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 Noun clauses

Relative clauses

Adverbial clauses
Adverbial clauses

o They have adverbial value: they “express” the time, place,

cause, consequence, condition, reason, purpose, means,
instrument, etc. of the event/state in the verb.

o They function as Adverbial Adjuncts .

o They can be analyzed into S + P

o They are dependent / subordinate clauses.

o They are typically introduced by a SUBORDINATING

CONJUNCTION (S+) that functions as complementizer.
Noun clauses
• They have nominal value. / they can be

• They can be analyzed into S + P

• They can function as Subject, DO, Complement,


• They are subordinate / dependent clauses.

…more on this topic soon

Relative clauses

• There are two different types:

# Defining Relative clauses and
# Non-Defining Relative clauses

• They are subordinate /dependent clauses.

• They can be analyzed into S + P

• They are introduced by a RELATIVIZER. (they have a function in

the clause)
relative pronoun
Relativizers relaltive adjective
relative adverb
Defining Relative clauses
o They have adjectival value.

o They define the antecedent.

o They are always introduced by a relativizer.

o The relativizer is always co-referencial with the antecedent.

o They function as POM.

(a POM narrows down the scope of reference)

o They are NOT separated from the antecedent (the noun they
modify) by any type of punctuation.

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