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Day 2

Dharanidhar Sunkari
Technical Manager – RPA
Miracle Software Systems Inc

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Agenda for Day 2 :
• Logic Building Blocks

• Variables

• Conditions

• Loops

• Steps

• Comments

• Excel Package

© 2020 Miracle Software Systems, Inc.

Logic Building Blocks

© 2020 Miracle Software Systems, Inc.


• Used to Hold one or more values

• A2019 offers variety of variables

• Types of Variables : User Defined and System Defined

• Have option to define as Constant – Input – Output (Optional)

© 2020 Miracle Software Systems, Inc.

Variable Types in A2019
• String- sFirstName • Record - rEmployeeRecord

• Number- nEmpId • Table - tCovidData

• Boolean-bIsUserRegistered • Window

• File - fEmpData • Form

• List - lvalidstates • DateTime

• Dictionary - dStateCodeAbr • Any

© 2020 Miracle Software Systems, Inc.

Conditional Statements

• Allow BOT logic to be executed only if condition is true

• Application • List
• Boolean • Number
• Dictionary • Ping
• File • Recorder
• Folder • String
• Image Recognition • Task BOT
• Java Script • VB Script
• Legacy Automation • Window

© 2020 Miracle Software Systems, Inc.


• To take actions within the bot until a condition is satisfied

• Different iterator loops and While loops available in A2019

• Continue and Break Statement

© 2020 Miracle Software Systems, Inc.

Iterator Loops and Their Types
• CSV • File
• DataTable • Folder
• Dictionary • List
• Email • Loop
• Excel Advanced • Node in XML
• Excel Basic

© 2020 Miracle Software Systems, Inc.

While Loops and Their Types
• Application • Number
• Boolean • Ping
• Dictionary • Recorder
• File • String
• Image • Task BOT
• Java Script • VB Script
• Legacy Automation • Window
• List

© 2020 Miracle Software Systems, Inc.

Steps and Comments
Steps :
• Group Multiple Actions
• Shows high level view

Comments :
• Explains what each step does

© 2020 Miracle Software Systems, Inc.

Excel Package

Advanced Package

- Can be Used Only When Excel is installed on the device

Basic Package

- Can be Used when Excel is not available on the device

© 2020 Miracle Software Systems, Inc.

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