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A place where trials and other legal cases

happen, or the people present in such a place,
especially the officials and those deciding if
someone is guilty.

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• Supreme court
• High court
• Lower court
• Family court
• Special court

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Importance of the Supreme Court in India

• The Supreme Court is the highest appeal court that is also
known as the apex court of India and even the last resort,
where the citizens of India can seek justice if they are not
satisfied with the judgement of High court.
• The citizens of India, as per article 32 of the constitution,
can even directly sort for remedy through writs if their
fundamental right is violated.

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Functions of Supreme Court of India
• The SC gives the final verdict against an appeal from the
other subsidiary courts i.e., High Courts.

• It acts as an institution where issues from the different

governmental bodies, central government, and the state
government matters are resolved.

• As per article 141 of the constitution, laws passed by the SC,

apply to all courts within the Indian territory.

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Powers of SC
• A) Original jurisdiction:
• As per article 131 of constitution , the SC functions as
original jurisdiction over matters where the disputes are either
between the central government and the state government pr
between two or more state governments.
• As per article 139 of the constitution, the SC also has the
power to issue writs, order or direction.
• As per section 32 of constitution, the SC also has the authority
to enforce fundamental rights.

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• B) Appellate jurisdiction:
• As per article 132, 133, 134 of the constitution, the SC has
appellate jurisdiction in matters that are related to civil, criminal
or constitution. Also, as per article 136, the SC has the power to
issue special leave that is being by an any tribunal courts in India
but this doesn’t apply to army courts

• C) Advisory jurisdiction:
• As per article 143 of constitution, the SC can
advise the president of India that is related to the
question of law, and the nature of the matter is
associated with the public importance.

• D)toReview
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• As per article 137 of the constitution, the SC has the power to
review any laws that are being passed by legislature.

• Conclusion
• The Supreme Court is the highest appealing body in our
jurisdiction. With its establishment, justice is being proclaimed by
the citizens of India. The powers thatr are vested upon the SC are to
ensure the fair trial in matters that are about the constitution of
India; hence it also protects the worlds. Largest democratic state.

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• The High Court:
• The High Courts of India are the principal civil courts of original jurisdiction
in each state and union territory. It is the state level . But not aal states in India
have an HC. India has 25 High Courts in total.
Jurisdiction of the HC
• Original jurisdiction:
• Matters related to will, divorce, contempt of court and admiralty.
• Enforcement of fundamental rights.
• High courts of CALCUTTA, BOMBAY, MADRAS and DELHI have
original jurisdiction over civil cases of higher value.

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• Appellate jurisdiction
• In civil cases, an appeal can be made to be High court against a
district courts decision. It can be appealed when a dispute involves a
value higher than Rs.5000/- or on a question of fact or law.
• Imprisonment has been given for 7 years or more.
• Writ jurisdiction
• The HC superintends and controls all the subordinate courts and
can ask for details of proceedings from subordinate courts.
• It also can transfer cases from one court to another or to itself.


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• A court of record
• The High Court records its judgements and that can be used
by subordinate courts for deciding cases.
• All High Courts have the power to punish all cases of
contempt of court.
• Power of judicial review
• Any law that is against the Indian constitution can be
declared unconstitutional. This power is given to HC through
article 13 and 226
• The high court of a state is directly under the supreme court



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