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Unit 8: Successful Employee Management

Measuring successful leadership

Please note:
Please take the entire content of the course book into consideration when you
prepare for the test. During the following presentation I provide information for
the basic understanding of this unit (no deep scientific references) focusing on
the main ideas to familiarize you with the content. Thank you!

M.A. Leadership and Management - [DLMBLSE] 2

Successful Employee Management

Unit 8. Overview

• Measuring Leadership Style and Leadership Behavior

• Measuring Transactional and Transformational Leadership With the
Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ)
• Correlation of Leadership Behavior With Subjective and Objective Success
• Validation of Leadership Success Using Situational Factors
• Leadership Principles Guiding Leadership Behavior

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Measuring Leadership Style and Leadership Behavior

• Measuring leadership style with FSF (Führungsstilfragebogen > leadership style survey)
• measures leadership behavior in critical leadership situations
• Focus on social-communicative behavior
• main dimensions: task, employee and participation orientation
• Based on self-assessment

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Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire
Measuring Transactional and Transformational Leadership
With the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ)
• Transactional leadership (>persuading employees to complete tasks in exchange for advantages or
rewards) is represented in MLQ (self and external assessment of leadership behavior) by:
 Charisma (degree of trust and respect towards the leader)
 Inspirational motivation (Motivational images of the future and the emotional activation of employees
 Intellectual stimulation (Motivates others to break out of ingrained ways of thinking and support
innovative behavior)
 Appreciation of the individual (being prepared to help and give direction in the work process)
• Transformational leadership (>employees are motivated to work on higher, intrinsic goals that go
beyond satisfying their immediate personal interests) is represented in MLQ by:
 Conditional rewards (positive and negative emphasis on the degree of achievement)
 Management by exception (Looks at whether the manager only intervenes when things are not done
as they should be or whether he only focuses on maintaining the status quo

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Subjective and Objective Success Criteria
Correlation of Leadership Behavior With Subjective and
Objective Success Criteria
• No good or bad leaders > effective or ineffective leaders in various situations
• Various research results show that certain leadership styles are more effective in
specific situations than others
 Ex.: authoritarian leadership style most appropriate for achieving short-term success
 ‘it depends’ research strategy

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Situational Factors
Validation of Leadership Success Using Situational Factors
• Transformational leadership and subjective criteria (satisfaction with the
manager and his effectiveness)
• Transformational leadership and objective criteria (output, sales figures ,
both approaches can be proven BUT correlation between transformational
leadership and subjective criteria are higher

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Leadership Principles

Leadership Principles Guiding Leadership Behavior

• Leadership principles: descriptive behavioral statements that define tasks, rights, and
duties of leaders and guide their behavior in the organization
• Derive from corporate principles and show a clear practical orientation
• Leaders are seen as role models

should embody corporate leadership principles

• Assess leadership principles by using questionnaires
• BUT: questionnaire structure, formulation of questions etc. have to be carried out
carefully for appropriate results

M.A. Leadership and Management - [DLMBLSE] 8

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