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Charles Dickens

Chapter one
Part 3
Unit 1 part 3
Language and Culture

• Listening: Capitals of culture

• Grammar: Questions review
• Vocabulary & Pronunciation: Collocations for
describing places, word stress
• Speaking: Nominating a town
Do you know what a Capital of Culture is? Read the
introduction and then discuss the questions below with a
Every year, cities in Europe,
the Americas and the Arab
world are chosen to be
‘capitals of culture’. Each city
puts on a year-long
programme of cultural events
in order to attract visitors and
bring different cultures
Does your country belong to a Capital of Culture programme? If
so, do you know what places have been or are going to be Capitals
of Culture?
Listen to interviews about two capitals of Culture: Sibiu,
Romania and Brazilia, Brazil. For which city did becoming a
Capital of Culture have the greater effect?.

Answer the questions. Then listen again and check.

Which city…
1. was modernised?
2. has the shape of a bird?
3. had a lot fewer visitors in the past?
4. has many buildings by the same architect?
5. Attracts business people?
6. Has belonged to different countries?
1. Sibiu
2. Brasilia
3. Sibiu
4. Brasilia
5. Brasilia
6. Sibiu
Extend your vocabulary - look.

1. Look for
2. Look up
3. Look at
4. Look after
5. Look around

1. you/us/can/about the city/tell?
Can you tell us about the city?

2. like/what/that year/was?
What was that year like?
3. change/did/how/the city/the year?
How did the year change the city?

4. in a normal year/Sibiu/visitors/does/how many/have?

How many visitors does Sibiu have in a normal year?

5. since 2007/increased/the number of tourists/has?

Has the number of tourists increased since 2007?
1. Can you tell us about the city?
2. What was that year like?
3. How did the year change the
4. How many visitors does Sibiu
have in a normal year?
5. Has the number of tourists
increased since 2007?
Read the rules and match them to questions from exercise 1.
• In questions with be the verb goes before the
• In present simple or past simple questions the
auxiliary verb do /did goes before the subject
• Questions with modals, questions in the
present or past continuous, present perfect or
past perfect start with the auxiliary verb (can,
will, is, was, has, etc.)

First rule : 2
Second rule : 3, 4
Third rule : 1, 5
Is Amman an old city?

inhabitants does Amman have?

(people live in Amman / live there? )

can tourist do in Amman?

was Arab Capital of Culture?

things did the city do?

cultural events did Amman organize?
International airport
Ancient monuments
Tourist attractions
Designer boutiques
Cultural events
Modern architecture

Part 4
Unit 1 part 4
Language and Culture

• Reading and speaking: Towards a definition of

• Grammar: Subject / Object questions
• Writing & Speaking: Culture Quiz
How could you finish this sentence?.

Culture is…

a) Everyone knows what it is, but explains it

in different ways.
People think this kind of information is
valuable and important.

These test contain many questions about the

country’s ‘Culture’.
It is harder to say exactly what
these are as they are often changing.

One thing we can all agree on is that

culture is about being unique and different.
These questions are adapted from a citizenship test for Australians. Using
the information in the text, categorise the questions into those about
‘culture with a capital C’ and those about ‘culture with a small c’.
1. What does the word Australia mean?
2. What happened on 25 April 1915 in Gallipoli, 1.C
Turkey and why is this important to Australians?
3. Which European explorer arrived in Australia 2.C
first? 3.C
4. What do Australians like doing in their free 4.c
5. What colour is the Australian flag? 5.C
6. Who designed the Sydney Opera House? 6.C
7. Do Australians kiss or shake hands when they 7.c
meet each other?
8. Where did many of the early Australian settlers 8.C
come from? 9.C
9. What is Uluru?
What do Americans do in their free time?

Who wrote Hamlet?

• When a question word is the object of a

present simple or past simple question,
use do/does or did
• When a question word is the subject of a
present simple or past simple question,
don’t use do/does or did
Can you find three examples of subject questions?.
1. What does the word Australia mean?
2. What happened on 25 April 1915 in Gallipoli,
Turkey and why is this important to Australians?
3. Which European explorer arrived in Australia
4. What do Australians like doing in their free
5. What colour is the Australian flag?
6. Who designed the Sydney Opera House?
7. Do Australians kiss or shake hands when they
meet each other?
8. Where did many of the early Australian settlers
come from?
9. What is Uluru?
Make questions for the facts, beginning with the words in italics.

1. The most popular sports Australians watch

on television are Australian football and

What sports …?

What sports do Australians watch on television?

Make questions for the facts, beginning with the words in italics.

2. The Aborigines lived in Australia before

European settlers arrived. There is still a large
Aborigine population.

Who …?

Who lived in Australia before European settlers

Make questions for the facts, beginning with the words in italics.

3. On 26 January Australians celebrated

Australia Day, the national holiday..

What …?

What do Australians celebrate on 26 January?

Make questions for the facts, beginning with the words in italics.

4. There are six states and two territories in


How …?

How many states and territories are there in

Make questions for the facts, beginning with the words in italics.

5. Barbecues are very popular. A barbecue is a

meal cooked outside.

What …?

What is a barbecue?
Make questions for the facts, beginning with the words in italics.

6. The summer Olympics were held in Sydney

in 2000.

Which Australian city …?

Which Australian city held the Summer Olympics

in 2000?
1. It comes from the Latin word australis, which means ‘southern’.
2. Now known as Anzac Day, this was the date when the Australian and New Zealand forces
landed at Gallipoli in Turkey to fight in the first World War. This led to an important battle
when many Australian soldiers died.
3. Captain James Cook, in the 18th century.
4. Common leisure time activities include playing sports and other outdoor activities as well
as television watching and socialising with friends.
5. Blue, white and red.
6. Jorn Utson, a Danish architect.
7. Shaking hands is more common, although close female friends and men and women
friends may kiss.
8. England and Ireland.
9. A large sandstone rock formation in the middle of Australia.
Write a quiz
How could you finish this sentence?.

Culture is…
These test contain many questions about the
country’s ‘Culture’.

People think this kind of information is

valuable and important.

It is harder to say exactly what these are as

they are often changing.

Everyone knows what it is, but explains it in

different ways.

One thing we can all agree on is that

culture is about being unique and different.

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