Gen Y Assignment 1 Break Room 1

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Assignment 1
Break Room 1
 What is Generation  expectation in their
 GEN Y leaders
 Characteristic  Communication
 Work style
 Expected percentage in
 Career Goals work place
 Workplace Values Conclusion
 frustration
 Average year in a job
?What is a Generation
Generation Cohort Theory:

“A generation is defined as a group of individuals born

and living contemporaneously who share common
knowledge and experiences that affect their thoughts,
attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviors”
(Clark, pg. 379 2017)
Generations Most Common In the
:Name :Born
Baby Boomers 1970 - 1946
Generation Jones (late Boomers) 1969 - 1953
Gen X 1980 – 1970
Oregon Trail/MTV Generation 1983 – 1974
(overlapping subset)
Millennials (aka Gen Y) 2000 – 1980
? Gen Z or ? to 2000
*The birth dates vary depending on your source
Clark, K. R. (2017). Managing Multiple Generations in the Workplace. Radiologic Technology, 88, 379-
 Members of generation
Y, commonly referred to
as gen Yers, millennials,
and Nexters, were born
between 1981 and 2000.

Clark, K. R. (2017). Managing Multiple Generations in the Workplace. Radiologic Technology, 88,

Common Traits of Gen Y

 are Tech-Savvy
 Y grew up with technology,.

 Are Family-Centric
The members of this generation are willing to
trade high pay for fewer billable hours, flexible
schedules, and a better work/life balance.

 Are Achievement-
 also have high expectations of their
employers, tend to seek new challenges at
work, and aren't afraid to question authority.

Image by Derek Abella © The Balance 2019

Common Traits of Gen Y
 Millennials are Team-Oriented
 They value teamwork and
seek the input and affirmation
of others. Millennials are the
true no-person-left-behind
generation, loyal and
committed. They want to be
included and involved.
 Generation Y Craves Attention
 Generation Y craves feedback
and guidance. They appreciate
being kept in the loop and
often need frequent praise and
 Generation Y Is Prone to Job-
 A potential downside of
Generation Y workers is that
they're always looking for Image by Derek Abella © The Balance 2019
something new and better.
1 Characteristic
Characteristic of of

“People of Gen Y can be described as self-confident and

ambitious. Sometimes folks think that they are not self-
confident but rather arrogant”

“Success in Millennials careers’ is not as important to them as

their family and their friends are”

“Moreover, they are searching for new challenges and they

have high expectations. Gen Y often has excessive
expectations, so it turns out that reality is worse than their
expectations are. People will be unhappy in that case.”
1 Characteristic of Gen Y
 They are looking for a good work-life balance, flexible
working hours and strong diversity policies.

 They also expect to rise rapidly through the organization

and move up the ladder very fast.

 Tech-Savvy have to meet the expectations of the

Millennials or they will leave their employer.

 They grew up with new technology. Consequently, they

are affine to the digital world and they will take
advantage of it.
1 Characteristic
Characteristic of of
 People of Gen Y are image-driven. So it is important for
them to represent their image via personal statements or
something else.

 Personal learning and development are more important

for them than financial rewards.

 Constant use of social media/social networks anywhere at

any time is striking.
2 Work style

 Generation Y is comfortable in group settings. They

understand that a mix of strengths contributes to
 Generation Y prefers working as a team to accomplish
independent tasks as they use the skills, knowledge,
and resources of team members to satisfy individual
 However, when interacting with managers, Generation
Y feels more valued if the manager works with them
on an individual level
buahene, a. k. & kovary.g (2003). the road to performance success:
understanding and managing the generational divide.‖ n-gen people
performance inc
3 Career
& work
& work

 There are a lot of things Millennials care about and it

is not that simple to provide all those things.

 As mentioned before , they are really self-confident

and they are not afraid to raise questions if
something is not clear.

 They are looking for more than just a job, they are
looking for something that feels worthwhile to work

 Furthermore, they are not only motivated by money.

3 Career Goals & work place values
 Work life balance: "Millenials don't live for work, they
work to live" ...

 Financialsense and technical know-how: a generation

of digital multitaskers. Use digital ease and
knowledge to your advantage. ...

 Strong sense of social conscience and purpose.

4 Career Goals & work place values
So what makes an organization an attractive employer?
 Opportunities for further development
 Benefits provided by the company
 Flexible working arrangements
 Nice colleagues to work with
 Competitive salary
 Opportunities to go/work abroad
 Corporate values that matches to them
 The reputation as an employer
If you want to attract people of Gen Y you have to satisfy their needs
and expectations. Nowadays it is important to fight for highly skilled
employees and to have a working strategy for keeping the pipeline
full of talented people. It is going to be harder to find “good staff”. So
new approaches for recruitment will/have to arise.
5 Frustration
Gen Y tend to have difficulty with :
 problem solving,
 failure accepting
 learning from mistakes,
 having realistic expectations,
Gen Y is the first generation to truly grow up with the internet, the traditional office is
becoming less and less important. they can work from anywhere they have access to the
internet. Gen Y are more tolerant of different races, religions and culture.

The top reasons of frustration for Gen Y include

1. unhappiness with compensation,
2. lack of career advancement
3. lack of professional development opportunities among
5 Frustration
As per the statistics in three out of four areas, Gen
7 reasons Gen Y are facing Y (age 26-44) is affected more than any other
currently demographic:
 Student Debts
 Unemployment
· 58% are affected by stress and anxiety related to
home life (such as caring responsibilities, managing
 Lower Wages difficult relationships etc..
 Job Environment
 Housing Costs · 57% are affected by stress and anxiety related to
work (such as pressures of overwork, uncertainty of
 Caring for Aging Parents
future, etc..
 Mental Health Concerns
· 57% are affected by stress and anxiety related to
finances, debt, etc
6 Average year in a job

Source: CareerBuilder
7 Expectation In Their Leaders
In a recent survey statistic, it has been found that millennials (age 18-34) have
overtaken the Gen X (age 35-50) in the workforce. So, what does that mean? It
simply means that the majority of your organizations’ workforce is millennials. So?
So, this is the age group that has seen, experimented, and led the way for the
.technological and digital revolution
Being a millennial myself I understand that large organizations and
.its leaders find it difficult to keep up with the millennial whims and fancies
.However, disregarding them is also like digging a grave for yourself
So what are some of the things that this generation expects from its leadership,
?which are not just whims and fancies
Because you know it is not always about the free soda or sleeping pods or gym –
.that’s nice, but that’s not it
7 Expectation In Their Leaders

 Give charge and guide.

 Remove the tag and mingle
 Stop hiding 
 Really open up to feedback
 Have fun and embrace the
8 Communication Technology
 Millennials have often led older people in their adoption
and use of technology.

 This largely holds true today. But there has been

significant growth in tech adoption since 2012 among
older generations – particularly Gen Xers and Baby

 More than nine-in-ten Millennials (93% of those who turn

ages 23 to 38 this year) own smartphones.
8 Communication Technology
9 Expected Percentage In Work Place

 66% of millennials are employed full-time.

 35% of the US workforce are millennials.
 Millennials
will represent 75% of the global
workforce by 2025.
 Just 57% of millennials are satisfied with their pay.
 Just 29% of millennials are engaged at work.

Sources: Pew Research Center,Harvard Business

Review, Financial Times
9 Expected Percentage In Work Place
How Manager Deal with Them

 Make Teamwork a Part of Your Company's Culture

 Take Advantage of Their Electronic Literacy
 Embrace Diversity and Flexibility
 Focus on Results
 Allow Telecommuting or Working Remotely
How Manager Deal with Them

Tell Them Why

 They try to understand the full view
 Reasons for the tasks should be discussed
Boomers Gen X Millennials
Communication Face-to-Face or Phone Voicemail or email IM or Text

Acknowledgement Show personal appreciation Reward with free time or Awards and Certificates

How to Show Respect Treat them as equals Support training & growth Value civic duty

Supervision Style That Democratic not hierarchical Give them freedom Be collaborative
Works Best
How to Motivate Tell them “we need you” because Think globally Offer coaching & support

How they work best They are motivated to collaborate but needs to Give them individual assignments Provide flexibility in
with teams know how this fits the mission of the agency and don’t micromanage assignments and participation

Feedback Ask for and hear their input Give timely and specific feedback Tell them how they make a

Professional Offer flexible schedules or phased retirement Care about their personal goals Provide the latest technology
:Developmental Needs

What they want from Leverage their knowledge Make it fun Promote volunteerism
.the Org
They value Teamwork Diversity Technical advancements

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