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Elements of arts

• Visual or space arts—whose mediums can be

seen and which occupy space.
• Auditory– those mediums that can be heard
and expressed in time.
• Combined Arts-mediums are both heard and
seen and which exist in both space and time.
Medium and Technique Approach
• A medium refers to the materials that are used to
create a work of art.

• The plural of medium is media. ...

•  Artists often use a particular medium because it
affects the texture or color of the work of art.

• Other times, the artistwill choose a medium because it

helps the audience interpret the art in a specific way.
Classification of Arts
Accdg. to medium
The visual or space arts= mediums can be seen and
which occupy space.
2 categories:
a.Two-dimensional arts-

b.Three-dimensional arts-
planning,industrial design and crafts like ceramics and
2.Auditory or Time arts---whose mediums can
be heard and which are expressed in time.
ex: music,literature

3.Combined arts--- arts whose medium can

be both seen and heard,and which exist in
both space and time.
ex: dance,drama,operas,movies
The Artist and His Medium

There are no fixed rules governing the choice

of materials and processes to use.

-thematter of selecting the mediums is left

entirely to the artist himself.
In art refers to the material or
means which the artist uses to
objectify his feeling or thought.
The artist's choice is usually influenced by

>practical considerations as the

availability of material,

> the use to which the art object

will be put, the idea that he
wants to communicate

>special characteristics of the

• The nature of
each medium
the way it can
be worked and
into a work of
• Each medium has its
own range of
which determine the
physical appearance
of the finished
• Each medium has
limitations,as well
as potentials
An artist’s knowledge of his
medium and his skill in making it
achieve what he wants it to, make
up what is called TECHNIQUE

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