ISM Pre-Mid Assignment Template

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ISM Pre-Mid Assignment

Due Date of Submission: 11th July 2022

Group Members Name

<Group Number>
• < Enrollment No : Group Member Name >
• < Enrollment No : Group Member Name >
• < Enrollment No : Group Member Name >
• < Enrollment No : Group Member Name >
Assignment Instructions
This is a group assignment.
Each group has to identify any organization, search about the firm on google
and understand how that firm is utilizing information support system for their
business. Choose any one functional area out of four major areas (mentioned
below) for that organization:
• Sales and Marketing
• HR
• Finance and Accounting
• Manufacturing and Operations
Assignment Instructions
Identify any business process from the chosen functional area. The business
process can be following (not limited to):
• New Employee Hiring
• Employee Performance Evaluation
• Employee Satisfaction Evaluation
• Training and Development etc.
Sales and Marketing
• Lead tracking
• Product Management
• Customer Management
• Sales Management
Assignment Instructions
Finance and Accounting
• Billing and Credit Management
• Payroll System
• Employee reimbursements

Manufacturing and Operations

• Inventory Management
• Customer Transaction Management
• Order Processing Management
Assignment Instructions
The characteristics to be studied:
1. What are the main use of computer-based systems in the particular
organization for the business process chosen? You can then work out if they
are best described as TPS, MIS, DSS etc.
2. For each IS identified, what is the main type of data stored into the system.
3. For each systems, who are the main users, who puts data into the systems
and who makes use of it subsequently.
4. Identify the various reports that can be generated with the data/inputs
identified (summarized, sorting, merging, simulated etc.)
5. Identify the SDLC model that your group will suggest to develop this IS.
Support your answer.
Business Process (BP) Chosen

• <Add a brief about the business process chosen here>

Type of Information System (IS) It Is Classified Into

• <Your Answer with reasons>

Various Activities Performed Under BP

• <Your Answer in bullet points>

Main Users of the System

• <Your Answer in bullet points>

Data stored in the system

• <Your Answer in bullet points >

Various Reports Generated

• <Your Answer in bullet points >

SDLC Model To Be Used To Develop This System
And The Reason For The Same

• <Your Answer with reasons>

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