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Submitted by
Souryadeep D (1JB18CS145)
Vaishak N Kumar (1JB18CS168)
Vijaya Sathvika B (1JB18CS170)
Task 1 : Theory, Case Study and
 Survey on food waste at home
a) Quantity of wastage before cooking in GRAMS per day..??
 Approximately 10 to 12 grams of rice. 
b) Quantity of wastage left on Plates in GRAMS per day..??
 Approximately 5 to 7 grams. 
c) Quantity of cooked food left by the end of day in GRAMS per day..??
 Rarely around 300 grams of food left at the end of the day.
d) Has Refrigeration solved the Food Waste issue..??
 Yes refrigeration has been the key solution for food wastage. 
e) Water Consumption in a home per day..?? (Both Domestic and Food)

 Approximately 95 litres.
Task 1 : Theory, Case Study and
 Survey on food wastage at Vegetable shop keeper
a) Quantity of Vegetables / Fruits left unsold in KGS per day..??
 - 5 kgs.
a) Quantity of Vegetables / Fruits damaged in KGS per day..??
 - Around 1 kgs.
a) What does he do with damaged / unsold / rotten Vegetables / Fruits..??
 - Feed it to animals or Dispose.
a) Any process followed to remove the rotten Vegetables or Fruits..??
 - Hand picking the rotten Vegetables or fruits.
Task 1 : Theory, Case Study and
 Survey on food wastage at Hotels

List of
List of Cooked
Raw Reason Reason
Curry Left in On food
Leaves food plate plate
On food
Carrot Peeling Curry
Onion Cutting Roti of burnt
Task 2: Practical Survey, analysis and
Ground work
 Interview is done with 60 individuals / Hotel Owners / Hotel Workers
  Interview is done either in person or on video call
  Photo of each individual is attached to the interview
  Finally the analysis report is generated
Task 2: Practical Survey
Task 2: Analysis of survey

the problems
faced by
individuals to
achieve zero
food wastage.
Task 2:Ground work

 Educating the people on how to achieve zero food wastage was done by
meeting about 60 people individually after analysis of the problems.
Thank You

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