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Name: Noor us Sabah

Section: BDNS (b)

Subject: dietitics
Complications of renal end stage disease
Bleeding from the stomach or intestines.
Bone, joint, and muscle pain.
Changes in blood sugar (glucose)
Damage to nerves of the legs and arms.
Fluid buildup around the lungs.
High blood pressure, heart attack, and heart failure.
 High potassium level.
Heart disease is the most common
cause of death among people on
When your kidneys are not working
well, they cannot support the other
parts of your body as they should.

A common cause of anemia in people with

ESRD is iron deficiency.
 Iron deficiency means you do not have
enough iron in your body.
 It can be caused by not getting enough iron
in your diet.
 It can also be caused by losing blood,
because iron is stored in your red blood
 End-stage renal failure, also known as end-
stage renal disease (ESRD), is the final,
permanent stage of chronic kidney disease,
where kidney function has declined to the
point that the kidneys can no longer function
on their own.
 When your kidneys are damaged, waste
products and fluid can build up in your body.
That can cause swelling in your ankles,
nausea, weakness, poor sleep, and shortness
of breath. Without treatment, the damage
can get worse and your kidneys may
eventually stop working. That’s serious, and
it can be life-threatening.

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