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Quarantine and Health Certification

Presented By—
Madhurjya Dutta(20-f-08)
Mimankha Konwar (20-f-09)
Nilotpal Saharia(20-f-10)
Parash Jyoti Patar(20-f-11)
Prasangsita Hazarika(20-f-12)
• Quarantine and health certification programs are the essential
components in the fight against diseases arising from the
introduction or transfer of exotic fish and shellfish.
• It is a closed holding area where brood fish are kept in individual
tanks until the results of screening for known disease or
disorders are known.
• Kept at some distance from the hatchery.
• Quarantine has been defined in many ways, ranging from the
very broad definition of “quarantine measures” as encompassing
all activities related to the prevention of the international and
domestic spread of serious animal diseases (what is now usually
referred to as “biosecurity”)

According to the World Organisation “Quarantine means”

● Maintaining a group of aquatic animals in isolation with no

direct or indirect contact with other aquatic animals, in order
to undergo observation for a specified length of time and, if
appropriate, testing and treatment, including proper
treatment of the effluent waters .
● A minimum period of quarantine, termed as quarantine
● At the international level,the primary purpose of quarantine is
to minimise the risk of introducing pathogens into territory of
the importing country and their transmission to susceptible

Quarantine is generally performed at three

1) Quarantine of high - risk species: Like aquatic animals that are
transported internationally or transported within the country between
different provinces (with different levels of health). These species have
many uses in aquaculture and fisheries, and they are also more likely
to escape or transfer their pathogens to the environment.

2) Quarantine of species that are less likely to pose a risk: Like aquatic
animals that are targeted for ornamental aquatic trade.

3) Common quarantines of aquatic animals on aquaculture farms: For

example, on newly constructed farms or to keep brookstock. Also for
herds that need higher biosafety protocols such as herds that do not
have the Specific Pathogen - Free (SPF) certification.

The following general principles for the use of quarantine

for aquatic animals are taken mainly from FAO (2007):
● Where risk analysis has shown that the level of risk posed by the
proposed importation of a consignment of live aquatic animals is
unacceptable, quarantine is one of a number of potential risk mitigation
measures that singly or in combination with other measures, can be
considered to reduce the risk to within the national appropriate level of
protection (ALOP).
● For the first movement (introduction) of an exotic species, the use of
protocols outlined by the International Council for the Exploration of
the Sea (ICES, 2005) and the European Inland Fisheries Advisory
Commission (EIFAC) (Turner, 1988) is strongly recommended.

● Because it is extremely difficult and often impossible to eradicate

aquatic animal diseases once established in the environment,
particular care should be taken over introductions intended for
release into natural waters.
● Quarantine procedures, including observation for clinical signs of
disease and diagnostic testing, can be conducted in the country of
origin, in a country of transit and/or in the receiving country.
● Disinfectants, antibiotics and other chemicals and drugs for use in
quarantine facilities should be chosen and applied in conformation
with local laws and regulations and in a manner that ensures the
protection of personnel, the aquatic animals being held and the
external environment from their possible harmful effects.

Some factors limiting the application of quarantine —

The inability to prevent the entry and spread of exotic diseases into new
areas has been due to a number of reasons, including:
• most importantly, the lag time between when a new disease emerges,
when it is first recognized as a serious pathogen of international
importance, and when accurate and reliable diagnostics tests are developed
and become generally available.
• the lack of simple and accurate diagnostics tests for some pathogens.• the
ability of pathogens to take advantage of novel host species and new
• the sheer volume of aquatic animals traded.
• the diversity of forms in which trade occurs.
• the limited capital and human resources that governments are able to
commit to this effort.
The basic requirements for effective quarantine include

• adequate physical infrastructure

• established operating protocols
• adequate facilities for carrying out traceability,
diagnosis of pathogens, containment measures
• well-trained person for undertaking the above
work without lapse.
Steps involves in quarantine
1. Tank Setup
● Ensure the tank is fully up and running before
adding any new fish.
● filtration should be functioning properly, and the
water should be well aerated.

2. Monitor Parameters
● Routinely check the water parameters with the test kit.
● If the quarantine tank was not cycled when we added your
new fish, then we should be checking water parameters
daily and treating the water appropriately to help remove
or neutralize toxins. If the tank is fully cycled, then we can
monitor water parameters every few days just to ensure
everything is on track.

3. Treat for External Parasites and Infectious Diseases

● Once the fish have had a day or two to settle into the quarantine
tank, we should treat with an external anti-parasitic medication,
like PraziPro or ParaGuard.
● Follow all instructions thoroughly and perform any water
changes recommended on the product label.
● If the fish brought home are already sick or weak, then giving
them any treatment may cause too much stress and kill them.
This is an unfortunate risk that is necessary to take to ensure
fish are well enough to be added to the main tank.
4. Add Aquarium Salt
After completing the previous treatment and performed any
required water changes, we can begin adding aquarium salt.
Aquarium salt is a great treatment against ich and can help
prevent it getting into the main tank. However, aquarium salt is
dangerous to plants and invertebrates, which is why it’s best to
use in a quarantine tank.

5. Treat for Internal Parasites and Infectious Diseases

● After completion of the salt treatments in tank,
perform water changes over a few days to remove as
much salt as possible before you begin a medication
● Treating for internal parasites and infectious diseases
is an optional step in the quarantine process, but it is
recommended. Use a broad-spectrum medication that
can cover bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic
6. Move Your New Fish
● After these steps, fish are ready to move into their new home.
● The quarantine process should last 2 weeks at least, but it can
easily last 4 weeks or longer.
● Don’t rush the process. We need to make the quarantine
period as safe as possible for our new fish and should
quarantine properly for the safety of our current fish.
The Quarantine Facility should comply with the following specific
construction and equipment requirements:

(a) Windows should be screened to prevent the entry of insects.

(b) Floor and walls should be constructed of concrete, tiles or other impervious
material to enable hose down and disinfection with retention of all wastewater.
The floor should be sufficiently smooth and with sufficient grade to drain to
an enclosed holding tank.
(c) Floor to wall junctions and all gaps and cracks in the walls, floor and ceiling
should be effectively sealed such that the quarantine area is capable of
containing all leaks and floods that might occur.
(d) Lighting should be of sufficient intensity to allow proper inspection of all
aquatic animals.
(e) Floor drainage with an insertable plug or other mechanism to prevent the
accidental escape of aquatic animals or uncontrolled release of water should be
installed. Drainage should be to an approved holding tank. The holding tank
should be of suitable size to contain the total volume of all tanks used for the
holding of aquatic animals.
Period of Quarantine

● An application to introduce or transfer an aquatic animal

entails a commitment to maintain the animals under
conditions of strict quarantine for a number of years. The
quarantine period will need to take into account the life
history of the aquatic animal being introduced or
● If a pathogen or infectious disease is detected at any point
while the imported aquatic animals and their progeny are
under quarantine, the supervising Quarantine Officer may
require treatment and further testing.
● If the disease is of a serious and/or untreatable nature,
destruction of all aquatic animals held in the facility should
be ordered and complete disinfection of the building, water
and all equipment should be required before permission to
restock is granted
At the national level, the following necessary supporting services
must also be in place for effective quarantine to occur:

● adequate legislation
● effective enforcement (e.g., border customs and inspection, post-
border follow up).
● knowledgeable and supportive aquaculture industry.
● sufficient political will.
● competent and readily available diagnostics support.
● existence of reliable diagnostics tests for major pathogens.
● good working relationships between importing and exporting
● good knowledge base of pathogens present in the exporting and
importing countries (surveillance and monitoring, disease surveys).
Health certification
● Introductions from sources that have passed a quarantine containment
process may receive “approval” status if conditions do not change at the
export site, further reducing quarantine requirements/duration.

*A document declaring the health status of aquatic animals in

batches/ consignment or from a country, zone or aquaculture
•Issued by a competent authorities (e.g. CVO) of a exporting country
for international trade in live & dead aquatic animal products.
•Head of disease diagnosis service providing lab, head of government
lab , etc. for internal movement.

*Health certification is the process associated with any stock of aquatic

animals that are either exported or imported and issued by well qualified
personnel from a quarantine facility.
* This could also include status of the stock from specified pathogens
and also the general health of the stock as assessed by the measurement
of various biological parameters that are indicators of health status of
the animal.

*For health certification, the number of fish to be sampled depends on the

prevalence of infection in the population. Samples should be collected
preferably by stratified random sampling to get a proper representation of
the susceptible age and size groups of the animals. Surveillance sampling
has also to be carried out in season best known to aggravate the incidence
of the disease.

• It is a process associated with any stock of aquatic animals that

are either exported or imported and issued by well qualified
personnel from a quarantine facility.
• Samples collected for health surveillance should be large enough
for screening and proper pathogen detection.
• Samples should be collected preferably by stratified random
sampling .
• Surveillance sampling has also to be carried out in season best
known to aggravate the incidence of the disease.

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