Week 1: Expected Output Guidance

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Week 1 : Expected Output Guidance


•Hypothesis for solving the business case

•Prepare datasets to be used
•Exploratory data analysis

Refer to next slide for an example of a typical approach slide

Approach Slide

Data Preparation Analysis

 Articulate and list hypotheses and  Systematically apply statistical  Drive data visioning through
questions to answer and/or logical techniques to data insight provoking illustrations
What?  Create end to end view of ‘Survey  Describe, condense and  Provide controls to manipulate
Data’ and demographic data evaluate data data under different scenarios

 Use dataset to prove or disprove  Illustrate patterns, trends and  Promote understanding of and
initial set of hypotheses concentrations in the data between disparate sets of data
Why?  Leverage dataset to generate  Define metrics that are commonly  Facilitate data driven decision
insight provoking visuals understood and drive value making in a short time

 Identify and download source data  Select appropriate variables  Provide geographical context to
 Perform data mashup and resolve providing right attribute data under different scenarios
How? any QC issues  Create propensity indices for  Inform decisions through profiles
segments or markets descriptions

Combined customer and Comprehensive analyses created

Visualizations in Excel answer to
Result demographic data sheet including footprint and competition
business questions
generated for further analysis act as input to visualizations

Data request

Provide more detailed guidelines here

1.Survey data – who to sample, sample size, type of questions and attributes to be asked
2.Geographic data – level of granularity, attributes needed
Data Source Description
Survey Data
• Segments Survey Data will have the segment distribution for the variables providing the right attribute which
• Variable Names will be used to calculate propensity indices for the segments or markets.
• Variable Count
Market Data
• State, City
• Land/Water Area Market data will have attributes like combine crime rate, population growth, housing growth and
• Population Growth Rate penetration of top segments at state city level so as to device a metric to find the top 10-20
• Housing Construction Rate markets for the client to enter.
• Crime Rate
Exploratory Analysis of the data

•Missing Value Imputations

•Identifying key attributes in different datasets
•Summarize data through graphical displays and numerical summaries
•Graphical displays can be tables or charts
Weighted scoring method

Calculate final score

Phase: Select the desired Rescale them to the Assign appropriate
and use for
attributes same magnitude weights

Desc: Ex:- for prioritizing top  Given the variables may  Because the prioritization  Final scores =
segments, the attribute not be of same is usually a single variable
selected can be magnitude, rescale using method, a need for
 Own burglar alarm appropriate methods like combination is needed 30% of Own burglar
indexing or normalization  Based on market research alarm
 Brand switching
 Ex:- Own burglar alarm or on your intuition, apply
propensity +
variable is given as appropriate weights to
 Affluence number of respondents variables to calculate final 50% of Brand switching
saying yes. It can be weighted average scores +
transformed to penetration  Ex:-
values by dividing by their 20% of Affluence scores
population  Own Burglar alarm
– 30%
 Brand switching
 And then select top 3-5
propensity – 50%
depending in requirement
 Affluence – 20%

Example Methodology

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