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• Touched almost all aspects of social and political
• Truth and non violence happens to be the
linchpin of both his personal life and
• African sojourn(1893-1914)
• Returned to India in 1915
• 1936 “There is no such thing as Gandhism..and I
do not want to leave any sect after me”
• Native urge to enquire and his ideas reveals
his unique scientific temper.
• Started off with the truism that GOD IS TRUTH
ultimately justifying TRUTH IS GOD.
• Gandhism is not a political creed but a
• Satyagraha is a technique for realizing truth…is
not against individual or people but only
against a principle or an institution.
• He was against untouchability…find fault with
caste system instead believed in
• Against industrialization…as it encouraged
machine over men…leading to unemployment
• Against CONSUMERISM as it is destroying the
moral fabric of nation
• To purify politics
• Gandhism is a way of life closely linked to
philosophy of SARVODAYA
• Wanted to disband the congress organisation
and wanted to establish “LOK SEVAK SANGH”.
• No power should be dominant in society;
there should be a discipline of good thought
• All faculties of individual to be dedicated to
society which must provide the individual for
growth and development; and
• The moral, social and economic values of all
callings perform honestly should be the same.
Programme of Sarvodaya
• To establish communal peace and harmony
• To remove untouchability
• To eliminate caste system
• To implement prohibition
Thanking You.

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