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Topic for the class: ECE403: Cost Estimation of Civil Structures

Unit : Title: Course objective, Learning Outcomes & Outline of Course

Date & Time :19-07-2021

Sri. Srinivasa Rao Gandupalli

Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
GITAM Institute of Technology (GIT)
Visakhapatnam – 530045

Saturday, June 25, 2022 Department of Civil Engineering, GIT ECE449: Transportation Infrastructure Engineering: 1
Course objectives
1. To explain the basics terms and standard units used in construction of civil
engineering structures.
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2. To familiarize about construction contracts and tenders

3. To demonstrate the different methods of estimating the quantities of items.

4. To familiarize the schedule of rates of different item of works by using standard

data book.

5. To explain the estimation of earthwork in different roads and also calculate the
weight of steel required in R.C.C. element.

Saturday, June 25, 2022 Department of Civil Engineering, GIT ECE449: Transportation Infrastructure Engineering 2
Course Outcomes
Students will be able to
1. find out the dimensions and descriptions of construction work in a methodical way.[L-
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2. illustrate the procedure of contract by process of bidding. [L-2]

3. interpret the purpose of estimating and quantify the materials by standard method in
construction projects.[L-2]

4. construct the different items of materials, labour and machinery with standard unit rates
for a various construction work in building.[L-3]

5. interpret the quantities of estimating the road work and bar-bending schedule.[L-2]

Saturday, June 25, 2022 Department of Civil Engineering, GIT ECE449: Transportation Infrastructure Engineering 3
Outline of Module-I

• General items of work in building, standard modules,

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• principles of working out quantities for detailed and abstract estimates,

• approximate method of estimating,

• errors in estimation, types, related terms in estimate,

• contingencies, different types of approvals, rules.

• Specification: purpose and basic principle of general and detailed specification (writing
the detailed specification for various constructions should be covered in term work).

Saturday, June 25, 2022 Department of Civil Engineering, GIT ECE449: Transportation Infrastructure Engineering 4
Course objectives

• To explain the basics terms and standard units used in

construction of civil engineering structures. Video Box Position

Saturday, June 25, 2022 Department of Civil Engineering, GIT ECE449: Transportation Infrastructure Engineering 5
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this lecture/ session, Students will be able to
1. Explain various items of work in construction of civil structures.[L-2]
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2. List different types of approvals and rules needed to construct a building.


3. Identify errors occurred in estimation. [L-3]

4. Summarize general and detailed specifications for items of work. [L-2]

Saturday, June 25, 2022 Department of Civil Engineering, GIT ECE449: Transportation Infrastructure Engineering 6
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Saturday, June 25, 2022 Department of Civil Engineering, GIT ECE449: Transportation Infrastructure Engineering 7

• For all the engineering works it is required to know beforehand the

probable cost of construction known as the estimation cost.
• If the estimated cost is greater than the money available, then
Video Box Position
attempts are made to reduce the cost by reducing the work or by
changing the specifications.
• In preparing an estimate, the quantities of different items of work
are calculated by simple mensuration method and from these
quantities the cost is calculated.
• The subject of estimation is simple, nothing much to understand,
but the knowledge of drawing is essential.

• One who understands and can read the drawings may find out the
dimensions- length, breadth, height etc. from the drawing without
difficulty and may calculate the quantities
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• The calculation mainly consist of, length x breadth x height or
length x breadth or length x height.
• In preparing an estimate one has to go into details of each item, big
or small, nothing can be left or missed
Main Items of Work

1. Earthwork: Earthwork in excavation and earthwork in filling are

usually taken out separately under different items, and quantities
are calculated in cu.m (cubic meters). Earthwork in excavation in
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foundation is calculated by taking the dimensions of each trench
length x breadth x depth
2. Concrete in Foundation: the concrete is taken out in cu.m by
length x depth x thickness. The length and breadth of foundation
are usually the same as for excavation, only depth or thickness
differs. Foundation concrete consists of lime concrete or weak
cement concrete may be 1:4:8, 1:5:10
Main Items of Work

3. Soiling: When the soil is soft or bad, one layer of dry brick or
stone soiling is applied below the foundation concrete. The soil
layer is computed in sq.m (length x breadth) specifying the
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4. Damp proof course ( D.P.C): usually of 2.5cm (1 inch) thick rich
cement concrete 1:1.5:3 or 2cm (3/4 inch) thick cement mortar 1:2,
mixed with standard water proofing material, is provided at the
plinth level to full width of plinth wall, and the quantities are
computed in sq.m (Length x Breadth). Usually D.P.C. is not
provided at the sills of doors and verandah openings, for which
deductions are made (1kg of cem-seal or Impermo or other
Main Items of Work

5. Masonry: Masonry is computed in cu.m (Length x Breadth x

Height). Foundation and plinth masonry is taken under one item,
and masonry of super structure is taken under separate item. In
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storeyed building the masonry in each storey as ground floor above
plinth level, first floor etc. is computed separately. In taking out
quantities the walls are measured as solid and then deductions are
made for openings as doors, windows, etc.
6. Arch Masonry work: Masonry work in arches is calculated in
cu.m. separately by multiplying the mean length by the thickness
of arch and by the breadth of the wall
Main Items of Work

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Main Items of Work
7. Lintels over openings: Lintels are calculated in cu.m. length of
lintel is equal to clear span plus two bearings
8. R.C.C. work: R.C.C. work may be in roof or floor slab, in beams,
lintels. Columns, foundations etc. and quantities are calculated in
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cu.m. Length, breadth and thickness are found correctly from the
plan, elevation, and section or from other detailed drawings.
• The reinforcement is taken up separately under steel works in
quintals. 0.6% to 1% of R.C.C work by volume may be taken
for steel.
• Centering and shuttering (form work) are usually included in
the R.C.C but may also taken separately in sq.m of surface in
Main Items of Work
9. Flooring and Roofing:
• Ground Floor: the base lime concrete and floor finishing of
C.C. or stone or marble or mosaic, etc. are usually taken. And
the quantity is calculated in sq.m multiplying the length by Video Box Position
• 1st Floor, 2nd floor etc: supporting structure is taken separately
in cu.m as R.C.C., and floor finishing is taken separately in
sq.m as 2.5 cm or 4 cm. if a cushioning layer of lime concrete
is given in between the slab and the floor, the cushioning
concrete may be measured with floor under one item or taken
Main Items of Work
10. Plastering and pointing: plastering usually 12mm (1/2
inch) thick is calculated in sq.m. for walls the measurements
are taken for the whole face of the wall for both sides as
solid, and deductions for openings are made. Video Box Position
• Plastering of ceiling usually of 12mm (1/2 inch) thick is
computed in sq.m. under separate head as this work is
done with richer mortar.
• Pointing: pointing in walls is calculated in sq.m for
whole surface and deductions similar to plastering are
Main Items of Work
11. Pillars: pillars are taken separately in cu.m for their net volume
and quantities are calculated by section area x height ( eg : circle- ,
Square- etc.)
12. Doors and Windows Video Box Position
• Frame- Door and window frames are computed in cu.m. length
is obtained by adding the length of all the members of the
frame. If there is horn projection these projections also be
added to the length.
• Door or Window leaves or shutters- these are computed in sq.m
by multiplying the breadth by the height of the shutters.
Main Items of Work
13. Wood Work: wooden beams, posts, wooden roof trusses, frames
etc. comes under this item , and the quantities are computed in
cu.m. the dimensions of finished work shall be taken
14. Iron work Video Box Position
• This is computed in weight in kg or quintal and the quantities
are calculated correctly by multiplying the weights per running
meter by the length. (Density of mild steel is equal to 7850
kg/cu.m or 78.5 q/cu.m
Main Items of Work
13. White-washing or colour-washing or distempering: the
quantities are computed in sq.m and are usually are measured
same as for plastering. Number of coats of white-washing or
colour-washing are taken as one job or work Video Box Position
14. Painting
• painting or varnishing of doors and windows are computed in
sq.m, the dimensions should be taken for outer dimensions of
the doors and windows.
General items of work in building
• Foundation • Super Structure
• Columns and Beams
– Excavation • R. C. C. slab including reinforcement.
– Levelling Course • Brickwork
– Footing • Lintel, Weather sheds and Water-
• Flooring.
• Plinth • Doors, windows and ventilators.
– Plinth Wall • Plastering, whitewashing and painting.
• Cup-boards, kitchen platform, etc.
– Sand Filling • Internal services including water supply,
– Damp Proof Course sanitary and electrification.
• External services including water supply,
sanitary and electrification
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Saturday, June 25, 2022 Department of Civil Engineering, GIT ECE449: Transportation Infrastructure Engineering 21

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