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Art Appreciation

Instructor: Jennifer T. Malanguis

Essay: In not less than 5 sentences in each questions,
answer the following. (10pts each)

1. Do you consider yourself as an artist? Justify your

2. Which of the following classification of art (Visual,
Performing, Literary) do you think you belong?
Chapter 1: Objectives

 Understand the importance of Art Appreciation in
every individual’s life;
 Gain a general knowledge of the creation and
functions of arts
 Recognize the certain purpose of arts as well as its
classification and discuss their characteristics

Chapter 1: Introduction to Art Appreciation
 Description of Art Appreciation
 The creation of Art
 Functions of Art
 Purpose of Art
 Classification of Art
 The value of Arts in the Educational System
Chapter 2: Aesthetic Arts
and Crafts

 The Difference between Aesthetic Arts and Crafts
 Types of Arts and Crafts
 Principles of Understanding Artistic Design and
 Motivated Functions of Arts
Chapter 2: Objectives

 Explain the difference between aesthetic arts and
 Identify the types of arts and crafts
 Discuss the principles in understanding artistic
 Enumerate the functions of art
Chapter 3: The Western Art

 Art in Prehistoric Civilization
 Stone Tools for Art Making
 Famous Arts in Western Europe
 Most Common Painting in Classical Greek
Chapter 3: Objectives

 Describe the history of Art in Prehistoric
 Discuss the Medieval arts in Europe
 Identify the famous artists in Western Europe
 Analyse the most common paintings in classical
Chapter 4: The Filipino Art
and Crafts

 Pre-Colonial Art Forms in the Archipelago
 Famous Indigenous Musical Instruments in the
 Importance of Philippine Artistic Handicrafts
 Common Handicraft Materials
 Traditional Handiwork in the Philippines
 Philippine GAMABA Awards
 GAMABA Awardees and Nominees
Chapter 4: Objectives

 Understand the Pre-Colonial Art forms in the
 Identify the famous indigenous musical instruments in
the Philippines
 Demonstrate knowledge about the importance of
Philippine Artistic Handicrafts
 Determine the common handicraft materials and the
traditional handiwork in the Philippines
 Recognize the importance of the Philippine GAMABA
Awards and its awardees
Chapter 5: Paintings

 Elements of Painting
 The Color Wheel and its Categories
 Mediums in Painting
Chapter 5: Objectives

 Identify the elements of a painting
 Show the importance of the color wheel
 Convey an idea about the symbolism and meaning of
the colors
 Demonstrate the knowledge about the mediums in
paintings and its characteristics
Chapter 6: Sculpture

 The Origin of Sculpture
 Importance of Sculpture
 Types of Sculptures
 Medium and Techniques
 Basic Sculpture Terms
Chapter 6: Objectives

 Discuss the origin of sculpture
 Recognize the importance of sculpture
 Demonstrate the knowledge about the type, medium
and technique of sculpture
 Display the ability to make a sculpture
Chapter 7: Photography

 The Origin of Photography
 Importance of Photography
 The Digital Era of Photography
 Rule of Thirds Composition
 Types of Photography
 Essential Components and Features of a Camera
Chapter 7: Objectives

 Recognize the history and importance of
 Appreciate the “role of third” in photography
 Discuss the types of photography
 Demonstrates understanding of the essential
components and features of a Camera
 Display an ability to do photography
Chapter 8: Music

 The Origin and Importance of Music
 Role of Music
 The Elements of Music
 The Essentials in Song Writing
 The Different Music Genres
 Classification of Musical Instruments
Chapter 9: Drama

 The origin and elements of a good Drama
 Other Dramatic Elements
 Types of Drama
 The drama of Historical Interest
 Benefits of Drama and the Role of Artist
 Drama Forms
Chapter 1: Introduction
to Art Appreciation

“Appreciation of works of art requires

organized effort and systematic study”

Art can shows ideas about the past, what is currently
happening and what may happen in the future. It can
also show meaning, love, boredom, and creativity
(Ramos, 2012).
Art appreciation is

 a way to motivate ideas and allows individuals to
illustrate their feelings when they viewed an artwork

 helps develops critical and innovative skills in

thinking and teaches essential qualities in listening,
observing, and responding to multiple viewpoints It
also requires an ability to differentiate what is
apparent and what is not
The Creation of Arts

 “art” is from a Latin “arti” which means
craftsmanship, inventiveness, mastery of form, skill.
It includes literature, music, paintings, photography,
sculpture, etc.
 serves as an original record of human needs and
 usually refers to the so-called “fine arts” (e.g.,
graphics, plastic, and building) and to the so-called
“minor arts” (everyday, useful, applied, and
decorative arts)

 the process of using our senses and emotions in
making creative activities

 a human capability to make things beautiful (e.g.,

buildings, illustration, designing, painting, sculpture, and
Photography) through the production of his/her
imagination depending on the preparation, theme,
medium, and values used.

 From the French word “artiste” and the Spanish
“artista”, which means “performer”
 someone who creates art that is merely trades and
professions by which different people make their
livings (Goines, 2004).
 often refers to those who create within a context of
the fine arts such as acting, dancing, drawing,
filmmaking, painting, sculpture, writing,
photography, and music.

 those who use imagination, and a skill to construct
works that may be judged to have aesthetic
 Creativity is a characteristic of an artist that
progressed in the extent of his/her life to express
3 significant phases

1. The Creations of ideas
 Using experiences as basis in the making of dance,
picture, a poem, or a play or a song.

 For example, a composer may write a song on the

developing romance between a man and a woman,
or on the pains of a broken-hearted.

2. The Creations of the Materials
 uses different materials or mediums to give form to
an idea

 For example, a painter uses pigments; a sculptor uses

wood, metal or stone; an author uses words; and a
composer who uses musical sounds to determine the

3. The Creations of Forms
 It is a medium of artistic expression recognized as
fine art.
 This form is used to explain the physical nature of
the artwork like in metal sculpture, an oil painting,
Functions of Arts

1. Individual Function
 artists perform arts because of the passion of their
respective art forms

 For example, A singer presents a concert for free

because of his advocacy and the love of singing.

2. Social Function
 associates with art performance that arouses social

 Examples: choral singing, group dancing, public art

exhibits and other practices.

3. Economic Functions
 Arts are emerging as a potent force in the economic
life of people assumes an essential role as a direct
and indirect contributor to state economies

 Example: generating economic vitality in under-

performing regions through crafts, tourism, and
cultural attractions.

4. Political Functions
 Art provides a forum for ideas that will lead to
employment, prestige, status, and power.

 During election period, for example, the candidates

created their artworks (poster) which expresses their
propaganda, agendas and political views about
making a stable society

5. Historical Functions
 Art is an essential technique for information to be
recorded and preserved
 serves to document or reconstruct historical figure
and events
 Example: Most arts that are in Museums are filled
with amazing stories about the world most excellent
and most creative people who brought us the

6. Cultural Functions
 Art is an articulation and transmission of new
information and values

 Example, when you think of Manila, you probably

think of Fort Santiago, Luneta Park, and its world-
renowned churches, or the famous Intramuros

7. Physical Functions
 Examples: Buildings are artistically designed and
constructed to protect their occupants and make
their life inside more meaningful.
 Architects, Industrial and Graphic Designers, and
Interior Decorators share responsibility in building
environment that balance forms and functions.

8. Aesthetic Functions
 visual spice for gracefully adorned interiors and can
bring out the most elegant features of different décor
 reproduced visual images which communicate
through fantastic persuasions and meaningful word
Purpose of Art

 Creativity or imagination - primary basis of art
 Art is created when an artist produces a stimulating
experience that is considered by his audience to have
artistic merit.
 The artwork is the visual expression of an idea or
experience of an artist, through the use of a medium
Purpose of Art

1. Create Beauty
 expression of our thoughts, emotions, and intuitions
 communication of concepts that cannot be faithfully
portrayed by words alone

 Example: nature as the standard of beauty - beauty

can be in a snowy mountain scene, and the art is the
photograph of it shown to the family.
Purpose of Art

2. Provide Decoration
 used to create a pleasing environment
 is intended to beautify things to please and amuse the
viewers through its colors and patterns.
3. Reveal Truth
 helped to pursue truth and attempted to reveal about
how the world works
 a kind of language that allows artists to send a message
to the souls of the recipients that help change their
attitudes, their sensibility, and their ethics
Purpose of Art

4. Express Values
 can illuminate our inner lives and enrich our
emotional world
 artist will be encouraged to develop their creativity,
challenge, and communication skills
 promotes self- esteem and wellness
Purpose of Art

5. Commemorate Experience
 serves to convey the personal experiences of an artist
and record his impression in his work.

6. Create Harmony
 artist makes use of the composition to put an order
in the diverse content of his work
Answer the following questions briefly
and concisely. (5pts each)

 Describe the setting of the poem/story.
 Describe the characters in the story.
 Do you think that Porphyria loved her lover? Prove
your answer.
 Do you think that Porphyria’s lover loved her?
Support your answer.
 How did Porphyria’s lover killed her?
 Why do you think that he killed her? Cite evidences
from the poem.

Classifications of Art

1. Visual Arts - those forms that create works which
are primarily visual (forms perceived by the eyes)
a) Painting - aims to evoke an emotion from the
viewers. It is practice by applying colors or other
media to a surface with a brush or other objects.
b) Sculpture - characterized as the art of representing
an imagined or observed objects in hard materials
such as glass, metals, or wood in three dimensions.

c. Architecture - provides us the physical structure we
 a profound expression of human culture in a
particular period, and it will endure and outlive us
in forms of monuments that future generations will
study and strive to understand.

d. Drawing - enhances the way we see the world
around and conditions us to capture its details in a two-
dimensional medium
 critical element of art throughout history and in the
contemporary art world.
e. Photography - a process of creating portraits by
recording radiation on a radiation-sensitive medium,
such as electronic image sensors or photographic films.
2. Performing Arts

 those forms in which the artists used his/her own
body, face, and presence as a medium.
a) Theatre (Drama) - uses performers to present the
experience of a real or imagined event before a live
audience in a specific place and time.
b) Music - helps to express our mood and feel the way
through our emotions and ideas. Based on a study,
different types of music may be suitable to different
moods though classical music is still recommended
as the most calming music option.

c) Dance - expressed through body movement which
entails social interaction, or presented in a spiritual or
performance setting

d) Film - allows us to explore the complexities of the

human situation. This is used to work out our
emotions, to make history comes alive, science is
explained, and literary works are brought into life.

f) Opera - helps to tell stories through music.
 performed with a full orchestra composed of the
various musical instrument sections
 singers and musicians perform a dramatic work by
combining text (called a libretto) and musical score.
3. Literary Arts

 centered on creative writing and other composition
processes which intended to read

 prose and poetry (e.g., novels, short stories, sonnet,

ballad, epic, and essay)

Stagecraft - centered on creative writing and other

composition processes which intended to read
 include prose and poetry (e.g., novels, short stories,
sonnet, ballad, epic, and essay).
4. Applied Arts

1. Fashion Design – applying design, aesthetics and
natural beauty to clothing and its accessories.
2. Furniture Design – specialized field where function
and fashion collide.
3. Interior Design – enhancing the interior of a
building to achieve a healthier and more
aesthetically pleasing environment.
4. Graphic design – combination of words, images and
symbols to create a visual representation of ideas.
Assignment (1 paper) st

Reflection paper for A Modest Proposal (by pair)

History/background of the author

Summary of the story

Format: Name, class schedule and date submitted (upper top

A4/TNR/ 12/ 1.5 spacing/ minimum of 2 pages

Deadline: Feb. 17, 2020; Monday

Class Activity (1st project: Feb. 19,

Catchy and Creative Art-Slogans

 Art-Slogans are powerful marketing tools that can

motivate your clients to support your brand. It is an
advertising tag-line or phrase that advertisers create
to express the importance and benefits of their
product visually.

 Creative art that advertises/promotes Baybay
 Logo and tagline
 ½ cardboard

Rubrics :
Creativity = 50
Storyline – 25
Relevance to the theme - 25

Chapter 2
Aesthetic Arts and
An unstructured Craft refers to an


and boundless
form of work, that
activity, which
involves creation
expresses of tangible objects
emotions, feelings with the use of
and vision is hands and brain.
called art.

Learned skills and

Based on Creative merit technique

Decorative or
Serves Aesthetic purpose functional
Emphasizes Ideas, feelings and Right use of tools
visual qualities. and materials.

Result of Innate talent Skill and
Arts and Crafts

 started during the 19th century in Europe
 as a design reform and as a social movement
motivated by the William Morris
 It involves activities related to making things which
require a combination of skill, speed, and patience.
William Morris

 born on March 24, 1834, in Walthamstow, England
 was known for his pattern designs, particularly on
fabrics, and wallpapers
 a proponent of socialist ideals, Morris believed that a
designer should have the skill of any media in
producing designs that intricate intertwining fruit,
flower, and foliage pattern
 died on October 3, 1896, at the age of 62 years old in
London, England.

Types of Arts
and Crafts
1. Textile Crafts

 word “textile” is from a Latin phrase “texere” which
means “to braid" or "to construct.“
 refer to any craft where you work with fabric, yarn
or surface design
 uses plant or any synthetic fibers in creating practical
or decorative objects
Types of Textile Crafts

1. Cross-stitch - a form of natural pain relief. It is a
popular form of counted-thread embroidery in which
X-shaped stitches in a tiled, raster-like pattern are used
to form a picture.
2. Crochet- It is a process of creating fabric from yarn,
thread, or other material strands using a crochet hook.
3. Sewing- It is the crafts of fastening or attaching
objects using stitches made with a needle and thread

Types of Textile Crafts

4. Weaving- It is a fabric production method in which
yarns are interlaced at right angles to form a fabric or
5. Tatting- It is a technique for handcrafting particularly
in making durable lace which is constructed by a series
of knots and loops.
6. Shoemaking- It is the process of making footwear.
7. Lace- It is an openwork fabric, patterned with open
holes in the work, made by machine or by hand.
Types of Textile Crafts

8. Macramé- It is a form of textile-making which
requires very few tools and just some pure knowledge
of basic knotting.
9. Millinery- It is the designing and manufacture of
10. String art- It is an arrangement of colored thread
strung between points to form an abstract geometric









String art

2. Wood Crafts

 a skill that pertains to the woods, especially in
making one's way through the woods or in hunting,
trapping, etc.
 relates to subsistence lifestyles with implications of
hunting-gathering (Horace, 1906)
Types of Wood Crafts

1. Carpentry-It is a skilled trade in the cutting,
shaping, and installation of building materials
during the construction of buildings.
2. Marquetry- It is the art and craft of applying pieces
of veneer (thin slices of wood) to a structure to form
decorative designs.
3. Woodturning- It is a form of woodworking that is
used to create wooden objects
Types of Wood Crafts

4. Wood carving- It is a form of woodworking to form a
wooden figure or objects by using a knife or a chisel.
5. Cabinetry- It is a skill in making a box-shaped piece
of furniture with doors and drawers for keeping
various objects.
6. Upholstery- It is the work of building cushion and
cover furniture.


Wood carving



3. Metal Crafts

 refer to the art of executing artistic designs in metal
for both practical and aesthetic purposes
 are designed for decorative items or functional
objects that are beneficial and useful to us all
 works are of bronze, silver, gold, tin, copper, lead,
brass, and iron
Types of Metal Crafts

1. Jewelry- It is a form of personal adornments, such
as brooches, rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets.
2. Metal Casting- It is a process by which a liquid
material (bronze, copper, glass, aluminum, and iron)
is poured into a mold, which contains a hollow
cavity of the desired shape, and then allowed to
3. Welded sculpture- It is an art form in which statue
is made using welding techniques.
4. Paper or Canvas Crafts

 refers to an extremely durable plain-woven fabric
used for making backpacks, tents, marquees, and
other sustainable items.
Types of Paper Crafts

1. Bookbinding- It is the process of physically
assembling a book from some folded or unfolded
sheets of paper or other material.
2. Card making- It is a hand-made technique for
producing greeting cards.
3. Collage- It is a technique where the artwork is made
from an assemblage of different forms, thus creating
a new whole.
Types of Paper Crafts

4. Origami- It is a Japanese cultural art of paper folding
5. Paper-Mache- It is a composite material consisting of
paper pieces or pulp, sometimes reinforced with
textiles, bound with an adhesive.
6. Scrapbooking- It refers to a method of arranging,
preserving, and presenting personal and family history
in a book form
7. Rubber Stamping- It is a craft in which some type of
ink made of dye or pigment applied to an image or
pattern that carved, molded, laser engraved or
vulcanized, onto a sheet of rubber.

Card making





Rubber Stamping

5. Plant Crafts

 refer to skills using plant parts as the medium
Types of Plant Crafts

1. Corn dolly making- It relates to the making of
shapes and figures (known as ‘dollies’) from straw
(such as barley, oats, and wheat).
2. Floral Design- It is the art of using plant materials
and flowers to create a pleasing and balanced
3. Pressed flower craft- consists of drying flower
petals and leaves in a flower press to flatten and
exclude light and moisture.
Fundamental principles of

1. The Principle of Harmony
 When all of the elements of art interact well in an
artwork, visual harmony is attained
 accomplished by using similar types of geometric
shapes, lines or colors within a work of art to create a
unified composition.
 using various cool or warm colors would help to
produce a harmonious work of art.

Fundamental principles
of Arts

2. The Principle of Variety
 A stable composition will also demonstrate the
principle of variety
 accomplished by using differing colors, lines, and
shapes within an artwork to make key areas stand
 Artists can use this idea to direct a viewer’s eye to a
place within the art that he or she wants to
Fundamental principles
of Arts

3. The Principle of Balance
 refers to the symmetry of opposing visual forces
 created in a work of art when colors, forms, shapes
or textures are combined harmoniously.
4. The Principle of Movement
 is the way that an eye moves throughout a work of
 An artist creates a visual movement to drive the eye
to the focal point of the artwork
Balance and Movement

Fundamental principles
of Arts

5. Principle of Emphasis
 refers to the need for an artist to create a focal point
within an artwork
 artistic point is an essential part of a work of art, and
the viewer’s eye should drawn to that area.
6. Principle of Proportion
 created when the sizes of elements in an artwork art
are combined harmoniously
 The artist usually tries to make all of the parts in a
composition relate logically to each other to depict
the human form within the proper proportion
Emphasis and Proportion

Fundamental principles
of Arts

7. Principle of Rhythm
 refers to the use of visual pattern within a work of
 Models within an artwork are created by repeating
certain colors, line or shapes in specific areas
 It can also be used to form a variety of texture within
a work of art.

Subject and Content of Arts

 The matter to be described or to be portrayed by the
 May refer to any person, object, scene, or event.
 Anything under the sun
 Could be make-believe, imaginary, and invented.
 Can also be real events
Two kinds of Art as to

1. Representational or Objective Art
 depicts subjects that are commonly recognized by
most people
 Something that is real
 Uses “form” and are concerned with “what” is to be
 Attempt to portray the subject as it is.
 Examples: Mythology and Religion, Dreams,
Fantasies, Landscapes, Seascapes, Cityscapes
2. Nonrepresentation or
Nonobjective Art

 Arts without any reference to anything outside itself
 Abstract in a sense that it does not represent real
objects in our world
 Uses “content” and is concerned with “how” the
artwork is depicted.
 The artist attempts to only show his ideas and
feelings not as objective as the realist or the
representational artist.
Sources of the Subject Art

1. Nature - animals, people and their activities, nature
as landscapes.
2. History – all art is conditioned by the historical
period it is created.
3. Greek and Roman Mythology – very important
source of subjects in the arts.
4. Religion – played and enormous role in inspiring
works of visual arts, music, literature and
architecture of all ages.
Sources of the Subject Art

4. Sacred Oriental text – Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism,
Confucianism, Zoroastrianism, Jainism and Islam.
Class Activity

 Pressed Flower Craft
 Materials required
1. Toothpicks
2. Wood glue
3. Container to hold the glue
4. Pressed flowers (any home-made or purchased air
dry presses; microwave presses; or traditional method
of pressing in books)

Panisan, W.K., Bongabong, M.C.L.,
Boongaling, C.C. G., Trinidad,
M.A.B. (2018). Art appreciation.
Philippine copyright 2018. Mutya
Publishing House, Inc. ISBN 978-971-

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