Styles, Standars and Non Standards Varieties

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Group Members
◦Aqsa Jalil
◦Ayesha Saeed
By Bad-e-sehar
Resource Articles
Written by Emidio Amadebaiin Public Speaking & Presentation Skills
Hickey, Raymond 2003. ‘Rectifying a standard deficiency. Pronominal distinctions in varieties of English’, in: Irma
Taavitsainen and Andreas H. Jucker (eds), Diachronic Perspectives on Address Term Systems, Pragmatics and
Beyond, New Series, Vol. 107. Amsterdam: Benjamins, pp. 345-374.
Holm, John 1994. ‘English in the Caribbean’, in Burchfield, Robert (ed.) 1994. English in Britain and Overseas.
Origins and Development. The Cambridge History of the English Language. Vol. 5. Cambridge: University Press, pp.
Martin Joos, a famous german linguistic and professor, was the first one to organize the speeches according
to their variations, having come up with 5 speech styles, depending on their degree of formality:
Joos suggest five styles In spoken English based on Scale of formality.
1. Frozen style
2. Formal style
3. Consultative style
4. Casual style
5. Intimate style
Frozen Style
◦ Most formal communicated style.
◦ Style used in formal setting.
◦ Most formal communicative style
for respectful situations.
◦ Words are precise and carefully
◦ Examples:- Pledges, anthems,
marriage ceremonies, laws, etc.
Intimate Style
◦ This speech style is for very close relationships like
couples, family, and best friends.
◦ Used in conversation between people who are very
close and know each other.
◦ Communicators understand each other even with just a
single nonverbal gesture or behavior.
◦ EXAMPLES: Couple talking about their future plans,
family sharing ideas, very close friends sharing secrets,
Formal Style
◦ Straightforward speeches.
◦ Speaker avoids using slang terminologies.
◦ Formal speech type is one-way, in which the speaker simply
transmits information to the listener.
◦ The formal type of speech style often does not encourage
listeners’ participation or interaction among communicators.
◦ EXAMPLES: Announcements, SONA, welcome addresses, etc
Casual style
◦ Informal communication between groups and peers.
◦ Characterized by slang meanings or expressions.
◦ Casual style is used in conversation between friends
and insiders.
◦ EXAMPLES: phone calls, everyday conversation
with friends, chats, inside jokes of friends, etc.
Consultative Style
◦ Used in semi-formal communication.
◦ Involves cooperation but does not necessarily
require involvement.
◦ Communication using the consultative style
is automatic.
◦ EXAMPLES: regular classroom
discussions, doctor-patient, etc.
O2 Standard language
Ayesha Saeed
Standard Language

The official variety of a language is said to be the standard
form of the particular langauge. It is the ideal form of a
langauge. It is a variety that's recognized as more "correct"
and acceptable than other varieties. It is the idealized
variety of a language.

● Standard languages are usually based on an existing
dialect of the language.

● It is the variety defined in dictionaries, grammars, and

usage guides.

● It is easily described in terms of written language.

● Example:

● British English, Scottish English and Australian English


● The language is one that is used in education by govt and

media, and in other official language proceeding of that
● This language is used by educated people while writing books,
lecturing and for the formal conversation.
● This language is used in a domains of power such as Judiciary,
adminstration armed, forces and politics.
● The language which we speak at home or speak with friends is
not standard language. When we use the languages for interview
or for other official purpose,we used standard language.

Characteristics of Standard Language:

● It is an idealized variety of a language.

● It has no specific region.
● It is associated with administrative, commercial and
educational centres, regardless of region.
● It is well documented
● Most of the times dictionaries are based on standard
variety of a language.

Characteristics of Standard Language:

● It is the version we find in printed English in

newspapers, books and the mass media.
● It is the variety used in most works of fiction, in
scientific and other technical articles.
● The variety we normally try to teach to those who
want to learn English as a second or foreign language.

Characteristics of Standard Language:

● It is clearly associated with education and broadcasting

in public contexts.
● It is more easily described in terms of features associated
with the written language (i.e. vocabulary, spelling,
grammar)than the spoken language.

03 Non Standard
Aqsa Jalil

◦ Non-standard variety is the informal version of the language, which can change, depending on where it is
being spoken.
◦ A non-standard variety is not given the legal status and generally, no references are available.
◦ There is informal language, some incorrect spellings, Simpler words and phrases, lots of slangs are
included in non – standard variations.
◦ There are so many non-standard languages which are spoken by different regions. When we talk about
◦ Non-standard English is an informal version of English, it usually contains slang words that wouldn’t be
used in more formal or professional settings.
◦ It is used in letters to friends and family, we tend to write in non-standard English.
◦ There are so many non-standard languages which are spoken in pakistan like in punjab, sindh,
balochistan, kpk, Southern punjab etc.
◦ In English language, there is clear difference between standard and non – standard English.

◦ were you on time? Was you on time?
◦ He doesn’t care. He don’t care.
◦ They played well. They played good.
◦ Can you teach me the rules? Can you learn me the rules?
When we talk about Punjabi then we will know punjabi is spoken As a first language by almost 39% of the
people in pakistan.
Like pahari – pothowari is non – standard spoken on the side of Azad kashmir, Jammu kashmir and also in
parts of Rawalpindi .

Mainkarsaan. Main Karanga
Asi Karsaan. Asi Karaange
Tu karsain . Tu karenga

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