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Chapter 9

Analysis of Reinforced Concrete T-Beams

(Strength Analysis)
Antoine N. Gergess PhD, PE, F.ASCE
• Configuration of T-Beams
• Effective Width
• Analysis
• Strain Distribution
• Negative Moment
• Examples
Effective Width: bE of bf
Interior Exterior (see next slide)
Exterior Interior

T-beam = rectangular
beam + slab on top
T-beam shape and load
Effective Width
Asf  Flange Contribution

Asw = As - Asf  Web Contribution


• The analysis of T-beams is quite similar to rectangular beams,
i.e., the specifications related to the strains are identical.
• It is desirable that εt values ≥ 0.005, and they cannot be less
than 0.004.
• The neutral axis for T-beams can fall either in the flange or
web, depending on the proportions of the slab and web.
• If it falls in the flange, the rectangular beam formulas apply.
Otherwise, the location of the neutral axis should be
• The flanges of most T-beams are usually so large that the
neutral axis most probably falls within the flange, and thus
the rectangular beam formulas apply.
Strain distribution

 c = ud / (u + s)

1(f’c/fy)(600/(600 + fy))
d = 700 – 40 – 10 – 25 – 30/2
= 610 mm.

dlayer 1 = 700 – 40 – 10 – 25/2

= 637.5mm

dlayer 2 = 700 – 40 – 10 – 25 –
30 – 25/2 = 582.5mm

Step 1: beff:

- 16h + bw = 16 170 + 350 = 3070mm

- S = 4000mm
- L/4 + bw = 6600/4 + 350 = 2000mm use minimum value
Step 2: Assume a  hf (170 mm)

0.85f’cab = Asfy  a = 4909mm2 10-6400MPa/(0.8521MPa2000mm10-3) = 0.055m  0.17m assumption correct

C = a/1 = 55mm/0.85 = 64.7mm.

Step 3: Calculate the strain in the two layers of steel:

Layer 1: s = 0.003 (637.5 – 64.7)/64.7 = 0.0266mm/mm  0.004mm/mm OK

 c = ud / (u + s)
Layer 2: s = 0.003 (582.5 – 64.7)/64.7 = 0.024mm/mm  0.004mm/mm OK
Step 4: Moment capacity Mn

Mn = 0.9(0.8521MPa10000.055m2000mm10-3)(0.61m – 0.055m/2) = 1029.4kN-m

Step 5: Check minimum steel

(21MPa/(4400MPa))350mm610mm = 612mm2
(1.4/400MPa)350mm610mm = 747mm2  4909mm2 OK
Step 6: Check maximum steel

0.0107  0.00402
actual = As/bfd = 4909/(2000610) = 0.00402
d = 950 – 40 – 10 – 32 – 30/2
= 853mm.

dlayer 1 = 950 – 40 – 10 – 32/2

= 884mm

dlayer 2 = 950 – 40 – 10 – 32– 30

– 32/2 = 822mm

Step 1: beff:

- 16h + bw = 16 150 + 400 = 2800mm

- S = 2500mm
- L/4 + bw = 1400/4 + 400 = 750mm use minimum value
Step 2: Assume a  hf (150 mm)

0.85f’cab = Asfy  a = 8042mm2 10-6400MPa/(0.8521MPa750mm10-3) = 0.24m  0.15m assumption incorrect

See next slide: Mn = 2310kN-m. C = a/1 = 0.319m/0.85 = 0.375m.

Step 3: Calculate the strain in the two layers of steel:

Layer 1: s = 0.003 (884 – 375)/375 = 0.0041mm/mm  0.004mm/mm OK

Layer 2: s = 0.003 (822 – 375)/375 = 0.00358mm/mm  0.002mm/mm (yield) OK

Step 4: Moment capacity Mn:  = 0.483 + 83.330.00358 = 0.781 0.9 Layer 1. Layer 2:  = 0.483 + 83.330.0041 = 0.824

Mn = 0.8242310kN-m = 1905kN-m

Step 5: Check minimum steel

(21MPa/(4400MPa))400mm853mm = 977mm2
(1.4/400MPa)400mm853mm = 1194mm2  8042mm2 OK

Asf = 0.8521MPa 0.15m(0.75m – 0.4m)/400MPa = 0.00234m2


a = (8042mm210-6- 0.00234m2)400MPa/(0.8521MPa0.4m) = 0.319m

Mn = (0.00234m2400MPa)  (0.853m – 0.15m/2) + (8042mm210-6- 0.00234m2)400MPa(0.853m – 0.319m/2) =

2.31MN-m = 2310kN-m
Step 6: Check maximum steel

0.0119  0.0126 NG
actual = As/bfd = 8042/(750853) = 0.0126
Asf = 4,931mm2
Mn1 = 4931mm2×400MPa(872-170/2)0.001 = 1,553kN-m
Mn1 = (9651 – 4931)mm2×400MPa(872-302/2)0.001 =
1,361kN-m  Mn = 1,553 + 1,361 = 2,914kN-m

Mn1 Mn2
Step 6: Check maximum steel

0.0102  0.011 NG
actual = As/bfd = 9651/(1000872) = 0.011
d = 800 – 40 – 10 – 32 – 30/2
= 703mm.

dlayer 1 = 800 – 40 – 10 – 32/2

= 734mm

dlayer 2 = 800 – 40 – 10 – 32– 30

– 32/2 = 672mm
Asf = 0.8521MPa 0.17m(1m – 0.4m)/400MPa = 0.00455m2
f = 0.00455/(0.4×0.703)

(As - Asf) = (0.008214m2 - 0.00455m2) = 0.8521MPa 0.4mamax/400MPa amax = 0.205m

c = 0.205m/0.85 = 0.241m = 241mm  170mm web governs

s(outer layer): 0.003(734/c - 1) = 0.006
s(inner layer): 0.003(672/c - 1) = 0.0054
1(f’c/fy)(600/(600 + fy)) = 0.0228

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