The Press and Registration of Book Acts, 1867

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The Press and Registration of Books Act,1867

. An Act for the regulating of printing – presses and newspapers, for the preservation of
copies of books [and newspapers] printed in [India] and for the registration of such
books [and newspapers].
Part-I: Preliminary
S.1: Interpretation Clause: “Book” includes every volume, part or division of a volume, and
pamphlet, in any language, and every sheet of music, map, chart or plan separately
Part-II: of Printing Press and Newspaper
S.3: Every book or paper printed in within India shall have printed legibly on it the name of
the printer and place of printing
S.4: Keeper of printing press to make declaration:
(1) Owner of the printing press have to make declaration before [the District, Presidency or
Sub-divisional Magistrate] within whose local jurisdiction such press may be: “I, A.B.,
declare that I have a press for printing at- “
(2) In case of place changed, a new declaration shall be necessary: provided that the change
is for a period not exceeding 60 days :
(a) a statement relating to the change is furnished to the said Magistrate within 24 hrs;
(b) keep the press continues to be the same
S.5: Rules as to Publication of NP
 (1) Provision of S.3, every NP shall have contain the name of the owner and
editor, date of publication.
 (2) Declaration, “I A.B., declare that I am the printed (or publisher, or
printer and publisher) of the [newspaper] entitiled.
 2A: Every declaration under rule (2) shall specify the title and language of
 2B: Where the printer or publisher of a np making a declaration under rule (2) is not
the owner thereof, the declaration shall specify the name of the owner authorizing
such person to make and subscribe such declaration.
 2C: declaration of s.2 and s.6 apply.
 2D: declaration where the title of any np or its language or the periodicity of its
publication is changed, the declaration shall cease to have effect and a new
declaration shall be necessary before the publication of the np to be contd.
 2E: In case of ownership of np is changed, a new declaration shall be necessary.
 3. Condition change is for a period not exceeding 30 days.
 4. As owner of the printer or publisher shall have leave India for a period not
exceeding 90 days or not carrying his duty or in circumstances vacation of
appointment for 90 days, a new declaration shall be necessary.
S.6: Authentication of declaration
 Each of the two original of every declaration so made and
subscribed as is aforesaid shall be authenticated by the
signature and official seal of the Magistrate before whom the
said declaration shall have been made.
 Deposit: One of the said originals shall be deposited among the
records of the office of magistrate, and the other shall be
deposited among the records of HC or civil court of original
 Inspection and supply of copies: The office-in-charge of each
original shall allow any person to inspect that original on
payment of a fee of 1 Re, shall give to any person applying a
copy of the said declaration, attested by the seal of the court
which has the custody of the original, on payment of a fee of 2
 8A: Person whose name has been incorrectly
published as editor may make a declaration before
a Magistrate: within 2 weeks of declaration.
 8B: Cancellation of declaration:
 8C: Appeal: Any person aggrieved by an order of a
Magistrate refusing to authenticate a declaration
under s.6 or cancelling a declaration under s.8B,
within 60 days from the date on which such order
is communicated to him, prefer an appeal to the
Appellate Board of the Press and Registration
s.9 Delivery of Books
 New Printed copy should be submitted to the state

s.10. Receipt of copies delivered under sec.9: the

officer to whom a copy of a book is delivered under
the last foregoing section shall give to the printer a
receipt in writing thereof.
s.11B: Copies of np to be delivered to Press Registrar
(PR): the publisher of every np in India shall deliver
free of expenses to the PR one of each issue of
such np as soon as it is published.
Part-V: Penalties
 S.12: Penalty for printing contrary to rule in s.3: fine not exceeding
Rs.2000/- or 6 months imprisonment or both.
 S.13: Penalty for keeping press without making declaration required by s.4:
fine not exceeding Rs.2000/- or 6 months imprisonment or both.
 S.14: Punishment for making false statement: fine not exceeding Rs.2000/-
and 6 months imprisonment.
 S.15: Penalty for printing or publishing newspaper without conforming to
rules: fine not exceeding Rs.2000/- or 6 months imprisonment or both.
 S.15A: Penalty for failure to make a declaration under s.8: not exceeding
 S.16: Penalty for not delivering books or not supplying printer with maps:
Not exceeding Rs.50
 S.16A: Penalty for failure to supply copies of np gratis(free to charge) to
government. Not Exceeded Rs.50.
 S.16B: Penalty for failure to supply copies of np to Press Registrar: not
exceeded Rs.50
Part-V: Registration of Books
 S.18: Registration of memoranda of books:
 1. the titile of books and the contents of the title page, with a translation into English
of such title and contents, when the same are not in the English language.
 2. the language of the book.
 3. name of author, translator, or editor of the book or any part thereof;
 4. the subject
 5. place of printing and the place of publication
 6. name or firm of the printer or publisher
 7. date of issue from the press or of the publication
 8. the number of sheets, leaves or pages;
 9. the size
 10. the first, 2nd or other number of the edition.
 11. the no. of copies of which edition consists;
 12 whether the book is printed cyclostyled or lithographed
 13. the price of the book which sold to the public
 14 the name and residence of the proprietor of the copyright or of any portion of such
PART-VA : Registration of NP:
 S.19A: Appointment of Press Registrar or other officer.
 S.19B: Register of Np:
 1. The press registrar shall maintain in the prescribed manner a register of
 2. the registrar shall, as far as may be practicable, contain the following
particulars about every np published in India, namely-
 (a) the title of np
 (b) language in which the np is published
 © periodicity of the publication of the np
 (d) the name of the editor, printer and publisher of the np
 (f) the average no of pages per week
 (g) the no. of days of publication in the year
 (h) the avg no. of copies - printed, sold to public and distributed free to the
public and the avg. being calculated with the ref. to such period as may be
 (i) retail price per copy;
 (j) the name and address of the owners of the np and such other
particulars relating to ownership as may be prescribed.
 (k) any other particular may be prescribed.
 S.19c: Receiving the certificate of registration from the
 S.19D: Annual statement, etc., to be furnished by np:
 S.19E: Returns and reports to be furnished by np
 S.19F: Right to access to records and documents
 S.19G: Annual Report: the press registrar shall prepare,
in such form and at such time each year as may be
prescribed, an annual report containing a summary of
information obtained by him during the previous year in
respect of the np in India and giving an account of the
working of such np, and copies thereof shall be
forwarded to the central govt.
 S.19K: Penalty for contravention of s.19D or s.19E
etc., If the publisher of np
 (a) refuse pr neglects to comply with the provisions of

both sections.
 (b) publishers in the np in pursuance of clause (b) of

s.19D any particular relating to the np which he has

reasons to believe to be false,
he has be punishable with fine which may extend to
S.19L: Penalty for improper discloser of information:
punishable with imprisonment for a term which may
extend to 6 months or with fine may extend to
Rs.1000, or both.
 S.20: Power of state govt. to make rules
 S.20A: Power of central government to make rule.
 S.20B: Rules made under this Act may provide that
contravention thereof shall be punishable: fine which may
extend to Rs.100/-
 S.21: Power to exclude any class of books from operation of

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