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MBarrier Method
Artificial Planning:
A diaphragm is a barrier form of birth
control. Combined with spermicide, it
prevents pregnancy by blocking the
uterine opening, and by stopping the
sperm from moving and fertilizing an

The device is a shallow, dome-shaped,

rimmed cup that is placed in the vagina
to cover the cervix.
Is it safe and effective?
Used correctly and consistently, the diaphragm can be 94
percent effective in preventing pregnancy.
However, to be effective, it has to:
•fit well
•be correctly placed over the cervix
•be used with spermicide
•inserted up to 2 hours before sex
•stay in for at least 6 hours after sex
•worn for no longer than 24 hrs.
To increase effectiveness, the man can use a condom
or pull out before ejaculation to further decrease the
To increase effectiveness, the man can use a condom or pull out
before ejaculation to further decrease the risk of pregnancy.
risk of pregnancy. Using a condom
infection (STI), because a diaphragmalso
does notreduces
protect against the
Using a condom also reduces the risk of a sexually transmitted

risk of a sexually transmitted infection (STI), because


a diaphragm does not protect against this.

A diaphragm can be a good option because it:
•gives a woman control over her decisions to become pregnant
•is safe to use during breastfeeding
•is easily carried in a pocket or purse
•has no effect on hormone levels
•is immediately effective and immediately reversible
•can be inserted several hours before vaginal intercourse
•is not usually felt by either partner
•is less invasive than an IUD or hormonal treatment and does not
need regular doctor’s visits
Disadvantages of using a diaphragm
•difficulty with insertion
•the possibility of the diaphragm
moving, due to penis size, sexual
position, or heavy thrusting
•it needs to be inserted before every
act of vaginal intercourse
•vaginal irritation may occur due to
silicone sensitivity or as a reaction to
the spermicide.
It is important to consult a physician if the
following symptoms occur:
•burning with urination
•discomfort when using the diaphragm
•irregular spotting or bleeding
•genital irritation
•red or swollen vulva or vagina
•unusual vaginal discharge
•a high fever

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