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Re –Cap of the Composition of each of the

• The Samhitas – literally “collections,” in this case of hymns and
mantras. They form the Veda proper.
• The Brahmanas – prose manuals of ritual and prayer for the guiding
priests. They tend to explain the Samhitas. They also contain early
versions of some stories.
• The Aranyakas – literally “forest books” for hermits and saints. They
are philosophical treatises.
• The Upanishads – books of philosophy. Also called
The Gurukula System (Guru meaning
Teacher, kula meaning clan)
Features of a Gurukula
• Residential school
• Devoid of distinctions
• Fostered ties with everyone
• Learnt life skills
• Imparted a solid value systems
• Evaluation decide by the teacher
How was the teaching learning Process?
• Shravana (Listening)
• Manana (Rote Memorisation- eg of Ashtavaidyans)
• Nidhidyasana (Practical Application)
Samkhya Philosophy
• Credited to Sage Kapila.
• Text- Samkhya Sutra- 526 sutras. (Aphorisms)
• Oldest of Philosophical systems as you find the tenets of Samkhya in all other
philosophical systems
• Doctrines found in Bhagvad Gita
• Samkhya originated from the word __________. Some also say it means Knowledge.
• The whole world originated from 25 realities or principles.
• Samkhya maintains that there are two separate independent realities.
• Purusha and Prakriti
• Hence it is knwn as the School of ___________.
Purusha and Prakriti
• Purusha (Spiritual/Conscious reality)
• Prakriti (Material/ Unconscious reality)
• They exsist side by side.
• We cannot perceive/see Prakriti directly. But through our experiences we
can indirectly perceive Prakriti. Every modification in nature is a result of
Prakriti. It is the cause of the existence of the world/ universe. (Animals,
rivers, humans, birds, sky, earth)
• Everything in the unviverse came into existence because of the
modifications in Prakriti.
• Prakriti is comprised of three gunas
• Satva, Rajas and Tamas (These three gunas are present in each one of us)
Happiness, Inertia, Sadness etc. cause by the Gunas which pre
dominate our moods and preferences.
In the beginning all the three gunas, were in a state of equilibrium.
None of them more powerful than the other. Something caused the
Rajas to get more activated which in turn activated the Satva and

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