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Aquileirys García Alvarado
Respiratory system

 The respiratory system is the set of organs

that living beings have, in order to exchange
gases with the environment. Its structure and
function is highly variable depending on the
type of organism and its habitat.
How does the respiratory
system work?

The respiratory system is made up of the airways and the

lungs. Through the airways the air circulates in the
direction of the lungs and it is in these organs where the
gas exchange takes place.

In the airways we differentiate the upper airway, which

goes from the nose and mouth to the vocal cords, and
includes the pharynx and larynx, and the lower airway,
formed by the trachea, the bronchi and their branches
inside. of the lungs, the bronchioles.
The trachea is the tube that runs from the
larynx to the main bronchi. These, in turn,
penetrate into the interior of each lung and
divide into smaller branches (bronchioles).
Finally, as they enter the lungs, they end up
in bags or sacks called alveoli.
In the walls of the trachea and the thickest
bronchi there are several layers that from
the outside inside are the cartilage, which
gives it structure and consistency, a
muscular layer and an inner covering,
which is the mucosa.
Respiratory system functions
The basic function of the respiratory system is respiration. It consists of
bringing oxygen from the air to the blood and eliminating carbon
dioxide from the air. This gas exchange occurs inside the lungs.
1. Inhalation and exhalation are pulmonary ventilation. That's breathing
2. External respiration exchanges gases between the lungs and the
3. Internal respiration exchanges gases between the bloodstream and
body tissues.
4. The air that vibrates the vocal cords creates sounds
5. Smell, or smell, is a chemical sensation
Structures of the respiratory system

 In man, the respiratory system includes:

 1. Airways: (Driving zone)

 2. Lungs (Exchange Zone)

 - Airways: The main structures are: Nasal fossae,

Pharynx, Larynx and Trachea.

 - Nostrils.
Most common respiratory system diseases
Some respiratory diseases are caused by viruses
and bacteria. If not properly prevented and treated
they can be fatal.
the most commons are: 
- Common cold.
- Rhinitis.
- Rhinosinusitis
- Pharyngitis.
- Tonsillitis.
- Tracheitis
- Bronchitis.
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
- Emphysema.
- Asthma.
- Pulmonary tuberculosis.
- Pneumonia.
- Silicosis.
- Lung cancer.
- Cystic fibrosis.
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