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Sales Setting

Unit 4a
1. Understand the forces that impact on selling and sales management
2. Appreciate why channels are structured in different ways
3. Evaluate push and pull promotional strategies and tactics
4. Understand the unique problems and forces that surround
organizational and service sales settings
5. Evaluate the usefulness and application of exhibitions as a
promotional medium
6. Appreciate the nature and role of public relations as a selling tool
7. Be aware of implications of selling and the internet
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Behavioral: Rising consumer/organizational buyer
expectations and fulfilment of higher order needs
• Technological advances have created new higher
What makes customer customer expectations
satisfaction so difficult to achieve • Improvements in communication through email and
the internet have increased customer expectations
is that you constantly raise the regarding response time to their requests and inquiries
bar and extend the finish line. • Systems are often complex and customized, and require
You never stop. As your extensive accompanying service. This means that
customers get better treatment, salespeople need to be able to manage cross-functional
they demand better treatment.’ relationships to provide solutions and manage long-
term customer relation
- J.D. Power Consulting • In the corporate world customers are expecting greater
transparency in company operations and more ethical

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Behavioral: Customer avoidance of buyer–
seller negotiations
• Most customers (especially in the
auto/car buying) have taken to viewing
the purchase as an ordeal to be
tolerated, rather than a pleasurable
occasion to be savored

• There are attempts by buyers to avoid

interaction with sales personnel. Hence
businesses advertise their product
ranges and prices online and other
media paltforms
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Behavioral: Expanding power of major
• The growing dominance of • Their enormous purchasing power
major players in many sectors means that they are able to
(notably retailing) is having a demand and get special services.
profound influence on selling
and sales management
• They include special customer
status (key account management),
just-in-time inventory control,
category management and joint
funding of promotions.

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Behavioral: Globalization of markets
• As domestic markets saturate, • This complexity means that strategic
companies are expanding abroad to account managers require both
achieve sales and profit growth. enhanced teamwork and
coordination skills to ensure that
customers receive top-quality
• The global challenge includes a service. Ethical differences are also
correct balance between expatriate important considerations
and host country sales personnel,
adapting to different cultures,
lifestyles and languages, competing
against world-class brands and
building global relationships with
customers based in many countries.
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Behavioral: Fragmentation of markets
• Driven by differences in income levels,
lifestyles, personalities, experiences
and race, markets are fragmenting to
form market segments.

• Marketing and sales managers need to

be adept at identifying changes in
consumer tastes and developing
strategies that satisfy an increasingly
varied and multicultural society.

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Technological: Salesforce automation; virtual
sales offices; electronic sales channels
• Automation of the sales process (EDI, faxes,
palmtop computers, etc) allowing direct
exchange of information.

• Improved technology has encouraged the

creation of virtual offices, allowing sales
personnel to keep in contact with head office,
customers and co-workers.

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Technological: Salesforce automation; virtual
sales offices; electronic sales channels
• The fastest growing electronic • E-commerce can work as a
sales channel is the internet and mediator between front end and
has changed the focus of the back end within the internet
sales team

• The internet has also raised

customer expectations regarding
salesperson knowledge about
their company and

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Managerial: Employing direct marketing
• An emerging change is the use of
computer stations to replace
traditional salespeople.

• For example, customers can

compare features of competitive
models, calculate running costs,
compute monthly payments

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Managerial: Improving cooperation
between sales and marketing
• The development of effective
relationships between sales and
marketing is recognized

• The establishment of intranets

that link employees, suppliers
and customers through their PCs
can improve links and
information exchange.

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Managerial: Encouraging salespeople to attend training programs and
acquire professional

• Sales management is responding

by recognizing the importance of
training and professional

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Behavioral Managerial

Management of
a traditional

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Strategic customer management requires
Intelligence Interfaces Integration

• Salespeople show a deep • Traditional salesperson and • The process of welding all the
understanding of the sales management processes company’s activities and
customer’s business, so that integrate with the new processes that affect
they can identify needs and challenges of doing business customer value into a single,
opportunities ahead of the that have emerged through integrated and sustained
customer. developments in technology. point of value delivery to
• Sellers can gain competitive customers.
advantage by identifying new • The aim is to produce an • There is the need for cross-
opportunities in the end-user effective customer functional and cross-border
markets of their customers. relationship management integration to deliver superior
system that allows customer customer value.
choice of channel while
creating an efficient system of
delivering customer value.

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• Modern-day manufacturing,
more cosmopolitan consumers,
Logistics or
Physical better transportation and
Management communications, and business
(PDM) specialization have meant that
channel decisions are now quite
Distribution complex.

Channels of

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1. Logistics or physical distribution
management (PDM)
• Logistics means the effective and • The logistics mix describes the six (6)
economic planning, implementation functional elements involved:
and control of the physical flow of 1. Order processing
materials in their unprocessed state 2. Materials handling
through to finished goods from the 3. Warehousing
point of origin to delivery to the end- 4. Inventory control
consumer. 5. Transportation
6. Packaging
• Logistics conventionally starts with
customers and works back towards
the original source of supply.
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1. Order processing 2. Materials handling 3. Warehousing

• This first stage calls for close • Is usually a function of the • The location of depots and
liaison with the customer. A product in terms of physical warehouses relative to end-
well-designed system should characteristics such as weight, customers is very important
have simple administrative bulk related to value and in some industries (e.g.
procedures and be speedy perishability, all of which will agricultural machinery where
and effective. determine how the product is spare parts must be
stored and transported. immediately available during
the harvesting period).
• Here, a balance between
levels of service that the • Warehouses can carry buffer
company provides (e.g. ex- stock and help to even out
stock delivery as opposed to, peaks and troughs in
say, one month) and costs is a production. Again, this
decisive factor. process requires a balance
between service levels and

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4. Inventory control 5. Transportation: 6. Packaging

• With the widespread • Is usually a function of the • Packaging design for the
adoption of just-in-time, or product in terms of container that is displayed
lean, manufacturing, this physical characteristics on the shelf of a
has become a critical issue such as weight, bulk supermarket is normally a
related to value and marketing communications
• It is now customary to perishability, all of which issue, but in terms of outer
think of stockholding in will determine how the containers and appropriate
terms of hours rather than product is stored and packaging for shipping via
days or weeks. transported. various modes of
transport, this falls under
• Here, a balance between the logistics mix
levels of service that the classification.
company provides (e.g. ex-
stock delivery as opposed
to, say, one month) and
costs is a decisive factor.

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2. Channels of distribution
• A sales channel is the route that
goods take through the selling
process from supplier to

• Can be direct or indirect

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• Channel management is a key • Factors affecting Appraising of
role of the sales manager. sales channels
• the market;
• This is a major responsibility, • channel costs;
since for most manufacturers • the product;
success or failure is partially • profit potential;
determined by how efficiently • channel structure;
and effectively their products are • product life-cycle;
sold through their marketing • non-marketing factors.
channel members

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The Market Channel costs The product

• This must be analyzed to • Generally, short channels are • Normally, low-cost, low-
ensure that as many potential the costliest. A company technology items are better
consumers as possible will selling direct may achieve suited to longer channels.
have an opportunity to large market coverage, but in • Complex products like
purchase the product or addition to increased industrial products use
service. investment in the salesforce, shorter channels
• Not alienating existing the firm incurs greater • The width of the product line
customers must also be transportation and may also make business to
considered. warehousing costs. use salespersons
• Channel compatibility with • The advantage in this • A narrow product line is more
similar products in the approach may be greater suited to a longer channel
marketplace is important. profits because it allows for
• Companies must ensure that • Short channels have an combining with other
they maintain the status and advantage of being nearer to complementary products e.g.
image associated with the end-users, which means the selling bathroom fittings
channels company is in a better through hardware store
position to anticipate and merchants
meet their needs.

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Profit potential Channel structure Product life-cycle Non-marketing factors

• There comes a point when • To some extent a • Consideration must be given • Non-marketing factors
the costs of obtaining more manufacturer’s choice of to how far the product is relate to the amount of
sales through a channel distributive intermediaries along the product life-cycle finance available.
outweigh revenue and is governed by the members
profits to be gained from in that channel. If members • New products require • E.g. The firm may have to
increased sales. of the channel are strong intensive distribution and distribute through a
(by virtue of, say, their size), products are established middleman because it
• A balance must be struck then it will be difficult for a selected authorized dealers cannot afford to employ a
between channel expense, manufacturer to go outside will be needed for e.g. after field salesforce
profit and gross margins. the established channel. sales service.
• In some cases it may be • Conversely, the firm may
• A manufacturer using short difficult to gain entry to the use a non-conventional
channels is more likely to channel unless the product channel such as mail order,
have high gross margins, but is differentiated by way of which requires minimal
equally higher channel uniqueness or lower price investment in salespeople.
expenses. A manufacturer from those products already
using longer channels will established in the channel.
• Gaining access to giant • Non-marketing factors may
have relatively lower gross also apply when selling
margins, coupled with lower intermediaries may require
aggressive push strategies internationally
channel expenses.
along with mass
promotional pull strategies

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Characteristics of sales channels
Direct Selective Intensive Exclusive

• the manufacturer • The manufacturer • maximum exposure • The manufacturer

does not use a sells through a at the point of sale sells to a restricted
middleman and sells limited number of is needed and the number of dealers.
and delivers direct middlemen who are manufacturer sells An example is the
to the end- chosen because of through as many car industry where
customer. special abilities or outlets as possible. distributors must
facilities to enable Servicing and after- provide levels of
the product to be sales aspects are stockholding, after-
better marketed. less important. sales service, etc.,
• Examples are deemed appropriate
cigarettes, breakfast by manufacturers as
cereals and their reputations
detergents. depend ultimately
upon service back-
up provided by
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Management of sales channels
• Channel decisions are strategic and • A key factor in delineating options for
there are two major reasons for this: channel decision is the company itself and in
particular overall company and marketing
objectives and company resources.
1. Such decisions generally involve a
company in long-term commitments,
• E.g. companies wishing to become market
usually to other organizations. leaders in for instance, the grocery market
have little option but to consider distributing
2. Channel decisions can intimately through the multiples.
affect all of a company’s marketing
and operating activities of the • Generally, issues like numbers of customers,
marketing program (7Ps) their geographical dispersion and customer
needs, habits and preferences must also be
taken into consideration.
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Four major strategic elements of channel choice and design are:

1. The delineation and selection of 3. Systems and procedures for ensuring

basic channel structure maximum cooperation in the channel
– involves considerations as to and the minimum of channel conflict
channel length, types of intermediaries – this includes the specification of
and functions of intermediaries. territorial rights, franchising conditions,

2. The delineation of required market 4. Marketing and channel support

exposure strategies
– this element relates to decisions – this element concerns the relative
concerning the number of emphasis and focus for marketing efforts
intermediaries to be used and their in the channel.
geographical dispersion.
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Fewer customers Concentrated markets

• Institutions and businesses • Industrial markets are often

purchase goods either for use in highly concentrated e.g.. Abbosey
their own organizations or for use Okai spare parts dealers, Accra
in the manufacture of other Industrial Area

• There are few potential

purchasers, each making high-
value purchases.
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Industrial/commercial/public authority selling are largely different from
consumer markets

Complex purchasing decisions Long-term relationships

• Buying decisions often involve • The nature of selling in

a large number of people. industrial, commercial and
• This can prolong negotiation public authority settings is
and decision-making that long-term relationships
processes are established and both
• For example, specifiers need parties become dependent
to be convinced of the upon each other, one for
technical merits of the reliable supplies and the
product, production people other for regular custom.
want to be assured of
guaranteed delivery and
buyers will be looking for
value for money.

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Industrial/commercial/public authority selling are largely different from
consumer markets

Reciprocal trading Types of production

• This is an arrangement whereby • Job (or unit or project) production:

company A purchases certain an item is produced or constructed
commodities manufactured by to individual customer requirements.
company B and vice versa. E.g. Ships, airplanes
• Batch production: a number of
products or components are made at
the same time, but not on a
continuous basis. e.g. books, clothing
• Flow (or mass or line) production:
this is continuous production of
identical or similar products that are
made in anticipation of sales.
• Process (or continuous) production:
the production unit has raw
materials coming into the
manufacturing process and a finished
product emerging at the end.
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• This includes selling to 1. Multiples e.g. ShopRite
retailers, most of whom are
multiples like ShopRite, 2. Variety chains
Melcom, Game etc. which 3. Co-operative societies
effectively perform their own 4. Department stores
wholesaling functions.
5. Independents
6. Mail order
• There are seven different
types of selling outlets: 7. Direct selling e.g. Avon cosmetics

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Multiples Variety chains Department stores
• classed as • similar to • owned and • stores with five or
belonging to a multiples except controlled by the more departments
retail organization that the people who shop under one roof and
with ten or more qualifying there, each at least 25
branches, each number of society is employees, selling a
selling a similar branches is five governed by a wide range of
range of • and they sell a board of directors commodities,
merchandise. wider range of elected from its including significant
• Supermarkets e.g. merchandise. own members. amounts of
Shoprite tend to household goods
fall into this and clothing e.g.
category. Melcom

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Independents Mail Orders Direct Selling

• Traders who own their own retail • The most popular type of • Basically involves reaching customers
outlets. There are types arrangement is the mail order directly in their offices, homes, etc. to
• 1. This is an informal grouping warehouse that carries a large range demonstrate the usage of the product
whereby retailers (usually within a of goods. to solicit sales e.g. Forever Living
specific geographical area) group products, Avon cosmetics
together to make bulk purchases. • Business is conducted through the
• 2. A wholesaler or group of medium of glossy catalogues held by
wholesalers invites retailers to appointed commission agents who
affiliate to them and agrees to take sell to families and friends.
the bulk of their purchases from
them. Such arrangements are
termed voluntary groups (individual
wholesaler-sponsored) or voluntary
chains (group wholesaler-
• Retailers voluntarily agree to abide by
the rules of the group or chain,
including matters of accounting
procedures, shop facilities and group
marketing/promotional schemes.
Many franchised restaurant chains fall
in this category (e.g. Pizza Express,

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• The implications of the above 7 selling • The growing importance of retailers is
outlets these developments has been reflected in the formation of trade
that salespeople of FMCGs selling to marketing teams to service their needs
multiples is more a matter of • Trade marketers focus on retailer
negotiation at higher levels whereby needs:
the buyer and the sales manager • the kinds of products they want;
negotiate price and delivery • in which sizes;
• with which packaging;
• at what prices;
• Sometimes salespeople carry out • with what kind of promotion.
merchandising activities such as • An important role for trade marketers
building up shelf displays, providing is to develop tailored promotions for
window stickers and in-store supermarkets.
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• Information on trade requirements is • Because of the large size of site
fed back to brand management, who required for such outlets and
develop new products, and to the also for customer convenience,
salesforce, who can then better the trend has been towards out-
communicate with retailers. of-town sites where easy
parking is facilitated
• Since the late 1960s we have witnessed
the growth of large-scale retailing,
including growth in the size of retail
establishments, first to supermarkets,
then to superstores, then to
hypermarkets and finally to megastores.

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• Because supply normally exceeds • At the same time retailers have

demand for consumer goods, there encouraged shoppers to become
has been a large increase in ‘store loyal’ through the
advertising and other forms of introduction of loyalty card
promotion in an attempt to induce schemes
brand loyalty, with FMCGs being
pre-sold to consumers by means of
‘pull’ promotional strategies

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• A more recent trend is the contractual • From manufacturers to retailers:
systems of franchising. e.g. a car manufacturer (the
• It is a corporate vertical marketing franchisor) licenses car
system (VMS) as its power is based at a distributors (franchisees) to sell
point in the channel that is one or more its products.
stages removed from the end-customer
• The franchisor initiates the franchise
and provides the link to the ultimate
franchisee in specific stages of the
manufacturing/distribution process.

• Franchising comes in a number of

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• From manufacturers to wholesalers: • From wholesalers to retailers. The
popular in the soft drinks industry, here most successful example is the
manufacturers sometimes supply voluntary group ‘SPAR’, which does
concentrate (i.e. the ‘secret recipe’) not manufacture, but its large
which wholesalers then mix with water wholesale buying power means it can
and bottle for distribution to local retail pass on cost savings to independent
outlets (e.g. Pepsi Cola, Coca-Cola).
retailers who join the group and
display the SPAR logo.

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• Service firm sponsored franchises to
retailers: this area has achieved the
largest growth over recent years.
Examples are found in the fast food
business (e.g. Burger King,
McDonald’s, Little Chef, KFC, Spud-U-
Like, Pizza Hut); car rentals (e.g. Avis,
Budget, Hertz) office services (e.g.
Prontaprint); hotels and resorts (e.g.
some Sheraton and Holiday Inn hotels
are owned by individuals or groups
who operate on a franchise basis).

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Franchising arrangements have a common
set of procedures:
• The franchisor offers expert • Many Franchise arrangements
advice on such matters as have a central purchasing system
location, finance, operational where franchisees buy at
matters and marketing. favorable rates or where a
successful ‘formula’ is central to
the operation of the franchise
• The franchisor promotes the (e.g. KFC)
image nationally or
internationally and this provides
a well recognized name for the

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• The franchise agreement provides • A franchise arrangement normally
a binding contract to both sides. requires the franchisee to pay a
This contract governs such matters royalty or franchise fee to the
as hours of opening, hygiene and franchisor. However, the franchisee
how the business is operated in owns the business and is not
terms of its dealings with employed by the franchisor.

• The franchisor often provides initial

start-up and then continuous
training to the franchisee.

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