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Unit 12 Software Development

– Design a Program

Insert Name Here

2B.P2) Describe the purpose and user
requirements for the software program
Purpose of the program
• Describe the purpose of the currency converter program

The purpose of the currency converter programme is to allow people to

check how much their money is worth in different countries, maybe for
holidays, or moving countries.
User requirements of the program
• Describe the user requirements of the currency converter program

The user requirements of the currency converter programme are that it

must work, it must be accurate, and that it must be able to run
2B.P3) Produce a design for a program,
- A problem definition statement
- A proposed solution
- A test plan
Problem Statement
• What is the problem scenario? The problem scenario is that Steve’s travels
company doesn’t have a software that supports his needs, which is currency

• Who has the problem? the business is the one with the problem as they don’t
have any software to support Steve’s travel needs.

• Who is the client and customer for this scenario? in this scenario Steve is both
the client and the customer
• Who will require the solution? the travels company are the ones that require the
Proposed solution
• How will you solve the problem?
• Consider design and planning
• Programming language
• Programming characteristics to be used
• What will it be released as? Executable?

• To solve the problem, I will have to use visual studios to programme a

software which can calculate and display currency exchanges accurately.

• My plan is to create an .exe file which can be ran on windows computers.

• Create a mock-up of how you want your program to look
Screen layout




Data Inputs and Outputs
• Document the data inputs needed for your mock up program to function
• Which country is being used to convert.

• The amount that is going to be converted

• Document the expected outputs needed for your mock up program to function

• The money which has been converted is displayed on the screen correctly

• The country which has been selected is the country used in the conversion
Data Dictionary
• Screen print the data dictionary in here

variable description Data type

Amount Amount of money to single
Written Algorithm
• Look at your mock up design and produce a written algorithm
showing the sequence of steps your program will follow.

1) Input the amount

2) Input the currency you wish to convert to
3) Press the button
4) Covert the currency
5) Display the amount to be paid
Test Plan
Test Expected Actual comments
• Screen print the test plan in here description outcome outcome
and data used
£2.50 pounds $4 $4
is $4 dollars
£1.70 pounds 6 swiss franc 6 swiss franc
is 6 swiss franc
£3.90 pounds 13 rand 19 rand
is 19 rand
£14.30 pound 69 swiss franc 69 swiss franc
is swiss franc
£23.70 $28.40 $28.40
pounds is
$28.40 US
£197.45 is 948 948 rand 948 rand
2B.M2) Produce a detailed design for a program,
- Alternative solutions
- A detailed proposed solution using a range of design tools
- Test data
Alternative Solutions
• In this section you should explain two alternative solutions to create
the program. Explain why you would create each solution.

Visual basic
Flow Chart
• In this section you should produce a flow chart using correct shapes
to demonstrate the inputs, processes and outputs of the program
design and flow. Screenshot your evidence here.
2B.D2) Justify the design decisions, including:
- how they will fulfil the stated purpose and user
- any design constraints
Justification - Purpose
• Remember to refer back to 2B.P2 where you described two purposes.
Justify how your design decisions will fulfil the purpose.
Justification – User Requirements
• Remember to refer back to 2B.P2 where you described user
requirements. Justify how your design decisions will fulfil them.
Design Constraints
• Look at your proposed solution and examine any design constraints.
What is limiting you or stopping you from designing the application
the way you really want to?
Rejection of alternative solutions
• Explain why the alternative solutions mentioned in 2B.M2 have been

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