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Some Affiliate Sites
Types of Affiliate Marketing
• Traffic based (CPC) / Pay per visitor
• Cost per sale (CPS)
• Impressions based (CPM)
• Cost per action / acquisition (CPA)
• CPL (Cost per lead)
How To Create Pay Per Visitor Model
• Creating niche specific pages
• Getting related viral content
• How to get organic likes
• Setting up giveaways for more likes!
• Finding niche specific news websites
Who Can Be an Affiliate Marketer
• Anyone can do affiliate marketing
• online entrepreneurs, bloggers, website ners and SEO professionals have a
head start.
• Anyone who can build an audience can be successful at affiliate
• If you fit this description, you could be earning a commission by
recommending products and services.
What is the Amazon Affiliate Program?
The Amazon Affiliate program, or Amazon Associates, is an affiliate
marketing program.  It's free for website owners and bloggers to
become Amazon Associates. They advertise products from on their sites by creating links. When customers click the
links and buy products from Amazon, they earn referral fees.

Amazon Associates Link:

Referral Fee Structure Link:
Niche Research
Niche Research Basics
• The 3 Thumb Rules…. Does the niche satisfy the 3 rules?
• The niche should have scores upon scores of products being sold on Most of these products
should be selling for at least $50, and at least a handful of these should have more than fifty 4- and 5-star
• You should be comfortable with working in the niche for at least 3 to 4 months
• The niche should be big enough to support a site that’s at least 50 to 100 pages in size
• Seasonality ...
• From the graph (, is the niche seasonal? Yes / No
• When does the demand peak?
• Month ?
• When is the demand at its lowest?
• Month ?
• What else can you infer from the graph? Regional Interest
• Is there significant demand for the products in the geography you are targeting? Yes / No
Seasonality and Trends
• The single biggest mistake beginners make while selecting a niche.
• The do not check how the demand for products in the niche varies over a
year. You do not want to spend 3 or 4 months working on a site that generates
revenues only for 2 months in a year.
• Not all niches are seasonal.
• Designer clothing, computer accessories, DVDs, high end cosmetics and
electronics sell all year round. If you build sites in these niches, you can
expect a steady stream of sales every month, all year round.
Region Vs Worldwide Demands
• Go to
• And search the term “golf club” and instead of going for USA search it for
Worldwide and see where the USA stands for this term.
• Golf clubs can mean one of two things
• a club that’s used to hit the ball
• an organization of golfers.
• You would always want to check if whatever you are searching for can
have multiple meanings – try to be as specific as possible. 
• Same goes for the search term “raincoats for women” & “golf balls”.
P.S.: The actual search volume per month is not
indicated here. See them as a measure of interest and
awareness. The numbers here are normalized – and the
search volume is not indicated.
Estimating the size of a niche
• Go to google keyword planner. And search the word “golf balls”
• Earlier we talked about 50-to-100-page niche is a must.
• For any niche to satisfy the 50-to-100-page rule, you will need to see at least
50 or 100 distinct phrases or subtopics.
• To build a 50-page site, you want to see at least 50 phrases in the list here. 50
phrases that are very closely related with each other. And are distinct.
• Now, let’s check ‘cheap golf balls under $10’.
• You really can’t build a site around this. There simply are not enough closely
related phrases to build a 50-page site around.
Using Google Keyword Planner for Niche
• Run a search for “supplies” .
• Now you can see phrases like ‘artist supplies’, ‘calligraphy supplies’,
‘artists materials online’, ‘architect supplies’,  and so on.
• Each of these can be a “potential” niche.
• You of course will have to check whether these niches satisfy the 3
• Note: not every phrase is going to be good for niche nor big enough
to build a 50-page site around it.
• Phrases like “shop supplies” and “supply stores”.
Using Amazon to generate Niche Ideas
• Search the term “Amazon best sellers” on google and click the first
non ad link.
• Here on the left, you can see amazon themselves have categorized
these for you.
• You want a product to have at least 50 reviews
• A 4-star rating
• The price to be at least $50. 
• Spend some time looking at the best sellers list on amazon. Just
looking at all these products that are selling very well for a while can
help you come up with great niche ideas.
Ebay and Alibaba to Generate Niche Ideas
• Search these sites too for categories
• Keep in mind you are not trying to find exactly same products on
Amazon. You just want niche ideas.
• Amazon usually have something similar for that niche on their
• E.g. ‘heels’ you may not find the exact same heels, but you can find heels on
amazon too. And build a niche around women’s shoes.
• You can use just about any big ecommerce site to generate niche
ideas this way.
Movies to Generate Niche Ideas
• Be creative.
• For instance, take the hit movie “2012”. If you were to survive a natural
disaster, what’s one thing you  absolutely, positively must have? Survival
gear, of course. 
• Let's go to now.
• If we see any spy movie suppose “Jason bourne” can we build a
Niche around spy gadgets ? --- yes, we can.
• Search for movie names directly on amazon and see what
comes up or in that case why not search movie stars and see
the results
Online Databases for Niche Ideas
• Let's search the term “list of online databases” on google.
• Go to the links lets go to the Wikipedia link and see what catches out
• Whatever does catch your eye do a research on that keyword and see the
Using Flippa to get Niche Ideas
• This is something that a lot of people miss and don’t do.
• You can directly go here and see other affiliate sites that are being
• Get niche ideas
• Have a feel of what others are doing
• And how much that can earn you potentially
Some more Ideas you want to explore for
• By focusing on other people's hobbies and interests, you will be able
to build a number of sites.
• What kind of clothes are you wearing right now?
• What kind of belt are you wearing?
• What are the normally used leather products?
• What kind of products do you tend to buy on impulse while

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