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     Group No 5
•Chinmay Kinage-21020242013
• Pratik Khatke-21020242033 
•Rimjhim Prakash-21020242039 
•Rishi Verma-21020242040 
•Shruti Bhosale-21020242050 
•Suprio Saha-21020242054
• A greenhouse is a structure made of galvanized
steel and covered with agricultural film or shading
net/thermal net on all the sides, in which plants can
be grown in regulated and optimum climate
• Greenhouse helps growing crops in extreme
climatic conditions and high rainfall areas.

What are • Greenhouse offer increased control over quality and

productivity also help in pest exclusion, protection
greenhouses?  from extreme solar radiation, rain and wind.
• The size of greenhouse ranges typically from 1
Acre to 3 Acre in India.
• The Greenhouse technology works on 'The
Greenhouse Effect' principle. Greenhouse effect
maintains a temperature range that help in
maximizing crop production.
Greenhouse type based on shape-
1. Lean to type greenhouse.
2. Even span type greenhouse.
3. Uneven span type greenhouse.
4. Ridge and furrow type. 
Types of 5. Saw tooth type.
Greenhouses/ 6. Quonset greenhouse. 
Polyhouse 7. Interlocking ridges and furrow type Quonset greenhouse. 
8. Ground to ground greenhouse.

Greenhouse type based on Utility-

9. Greenhouses for active heating.
10. Greenhouses for active cooling.
Greenhouse type based on construction-
1. Wooden framed structure. 
2. Pipe framed structure. 
3. Truss framed structure.

Types of Greenhouse type based on covering material-

Greenhouses/Polyhouse 4. Glass glazing. 
5. Fiber glass reinforced plastic (FRP) glazing (Plain sheet, corrugated
6. Plastic film (UV stabilized LDPE film, Silpa Ulin type sheet, Net
house) d) Based on the cost of construction (High-cost Green House,
Medium cost Green House, Low-cost Green House)

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA.

Types of Greenhouses / Polyhouse
The National Committee on the use of Plastics in Agriculture (NCPA-
1982) has recommended location specific trials of greenhouse
technology for adoption in various regions of the country. 
Greenhouses are being built in the Ladakh region for extending the
growing season of vegetables from 3 to 8 months. 
In the North-East, greenhouses are being constructed essentially as rain
shelters to permit off-season vegetable production. 
In the Northern plains, seedlings of vegetables and flowers are being
raised in the greenhouses either for capturing the early markets or to
improve the quality of the seedlings. 
Propagation of difficult-to-root tree species has also been found to be
very encouraging. Several commercial floriculture ventures are coming
up in Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka states to meet the
demands of both domestic and export markets.

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC.

Important Features
• Crops suitable for Greenhouse-
• Tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, lettuce & other greens, beans & peas, &
• Greenhouse takes advantage of cold-tolerant plants like greens during
winter, and heat-tolerant plants like peppers during summer. Greenhouses
& other indoor growing spaces are fantastic tools for growers. 
• Watering System in Greenhouse
• Drip irrigation is the best technique for watering the greenhouse plants
owing to the small root system. It must be ensured that the water is
dispersed at the root area only and that it does not fall on the leaves or
flowers. Falling on leaves and flowers may lead to infection, disease
spread and even scorching. 
• Maintenance of Greenhouse
• The chief expense of greenhouse is the maintenance of the transparent
films. The biofilm on the walls and roof must be washed periodically
since dust settles on them reducing the light transmittance. The
greenhouse must be solarized annually. Solarization is done by mulching
and the interiors are fumigated.
The yield may be 10-12 times
higher than that of outdoor
cultivation depending upon Reliability of crop increases Ideally suited for vegetables Year-round production of Off-season production of
the type of greenhouse, type under greenhouse cultivation and flower crops floricultural crops vegetable and fruit crops
of crop, environmental
control facilities

Maintenance of stock plants,

Disease-free and genetically Efficient utilization of Water requirement of crops
cultivating grafted plant-lets Hardening of tissue cultured
superior transplants can be chemicals, pesticides to very limited and easy to
and micro propagated plant- plants
produced continuously control pest and diseases control

Modern techniques of
Hydroponic (Soil less culture),
Most useful in monitoring
Production of quality produce Aeroponics and Nutrient film
and controlling the instability
free of blemishes techniques are possible only
of various ecological system
under greenhouse
A greenhouse becomes a heat
trap during warm weather. If the
Maintaining the environment of temperature become too high, It  needs proper careful
a greenhouse is costly. the plants may die. In the cold maintenance. 
season, plants die when the
temperature is too low. 

In Greenhouse, the temperature

It requires careful precautions to
at night should be maintained in Pollination problems in
eliminate any pest or diseases in
the range of 10-20oC which is greenhouses. Like- tomato
order to make sure that
plant specific. Hence, it becomes needs to pollinated before
Disadvantages difficult to grow a variety under
the same roof.
consecutive crop production
does not get affected.

Migration birds may be affected

due to greenhouse.

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY.

Indian scenario
• Use in India started in 1980s and was mainly
used for research purposes.
• The area under greenhouse cultivation in is only
about 7000 ha.
• States that have continuously expanded the area
under greenhouse farming are Gujarat, Andhra
Pradesh, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Punjab,
Haryana, and Maharashtra. Maharashtra and
Gujarat had a wide area of around 2000 hectares
and 1000 hectares, respectively.
Govt subsidies available in India

• There are two types of govt subsidies available in India :

One is from State Govt. through National Horticulture Mission
(NHM) like Haryana Government is Providing 65% subsidy,
Punjab Govt 50%, Himachal Govt 80-85% subsidy. State
Government gets approximately 50% subsidy from Central
Govt. in return.
Other one is from Central Govt. through National Horticulture
Board (NHB) on Total Project at 50% rate. The Project
includes all supporting components required including Post
Harvest Management.
Capital Investment
• The capital investment for the greenhouse project is
calculated per hectare for Rose plantation.
• The capital can be raised with the help of different
subsidies, state government schemes, or banks loan.
Generally, 25 % cost needs to be invested by entrepreneur.
• Assumption:- 
1. Revenue generation is considered as constant over the
period of time. 
2. Production and farm utilization is considered at 100%
3. Depreciation is not considered in model.
Capital Investment
Fixed Cost Variable Cost

Approx. Cost in
Items Approx. Cost in
INR (Lakhs) INR (Lakhs)
Land Development 5 Electricity Charges 8
Green House Structure 15 Input Cost 5
Planting material & Process  30 Packaging Material 2
Cold Storage 10 Air Freight Cost 100
Packing & Transportation 10 Labour Cost 5
Water Supply & Irrigation 6 Duty/ Insurance Cost 15
Power Supply 3 Salaries for employees 15
Generator Set 2 Maintenance Cost 2
Office Setup 5 Others 5
Total 86 Total 157

Total investment is 2.43 Cr for 1 hectare of rose farming 

The breakeven point will achieve after selling
2.5 lacs units of rose flowers. It is estimated

Breakeven Point that after 5 years project will be able to

generate profits. 

Production​- Income Projections

​ ​

Quantity of rose plants/ hectare ​ 50000​

Approx. rose flowers per plant​ 100​

Approx. Export Quality product/ Plant​ 50​
International Price/ rose flower​ 6​

Approx. Domestic Quality product/ Plant​ 50​

Domestic Price / rose flower​ 4​

Total Income​         2,50,00,000 ​

• Can be used extensively for Horticulture and
Floriculture production.
• Considerable benefits are seen after the installation
of greenhouses. For example, in Ladakh, the
growing season has been increased from 3 months to
8 months.
• The initial investment is considerably high, but the
Conclusion returns are also good.
• The GoI is also promoting greenhouse farming in
areas where adverse weather conditions for better
• There is a lot of future scope for greenhouse
technology in India. With continuous research, Indian
scientists have found a way to modify greenhouses
and grow asafetida in Himachal Pradesh.

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