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Advanced Drawing 2022
Week 02 : Drawing Theory

Remandhia Mulcki, S.Sn., M.Ds.


Advanced Drawing
The objective of this course is to enables
students to learn Drawing medium such as
pencil, drawing pen, and watercolor to
achieve realistic style drawing on paper.

Drawing, Painting, &
Illustration Theories
Principle of Art & Design
Drawing Style
Watercolor Medium & Technique
What is Painting? 4


• Painting is the practice of applying paint,

pigment, color or other medium to a solid
• The medium is commonly applied to the
base with a brush, but other implements,
such as knives, sponges, and airbrushes, can
be used.
• In art, the term painting describes both the
act and the result of the action (the final
work is called "a painting")
What is Painting? 5


• Painting is the expression of ideas and

emotions, with the creation of certain aesthetic
qualities, in a 2D visual language.
• The elements of this language—its shapes,
lines, colours, tones, and textures—are used in
various ways to produce sensations of volume,
space, movement, and light on a flat surface.
• These elements are combined into expressive
patterns in order to represent real/supernatural
phenomena, to interpret a narrative theme, or
abstract visual.
Elements And Principles Of Design 6


• The Painting constructed by the arrangement of its

lines, shapes, colours, tones, and textures.
• The colours and shapes alone is capable of
communicating a particular mood, producing optical
sensations of space, volume, movement, and light
and creating forces of both harmony and tension.
• One of the purposes of painting is to achieve beauty
(harmony & unity) as a form of expression.
• Illustration is a form of painting/drawing as
communication purpose.
Illustration 8


• Illustration ; Illustratio = Illumination

(Spiritual Enlightenment)
• Illustration is a visualization of narration or
• Illustration is a visual explanation or
interpretation of narration or concept. They
might help explain an idea or tell a story or
provide decoration.
• Illustration come in many forms both
traditional and digital (poster, book,
magazine, animation, video games, and film)

Draw a watermelon! Draw a TASTY watermelon!

Tasty means Sweet or sweeter.

Use more vibrant red to visualize
the sweetness of watermelon
Draw a cat!

The composition of form, color, gesture, and the drawing-style create a different meaning.
Draw a cat!

Different type of style (Realism vs expressionism) gives different impressions

The Structure of Illustration 12


• Illustration is a picture. The structure of a space

of a picture is divided into a three-part:
1. Foreground: Space closest to the viewer,
bottom of the artwork
2. Middle ground: Space between
foreground and background
3. Background: Space farthest from the
viewer, upper of the artwork
• The scale of these components often correlates to
the dominance in an image.
• The foreground is often the most dominant due to
the larger perceived scale of the image’s objects.

Understanding the picture plane

and the structures of an image
enables you to create the illusion
of depth and space.

It will make your illustration

more attractive and beautiful.

The Foreground is the common place to put

an important character or object of the story.

The background function is to help the viewer

to visualize the place of the story taken.

Usually, the background shouldn’t be

“stronger” than the foreground (character)
because it will bother the focus.

When the character is put in the

middle ground, the foreground
function act as a frame that creates a
focus effect.

Although the size of the foreground is

the bigger and usually bigger picture
will attract our eyes first, it won’t
happen in this case. 

It's because of the framing effects.

It's because of the Visual Hierarchy.
The Principle of Illustration 16

Applied Principle of Design into Everyday Illustration

Applied Principle of Design

• The Visual Elements of line, shape, tone,
color, pattern, texture and form are the
building blocks of composition in art.
They Called The Elements of Design.
• The elements of design can be thought
of as the things that make up a painting,
drawing, design etc.
• How we apply The Principles of design
determines how successful we are in
creating a work of art.
Principle of Design : Balance 18

Principle of Design

Balance is the distribution of the visual weight of objects, colors, texture, and space.
If the design was a scale, these elements should be balanced to make a design feel
Principle of Design : Contrast 21

Principle of Design

Contrast is the difference in quality between two instances of an art element, or using
opposing qualities next to each other.
Principle of Design : Emphasis 24

Principle of Design

Emphasis is created by visually reinforcing something we want the viewer to pay attention to. Focal
points are areas of interest the viewer's eyes skip to. The strongest focal point with the greatest
visual weight is the dominant element of the work.
Principle of Design : Proportion 27

Principle of Design

Proportion is the relationship of sizes between different parts of a work. For example, how wide it
is compared to how tall it is. Some proportions, such as the golden ratio and the rule of thirds, are
thought to be more naturally pleasing.
Principle of Design : Rhythm 30

Principle of Design

Rhythm is created when one or more elements of design are used repeatedly to create a feeling of
organized movement. Rhythm creates a mood like music or dancing. To keep rhythm exciting and
active, variety is essential.
Principle of Design : Movement 33

Principle of Design

Using art elements to direct a viewer's eye along a path through the artwork, and/or to show
movement, action and direction. Also, giving some elements the ability to be moved or move on
their own, via internal or external power.
Principle of Design : Unity & Harmony 36

Principle of Design

Harmonious elements have a logical relationship or progression - in some way they work together
and complement each other. Unity is created by using harmonious similarity and repetition,
continuance, proximity and alignment, and closure of design elements
Style in Illustration 39

Variety of Illustration

Illustration Style
1. Based on Mediums
– Pencil, Ink, Watercolor, Gouache, Acrylic,
Woodcut, Charcoal, Lithography, Soft-pastel,
Etching, Computer, etc
2. Based on Media
– Book, Poster, Flyer, Packaging, Comic, Mural,
Digital, Fashion, Architecture, Advertising,
Animation, Games, Film, etc
3. Based on Visual Concept (Modern - Contemporary)
– Modern: Realism, Surrealism, Abstract, Gothic,
Expressive, Caricature, Cartoon, Line Art, etc
– Contemporary: Manga, Concept Art, Flat Design,
Graffiti, experimental, Photorealistic, Meme, etc

Based on Mediums

Based on Mediums

Based on Media

Based on Media

Based on Visual Concept


Based on Visual Concept


Wet in Dry
Wet in Wet
Watercolor 49

What is watercolor?

• Watercolour or aquarelle is a painting method in

which the paints are made of pigments suspended
in a water-based solution.
• Watercolours are pigments ground with gum arabic
and gall and thinned with water in use.
• Watercolour are popularized by the elite and
aristocratic classes at 18th Century in England. Its
used by mapmakers, military officers, and
engineers for its usefulness in depicting properties,
terrain, field geology, and for illustrating public
works or commissioned projects.
Watercolor 50

What is watercolor?

• In the “pure” watercolour technique

(English method), no white or other opaque
pigment is applied, colour intensity and
tonal depth being built up by successive,
transparent washes on damp paper.
• Patches of white paper are left unpainted to
represent white objects and to create effects
of reflected light.
• These flecks of bare paper produce the
sparkle characteristic of pure watercolour.
Type of Watercolor: Pan or Cakes 51

Outdoor Equipment

• Watercolor paint in pans comes as

rectangular or circular “cakes” that are fitted
into individual pans.
• They’re dry to the touch, but when you dab
a wet brush in the watercolor, it is
• It’s easy to transport, and you don’t have to
worry about tubes breaking open.
• Easy to achieve transparent character of
• Hard to use for big drawing (A3+)
Type of Watercolor: Tube 52

Indoor Equipment

• Watercolor paint in tube contain more

glycerine binder than pans. This makes them
soft and creamy and easier to mix with
• One of the biggest advantages of watercolor
from a tube is that it’s a concentrated
amount of the color, so it will apply instantly
• Best for color mixing and big size drawing.
Paint Brush vs Water Brush Pen 53


• Paint brush is classic tools for any type of

mediums. Its soft and easy to control the
amount of water and compatible with
different type of painting technique.
• Water brushes eliminate the need to carry
water when traveling. Good for calligraphy
or hand lettering. Pretty hard to control since
the feeling are pretty different with paint
Watercolor Technique: Wet on Dry & Wet on Wet 60


• Wet on dry: applying wet paint onto dry

paper, or wet paint onto an area of dry paint.
This technique allows for more control and
crisp, defined edges. The paint will only go
where your brush takes it.
• The wet-on-wet oil painting technique is
exactly how it sounds, painting directly on
top of wet paint without allowing the lower
layer to dry. For this reason, the wet-on-wet
method is also referred to as 'direct painting.

Painting using layer by layer technique


Play with watercolor; start by creating

abstract color composition 

Relax and understand the characteristic;

transparent, soft, unpredictable, and fun 

Watercolor 01

Prepare Watercolor + paper
Search Fruit’s Reference
Portrait or Landscape orientation
Ask Mba Rani for Free Concorde Paper

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