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Sunny Yadav

SUNNY, BPH, TU 06/27/2022 1

 Major component of food which is the main source
of energy; providing 4 Kcal/gm

 In balanced diet, carbohydrates provide 50-60% of

total calories taken.

 In excess, the carbohydrates are converted into

body fat.

 Composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen and

also called saccharide.

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 Using the sun’s energy
and the green pigment in
plants called chlorophyll,
 plants convert carbon

dioxide and water into

glucose and oxygen.
 Glucose is the basic

sugar molecule from

which all carbohydrates
(sugars, starches, and
fiber) are made.

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Functions of carbohydrates
 Energy production in the body (supplies energy
to all part of body)
 Useful in oxidation of fat
 Growth of useful bacteria
 Synthesis of vitamin B complex
 Absorption of minerals
 Prevention of constipation
 Synthesis of non-essential amino acids,
glycoproteins, glycolipids

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Classification of carbohydrates

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Classification of carbohydrates

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 Also called simple  In Liver Converted into
sugar because they Glycogen and stored.
cannot be hydrolyzing
further into simple  Includes Glucose,
form. Fructose, Galactose

 Require no Digestion
 Glucose (Dextrose):
 Give Energy for body
 Quickly absorbed from
Intestine to Blood and
 It is primary Fuel of
carried to the Liver
 Produce from Starch.
SUNNY, BPH, TU 06/27/2022 7
 Fructose:
 Fruit, Honey
 Sweetest of Simple Sugar

 Galactose:
 Milk Sugar

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 gives two molecules of the same or different
molecules of monosacchairdes on hydrolysis.

 Important Disaccharides are Sucrose,

Lactose &Maltose

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Disaccharides Product formed on Sources

Maltose Glucose + Glucose Corns, germinating

seeds, candies,
Sucrose Glucose + Fructose Cane sugar, beat
sugar, pineapple
Lactose Glucose + Galactose Milk and milk

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 Combination of 3-10 molecules of

 E.g. maltotriose, saffranin, etc.

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 Combination of more than 10 molecules of

 2 types
1. Homopolysaccharides: 2. Heteropolysaccharides:
•Same molecules of • Different molecules of
monosaccharides. monosaccharides.

•E.g. starch, insulin, •E.g. mucopolysaccharides,

glycogen, dextrins, chitin, heparin, etc.
cellulose, etc,

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 Large molecule of glucose

 Requires longer to digest

 Tasteless and odorless

 Insoluble in cold water or alcohol

 Glucose available slower

 E.g.Cereal grains, corn, peas,

potatoes, squash, legumes

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 Cellulose is tasteless, odorless and insoluble in
water and most organic solvents.

 Yields glucose upon complete hydrolysis.

 Cannot digests in human and animals

 Important source of "bulk" in the diet, and the

major component of dietary fiber.

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Action of fiber in the body

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Sources of carbohydrate
1. Starch: cereals, flours, bread, potato, pulses
roots and tubers.
2. Sugars: white sugar, fruits, honey, milk, soft
drink, glucose etc.
3. Cellulose: indigestible contributes to dietary

Fibers includes Cereals, Bran, Outer skin of

Fruits & Vegetables, Brown rice,

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Sources of carbohydrate
• Rich sources: they include pure carbohydrate
foods (sago, tapioca, jaggery and sugar),
cereals and millets and dried fruits.

• Good sources: Pulses, milk powder (full fat),

milk powder (skimmed),roots and tubers

• Fair sources: fresh fruits, animal milk, nuts

and oil seeds and legumes.

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Carbohydrates reuirements
 Daily requirements
- Children: 60-250 grams
- Adolescents: 400 grams
- Men: 300 - 700 grams
- Women: 240 - 540 grams

The carbohydrate reserve (glycogen) of a human

adult is about 500

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Deficiency of carbohydrates

1. Decrease growth

2. Tissue wasting

3. Metabolic acidosis

4. Weakness

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Digestion of carbohydrates
 Mouth :Chewing – Breaks up food
 Saliva – Amylase
 Pancreatic Amylase
 Intestinal Amylase

In mouth

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Digestion of carbohydrates
 In Small Intestine

Maltose → Maltase → Glucose + Glucose

Lactose → Lactase → Glucose + Galactose

Sucrose → Surcease → Glucose + Fructose

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Absorption of carbohydrates
 The end products of carbohydrates are
glucose, fructose and galactose
 These end products are absorbed from small

intestine to capillaries of blood vessels with

the help of villi
 These end products are absorbed by active

transport (glucose and galactose) and

facilitated diffusion (fructose)

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 Calories are used to measure energy. We use
calories to measure how much energy is there in
certain foods. We use calories also to measure
how much energy a person needs(energy

 Nutrients that provide calories, and the

amounts are as follows:-
- One Gram of Carbohydrate provides 4 calories.
- One Gram of proteins provides 4 calories.
- One Gram of fats provides 9 calories.

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