Value & Ethics Presentation: By: Mary Joan T. Adlaon

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Value & Ethics

By: Mary Joan T. Adlaon
Values can be defined as
those things that are
important to or valued by
Values provide the basis for judgments about what is important
Values are the embodiment for the organization to succeed in its core business.
To behave ethically is to behave in a manner that is consistent
of what an organization with what is generally considered to be right or moral.
Ethical behavior is the bedrock of mutual trust.

stands, and should be basis

for the behavior of its
• Individually or organizationally, values determine what
is right and what is wrong, and doing what is right or
wring,and doing what is right or wrong is what we mean
by ethics.
• To behave ethically is to behave in a manner consistent
with what is right or moral.
• Organizations, to some extent, define what is right or
wrong for the members of organization.
Sources of values
• Family
• Friends
• Religion
• School
• Books
• Media and Internet
• Culture
• Employers
• Time period in which your raised
Sources of Business Ethics

• Primarily in business is affected by three sources-

culture, religion and laws of the state.
• It is for the reason we do not have uniform or
completely similar standards across the globe
• These three factors exert influences to varying degrees
on humans which ultimately get reflected in the ethics
of organization.
Formative of Values
• We start values in our childhood. First we learn to
appreciate things that fulfill our basic needs , but we
value especially those people that provide them to us.
• Their behavior towards us becomes the main reference
of what is valuable
• The consistency and coherence of our parent's behavior
is what strengthens our behavior.
• Values are often confused with habits, and many
parents hope that school will form values that were niot
instilled at home.
Ethics Formation
• An individual's ethics are formulated through the
operation of forces in the individual's environment.
These are discussed in the succeeding paragraphs.
• Family influences
The formation of ethics begins when the individual is a
child. Thus the family environment has a significant
influence in determining what the child learns about
good and bad, right and wrong.
• Peer influences
As the child develops contacts, outside the home
through, school, play and works, peers exert
considerable influence on the invidual's ethical belief.
Role in Ethical/Good Governance
• Basing decisions on ethical values is good business.
• The current interpretation of governance requires that
the governing members of an organization-- establish
policies, continuously monitor their implementation, and
develop systems and process of accountability to ensure
the organization's and prosperity.
• Ethical governance is a key of good governance

• Establishing moral principles means determining the

core values which should guide the organization.
• The most commonly suggested for consideration
• Within an office setting, trust builds morale, leading to
increase productivity which eventually increases profits.
Thank You

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