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Table of Contents

01 02
Miyan Tansen Tansen and his
journey of becoming
a musician

03 04
Instruments Tansen Tansen in Akbar’s
played court
Miyan Tansen
Tansen, also referred to as Miyan Tan Sen or
Ramtanu Pande, was a prominent figure of
Hindustani classical music. Born in a Hindu
Gaur brahmin family, he learnt and perfected
his art in the northwest region of modern
Madhya Pradesh. He was greatly esteemed for
his dhrupad and raga compositions and for his
vocal performances
01 02 03

Tansen was the only child of a As a child Tansen was very Tansen became a great singer
singer named Mukandan Mishra naughty, but was also talented, as after learning music from Swami
and his wife, who lived in Behat he imitated perfectly the calls of Haridas for eleven years.
near Gwalior. birds and animals.
04 05

Tansen married Hussaini, one of Tansen and Hussaini had five

the ladies in the court of Rani children who were all very
Mrigaini. Hussaini also became a musical.
disciple of Swami Haridas.
Tansen’s journey of
becoming a musician
Tansen began his musical journey at a
young age when he was chosen as a
disciple by Swami Haridas. He studied
music under him for the next ten years of
his life. Since Haridas was an exponent
of the Dhrupad style of singing, Tansen
developed an interest towards Dhrupad.
Tansen played
Though Tansen was a vocalist, the
gharana also produced sitar maestros.
The Senia style of sitar playing
started with the legendary Ustad
Maseet Sen, who belonged to the
sixth generation in the Tansen
Tansen in
Akbar’s court
When Tansen was already a mature musician,
he joined the court of the Mughal emperor
Akbar, who was well known for his patronage
Tansen in
of the arts. Tansen became one of the
Akbar’s court navratnas, collection of the most talented
intellectuals and artists in the court. His skill
was honoured with the title Mian
Tansen died on April 26, 1586. He is
remembered for his epic Dhrupad
compositions, creating several new
ragas, as well as for writing two
classic books on music Sri Ganesh
Stotra and Sangita Sara.

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