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Countries and capitals

of Western Europe

Country: Austria
[ ˈɒstrɪə ]

capital: Vienna
[ vɪˈenə ]

Country: Belgium
[ ˈbelʤəm ]

capital: Brussels
[ brʌslz ]

Country: Liechtenstein
[ ˈlɪk.tən.staɪn ]

Capital: Vaduz

Country: Luxembourg
[ ˈlʌksəmbɜːg ]

Capital: Luxembourg
[ ˈlʌksəmbɜːg ]

Country: Monaco
[ ˈmɒnəkəʊ ]

Capital: Monaco
[ ˈmɒnəkəʊ ]

Country: The Netherlands
[ ˈneðələndz ]

Capital: Amsterdam
[ æmstəˈdæm ]

Country: Germany
[ ˈʤɜːmənɪ ]

Capital: Berlin
[ bɜːˈlɪn ]

Country: France
[ frɑːns ]

Capital: Paris
[ ˈpærɪs ]

Country: Switzerland
[ ˈswɪtsələnd ]

Capital: Bern
[ bɜːn ]

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