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By: Jerry John Ayayi Ayitey

Data Scientist

06/28/2022 1

1. Introduction
2. Segmentation
3. Top 10 Population and Crime Rate
4. Dashboard
i. Top 10 Average House Value
ii. % of Construction By Top 10 States
iii. Property Crime Rate
iv. Top 10 States by Crime Rate
5.The Segments:
a. The Rich
b. Switchers
c. New Homes
6. First 5 target cities
7.Conclusion 06/28/2022 2
As the Lead Consultant for this project, we decided on the hypotheses which we will seek
to verify with analytics results by analyzing relevant data from the data sheet provided by
Electric Growers.
1. Larger population will have higher crimes rate thus will require new advanced high-
tech security system

2. High housing construction rate will require high demand for modern high-tech
security system

3. Houses with higher average value will be subjected to high property crime rate and
will require advanced high-tech security system.

06/28/2022 3

2- Segmentation:

Firstly, we created 3 Segments based on customers variable motives of buying a home

security system or electronic device based on survey data:
1. Quality Buyers
2. Immediate Buyers
3. Research Buyers
Secondly, we collated the data from cities within a state to have feature generated master
dataset by state. Therefore a new segmentation was required to do analysis representative
of the master dataset.

1-Quality Buyers
Well-heeled Affluents I am Willing to Pay More for Top Quality Electronics- Agree 756944
Prosperous Acheivers I am Willing to Pay More for Top Quality Electronics- Agree 953399
Young Affluent Mobiles I am Willing to Pay More for Top Quality Electronics- Agree 1685141
Upscale Matures I am Willing to Pay More for Top Quality Electronics- Agree 647027
Elite Households I am Willing to Pay More for Top Quality Electronics- Agree 1153657
Young Upscale Families I am Willing to Pay More for Top Quality Electronics- Agree 1768303
Elder Midscale Class I am Willing to Pay More for Top Quality Electronics- Agree 1001329
Comfortable Retirees I am Willing to Pay More for Top Quality Electronics- Agree 537362
Mass Markets I am Willing to Pay More for Top Quality Electronics- Agree 2239097
Young Urban Masses I am Willing to Pay More for Top Quality Electronics- Agree 1705368
Diverse Workers I am Willing to Pay More for Top Quality Electronics- Agree 1920240
Modest Families I am Willing to Pay More for Top Quality Electronics- Agree 867047
Well-heeled Affluents Buy Based on Quality- Not Price- Agree 933276
Prosperous Acheivers Buy Based on Quality- Not Price- Agree 1345702
Young Affluent Mobiles Buy Based on Quality- Not Price- Agree 1901962
Upscale Matures Buy Based on Quality- Not Price- Agree 1068362
Elite Households Buy Based on Quality- Not Price- Agree 1349997
Young Upscale Families Buy Based on Quality- Not Price- Agree 2221763
Elder Midscale Class Buy Based on Quality- Not Price- Agree 1709107
Comfortable Retirees Buy Based on Quality- Not Price- Agree 1094782
Mass Markets Buy Based on Quality- Not Price- Agree 2792014
Young Urban Masses Buy Based on Quality- Not Price- Agree 2069153
Diverse Workers Buy Based on Quality- Not Price- Agree 2784539
Modest Families Buy Based on Quality- Not Price- Agree 1108450
Prosperous Acheivers Prefer Products With the Latest Technology- Agree 894410
Young Affluent Mobiles Prefer Products With the Latest Technology- Agree 1583489
Upscale Matures Prefer Products With the Latest Technology- Agree 667994
Elite Households Prefer Products With the Latest Technology- Agree 1022352
Young Upscale Families Prefer Products With the Latest Technology- Agree 1682411
Elder Midscale Class Prefer Products With the Latest Technology- Agree 1141297
Comfortable Retirees Prefer Products With the Latest Technology- Agree 726376
Mass Markets Prefer Products With the Latest Technology- Agree 2229801
Young Urban Masses Prefer Products With the Latest Technology- Agree 1651877
06/28/2022 5
Diverse Workers Prefer Products With the Latest Technology- Agree 2082794
Modest Families Prefer Products With the Latest Technology- Agree 932759

  Total 50229581
2-Immediate Buyers

Well-heeled Affluents Would like to buy Security Devices 1176191

Prosperous Achievers Would like to buy Security Devices 849727
Young Affluent Mobiles Would like to buy Security Devices 427550
Upscale Matures Would like to buy Security Devices 451118
Elite Households Would like to buy Security Devices 773110
Young Upscale Families Would like to buy Security Devices 367450
Elder Midscale Class Would like to buy Security Devices 424447
Comfortable Retirees Would like to buy Security Devices 121346
Mass Markets Would like to buy Security Devices 807344
Young Urban Masses Would like to buy Security Devices 136007
Diverse Workers Would like to buy Security Devices 327728
Modest Families Would like to buy Security Devices 224353
06/28/2022 6
  Total 6086371
3-Reseach Buyers
Well-heeled Affluents Buying Electronics- Do As Much Research as Possible- Agree 878921

Prosperous Acheivers Buying Electronics- Do As Much Research as Possible- Agree 1210940

Young Affluent Mobiles Buying Electronics- Do As Much Research as Possible- Agree 1941511

Upscale Matures Buying Electronics- Do As Much Research as Possible- Agree 926002

Elite Households Buying Electronics- Do As Much Research as Possible- Agree 1334161

Young Upscale Families Buying Electronics- Do As Much Research as Possible- Agree 2205959

Elder Midscale Class Buying Electronics- Do As Much Research as Possible- Agree 1446985

Comfortable Retirees Buying Electronics- Do As Much Research as Possible- Agree 787940

Mass Markets Buying Electronics- Do As Much Research as Possible- Agree 2959690

Young Urban Masses Buying Electronics- Do As Much Research as Possible- Agree 2112325

Diverse Workers Buying Electronics- Do As Much Research as Possible- Agree 2749212

Modest Families Buying Electronics- Do As Much Research as Possible- Agree 1184246

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  Total 19737892
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4-The Segments
a. The Rich
They have “high” average house value and not listed in the top 10 states for high
crime rate. However, they can still consider the advanced hi-tech security system:
1. Iowa
2. Utah
3. Nebraska
4. Nevada

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b. Switchers
They have average house value and high crime rate. I strongly recommend that
these states switch to the advanced hi-tech security system:
1. California
2. New York
3. Texas
4. Florida
5. Illinois
6. Washington
7. Ohio
8. Arizona
9. Tennessee

c. New Homes
As part of the top 10 construction states, so they can consider the new advanced
hi-tech security system:
1. Massachussetts
2. Pennsylvania
3. Oklahoma

5- First target cities

We selected the cities from the top 10 states with high

crime rate:
3-New York

We collated the raw data from these 3 states and ranked all
the cities together from the highest to lowest.

06/28/2022 13

Our top 5 cities to go after first.
Classification based on segments.

The Ric h Switc he rs Ho me Owne rs

Ne w Yo rk| NEW YO RK
Ne w Yo rk| BRO O KLYN
C a lifo rnia | Lo s Ang e le s
Te xa s| Ho usto n
Ne w Yo rk| BRO NX

06/28/2022 15

It seems these cities are unhappy with their current security system.
Thus they are good prospects to switch to the new advanced hi-tech
security system.

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