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By Indeevar
Who built Ramappa?
• The medieval Deccan Ramappa
Temple which dates back to 1213
AD, was built by the patronage
of the Kakatiya ruler Kakati
Ganapathi Deva under the
authority of his Chief
Commander Rudra Samani at the
place known as Ranakude in the
Atukuru province.
When Ramappa is built?
• This medieval wonder dates back
to 1213 AD and was built by the
Kakatiya ruler Kakati Ganapati
Deva, but the temple is named
after its chief architect,
Ramappa, making it perhaps the
only temple in India to be known
by the name of its sculptor. It
took almost over 40 years to
construct the temple.
How Ramappa was built?
• The temple complex was built
by Racherla Rudra Reddy during
the period of the Kakatiya ruler
Ganapati Deva. It was built using
sandstone and its construction,
which began in 1213 CE, is
believed to have continued for
over four decades.
What is the history of Ramappa?

• The Ramappa Temple

was constructed in 1213 CE,
during the reign of Kakatiya
empire, by Recharla Rudra, the
general of King Ganapathi Deva.
Though the presiding deity here
is Ramalingeshwara Swamy, the
temple was named after the
sculptor, Ramappa, who
executed all works in the temple
in a span of 14 years.
What is the speciality of Ramappa?

• The temple is known for its

elaborate carvings that speak
volumes about the dexterity of
craftsmen. According to
inscriptions, it was said to be
built in 1213 AD by Recharla
Rudra, a general of Kakatiya king
Ganapati Deva. The presiding
deity here is Ramalingeswara
What is the importance of Ramappa?

• The Ramappa temple is the right

destination for people
who admire architectural
brilliance and have a panoramic
view of true scenic beauty. The
temple is situated in Palampet
village of the Venkatapur
Mandal, in Mulug Taluq of
Why Ramappa is famous?
• The Ramalingeswara Temple which
is popularly known as the Ramappa
temple is one such amazing piece of
art that stands as a testimony of the
royal Kakatiyas. The temple got its
name Ramappa because of its chief
sculptor Ramappa. It's probably the
only temple in the country to be
known by the name of its sculptor.
It is a world heritage site. It has
floating rock.
What is Gharbhalayam roof in Ramappa?

• The roof (garbhalayam) of the

temple is built with bricks, which
are so light that they are able to
float on water.
Nandi in Ramappa
• There is a statue of Nandi that
you can see if you visit this
temple. The specialty of this
Nandi is that it is not in the
sitting position. It is in the
position such that he is ready to
stand up.

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