resulting Artifacts
 Project Schedule
 Project Risks / Issues List

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 57

Activity – Complete Team Scorecard

 Purpose
 To provide fair and quality feedback to the project team
members on project performance

 Scope
 Applicable for all the team members. Team scorecard is due
when a project closes or when a resource is transitioned out
or when a resource moves to different location or when
project completes 3 months, whichever is earlier.

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 58

Activity – Complete Team Scorecard Cont ….

 Entry Criteria
 Team Member’s Scorecard is due

 Input Artifacts
 Team Scorecard Plan

 Steps
 Initiate Team Member Self-review
 Consolidate The Leadership Feedback
 Conduct The Feedback Discussion
 Distribute The Finalized Scorecard

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 59

Activity – Complete Team Scorecard Cont ….

 Exit Criteria
 Distribution of scorecard to HR

 Resulting Artifacts
 Team Scorecard

 Verification
 Scorecard is distributed to HR

 Tailoring
 Mandatory activity

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 60

Activity – Conduct Client Satisfaction Survey

 Purpose
 To provide Virtusa management and project teams with a
view into how clients feel about the project and team

 Scope
 Applicable for all client (billable) projects.

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 61

Activity – Conduct Client Satisfaction Survey Cont ….

 Entry Criteria
 Client Satisfaction Scorecard is due

 Steps
 Introduce Client Satisfaction Measurement Process
 Define Client Satisfaction Survey Schedule
 Create/Customize Client Satisfaction Survey
 Gather Survey Results
 Consolidate Survey Results
 Respond to Survey Results
 Verify Survey Results
 Internal Reporting

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 62

Activity – Conduct Client Satisfaction Survey Cont ….

 Exit Criteria
 Obtained feedback from client

 Resulting Artifacts
 Client Satisfaction Scorecard
 Client Satisfaction Summary worksheet

 Verification
 Client Satisfaction Scorecard obtained from the client and
forwarded it to delivery leadership team.

 Tailoring
 Mandatory activity

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 63

Activity – Perform Process Compliance Self Review

 Purpose
 To self evaluate the process compliance of a project

 Scope
 Applicable for pre Internal Audit preparations by Project

 Entry Criteria
 Project Kickoff is in progress

 Input Artifacts
 Project Repository
 Previous Audit reports
 Process Tailoring Record

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 64

Activity – Perform Process Compliance Self Review Cont ….

 Steps
 Prepare for Process Audit
 Project management team checks whether the activities and
artifacts of the project comply with GIP and take necessary
actions for deviations, if any
 Ensure entire project team is aware of PTR , Project Approach
and supporting documents.
 Ensure to address open items of previous audits

 Schedule Audit Meeting

 Discuss with identified process consultant and schedule Process
 All project documents are made up to date and made available
to Auditors sufficiently in advance of the Audit meeting (at least
2 working days prior to the meeting) to allow the Auditors
adequate time to review it.

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 65

Activity – Perform Process Compliance Self Review Cont ….

 Exit Criteria
 Project Repository is updated and Process Audit meeting is

 Resulting Artifacts
 Project Repository

 Tailoring
 Mandatory activity

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 66

Workflow Detail – Project / Iteration / Phase Closure

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 67

Activity – Conduct Project Closure

 Purpose
 To perform project postmortem either as a part of Project
Closure review or as a part of Mid-term Performance review
(after every 3 months of duration for long duration projects,
end of phase / iteration)

 Scope
 Includes the activities performed during both Project closure
and during mid project reviews.

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 68

Activity – Conduct Project Closure Cont ….

 Entry Criteria
 Project Acceptance / Termination / Cancellation /
Suspension / Deferred note is received in case of project
 Applicable planned work is completed and delivered to
 Completed team scorecards

 Input Artifacts
 Project Performance Note (Project Acceptance / Termination
/ Cancellation / Suspension / Deferred / Completed note or
Phase End Note )
 Project Repository

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 69

Activity – Conduct Project Closure Cont ….

 Steps
 Initiate Project Closure / Mid-term Performance review
 Initiate a project wrap-up call with the customer
 Prepare project closure documentation or Project management
review documentation
 Prepare
 Variance analysis details for Efforts, billing, quality and
planning performance
 Process effectiveness details
 Suggestions for improvement
 Key learnings
 Best practices
 Issues / Risks
 Client feedback
 Initiate Project Closure / Mid-term Project Management review
meeting with project team, SEPG, KM groups
Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 70
Activity – Conduct Project Closure Cont ….

 Conduct Project Postmortem

 Finalize best practices, key learnings and project metrics

 Submit Project Data

 Submit project metrics data to SEPG.
 Identify and report Reusable Components.
 Identify and submit process improvement requests.
 Submit Best Practices, Key Learning to KM team.

 Perform Project Closure / Mid-term Performance Audit.

 Conduct Project Closure / Mid-term Audit.
 Address issues raised if any

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 71

Activity – Conduct Project Closure Cont ….

 Communicate Project Postmortem findings to relevant

 Communicate project review meeting findings to relevant
stakeholders (Project Team, Finance, Senior Management, SEPG
and KM teams).
 Send information to Dashboard team for publishing the
information on Dashboard.
 Follow up with IT team for deletion of project specific email
groups created during execution of the project.

 Archive project records

 Follow up with IT team and archive project records

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 72

Activity – Conduct Project Closure Cont ….

 Exit Criteria
 Prepared Project Closure / Mid-term Performance Report and presentation.
 Conducted Project Postmortem
 Gathered Project metrics gathered and submitted the same to SEPG.
 Submitted Best Practices, Lessons Learned and reusable objects.
 Conducted Project Closure / Mid-term Audit
 Archived Project Closure records.

 Resulting Artifacts
 Project Performance Note (Project closure/Mid-term performance report)
 Project Findings (Key learnings, best practices, reusable objects and
suggestions for improvement)

 Verification
 Performed Project Closure / Midterm Performance Audit

 Tailoring
 Closure review or Mid term performance review is mandatory.

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 73

Workflow Detail – Project Monitoring and Control

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 74

Activity – Monitor Project Status

 Purpose
 The purpose is to track the performance of planned tasks and
reflect progress of the work status in the relevant plans.

 Scope
 Scope includes collecting status and progress of the assigned
project tasks through reviews. This is the process, which
triggers various activities within the Project Management and
the Engineering disciplines.

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 75

Activity – Monitor Project Status Cont ….

 Entry Criteria
 Project start / Iteration Start

 Input Artifacts
 Risk and Issue List
 Project Approach and associated documents
 Project Tracking Workbook
 Past Audit Reports
 Quality Indicators (QI) Reports
 Past Status Reports
 Corrective actions
 Change Requests
 Review records
 Test Reports
 Action items from previous progress review meetings
 Client Satisfaction Report and feed back

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 76

Activity – Monitor Project Status Cont ….

 Steps
 Capture Work Status
 Update and track the status of the activities in the project
schedule with their completion and progress details.
 Track the effort data against the plan.
 Track the defect data against the project's defect goals.
 Perform monitoring and controlling of risks
 Track the Resource trends against plan.
 Track the cost expended against the planned cost.
 Track the product size against the estimated size
 Track the product and project reviews, audits and testing
activities as per the plan.
 Track closure of Non Conformances (NCs) and deviations
 Track the stability of Requirements.
 Perform data integrity and sanity checks
 Capture Time Recording data and prepare weekly/monthly team
reports and billing reports

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 77

Activity – Monitor Project Status Cont ….

 Perform Reviews
 Prepare status reports at the defined frequencies, and distribute to the
identified recipients
 Perform progress / performance reviews at periodic intervals and at key
milestones / iteration ends / phase ends, as specified in the Project
Approach Document.
 Review the work status for the project attributes
 Review the project's current performance
 Once sufficient data is available on the project, compute the natural
bounds (Mean and control limits)
 Analyze the project's performance in the business context to understand
and resolve the conflicts among the project's quality goals
 Record minutes of meetings of the reviews

 Communicate with stakeholders

 Conduct team meetings and customer meetings
 Communicate status of the work to relevant stakeholders
 Intimate IT about New clients being serviced by the project and
expected new mail domains & websites
 Intimate IT if there is any change in the contact person for security
related queries
 Communicate billing reports to finance.
Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 78
Activity – Monitor Project Status Cont ….

 Exit Criteria
 Project Closure / Iteration end

 Resulting Artifacts
 Status Reports
 Updated Project Approach and associated documents
 Updated Risk and Issue List
 Updated Quality Indicators (QI) Report
 Updated Schedule
 Review records (if any)
 Corrective actions
 Change Requests
 Updated Project Tracking Work Book

 Verification
 Reviews through activities performed in the Program Management

 Tailoring
 Every step of Monitoring and Control activity is mandatory.
Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 79
Activity – Manage Risks and Issues

 Purpose
 To define a systematic process of analyzing and responding
to risks.

 Scope
 Applicable across the project lifecycle through the phases of
Inception, Elaboration, Construction and Transition.

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 80

Activity – Manage Risks and Issues Cont ….

 Entry Criteria
 Periodic and event based tracking of the project
 Identification of risks and documentation of mitigation plans

 Input Artifacts
 Risk and Issue List
 Project Approach Document
 Status (progress) reports

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 81

Activity – Manage Risks and Issues Cont ….

 Steps
 Evaluate and address Risks
 Determine whether the threshold has been exceeded for any
risk item.
 Update the risk mitigation and contingency plan for risk items, if
applicable. Refer Activity: Identify and Assess Risks.
 Update the status of closed risk items.
 Document the tracking notes for each risk item.
 Update any new risks identified, as applicable.

 Evaluate Issues
 Identify issues affecting the project.
 Collect significant deviations in quality indicators ()
 Determine the impact of the issue and document its details in the
Issue sheet

 Implement Corrective Actions

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 82

Activity – Manage Risks and Issues Cont ….

 Exit Criteria
 Implementation of risk response / mitigation strategy / corrective actions/
contingency strategy
 Risk exposures for the risks to the project are at or below the level agreed to
as acceptable for the project
 Project Closure

 Resulting Artifacts
 Updated Risk and Issue List with details of risk and issue responses
 Discovery Note
 Corrective Actions
 Change Requests

 Verification
 Review of Risks and issues in Status Reviews
 Risk Management Progress review checklist
 Review of effectiveness of the mitigations plans upon implementation

 Tailoring
 Activity is mandatory

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 83

Activity and Artifact Overview

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 84

Artifact Responsibility Matrix

Name of Owned By: Contributing Reviewed Approved Audience: Signoff Signoff By:
Artifact Team: By: By: Required:
Acceptance Project Customer, Delivery Unit Delivery Unit Customer, Yes Customer
Plan Manager Project Team Head Head Project Team

Client Project Delivery Executive Executive Project Team No NA

Satisfaction Manager Heads Management Management
Summary Team, Team,
Overview Delivery Delivery
Heads Heads
Client Project Delivery Delivery Delivery Delivery NA N/A
Satisfaction manager Management Management Management Management
Scorecard , Project
Client Project Project Team NA NA Delivery No NA
Delivery Manager Management
Summary , Project
View Team, Client
Project Project Project Delivery Delivery Unit Project Team Yes List Indicated
Approach Manager Leadership Management Head in Document
Team and Process Approval
Consultant Section
Project Project Project Project NA Project No NA
Closure Manager Leadership Team, Team,
Report Team Review Delivery,
Team SEPG and
KM Teams

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 85

Artifact Responsibility Matrix
Name of Owned By: Contributing Reviewed By: Approved By: Audience: Signoff Signoff By:
Artifact Team: Required:

Project Project Estimation Team Estimation Customer Yes Delivery

Estimate Manager SME, Test Project Team Management
Analyst (for
Test Estimates)

Project Project Project Team Project Team, Customer Project Team, No NA

Schedule Manager Customer Customer,

Project Project Project NA NA Project Team No NA

Tracking Manager Leadership team

Decision Project Any Role Project Project As applicable As applicable As applicable

Record Manager Manager Manager, any
other role as

Skill Project Project NA NA Project Team No NA

Assessment Manager Leadership team

Account status Project Delivery Heads, Delivery Heads, NA Executive No NA

Report Manager Sales Team Sales Team Management
Team, Project

Client kickoff Project Executive Executive Executive Client Project No NA

Manager Management Management Management Team, Internal
Team, Delivery Team, Delivery Team, Delivery Project Team
Heads Heads Heads

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 86

Artifact Responsibility Matrix Cont ….

Name of Owned By: Contributing Reviewed Approved Audience: Signoff Signoff

Artifact Team: By: By: Required: By:
Discovery Project Knowledge Knowledge NA Project Team No NA
Note Manager Champion Consultant
DU Call Project Delivery Heads, Delivery NA Executive No NA
Status Manager Sales Team, Heads, Management
Report Process Team Sales Team, Team, Project
Process Team
Iteration Project Project team NA NA Project Manager No NA
Assessment Manager
Peer Review Reviewer Review Team NA NA Author, Project No NA
Record Manager
Process Process  
Compliance Reviewer
Project Project Project Project Project Project Team No NA
Communicati Manager Leadership Team Leadership Team
on Plan Team
Project Project Project Project NA Project Team No NA
Quality Manager Leadership Team Leadership
Indicators (a project may Team,
Report assign an Delivery
individual for Heads
metric collection)

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 87

Artifact Responsibility Matrix Cont ….

Name of Owned By: Contributing Reviewed Approved Audience: Signoff Signoff By:
Artifact Team: By: By: Required:
Team kickoff Project Project Delivery NA Internal No NA
Meeting Manager Leadership Manager Project Team
Project  Project  Project  Project HR Project Yes Project
Leadership Manager Team Team, HR Leadership Leadership
Feedback (Owns the Team Team, HR Team
Scorecard Coordination) Team, Member
Team Project Project Team SBU Head, Project Project Yes All parties
Scorecard Manager HR Manager, HR Team, SBU involved in
Head, HR the review
Minutes of Owner of the Any Role in All members NA Meeting No NA
Meeting Meeting Project or in present in participants,
Support the meeting Other
Functions Stakeholders
Risks & Project
Issues List Manager            

Jun 23, 2 GIP-PM5 Project Management 88

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