Motivation (Lecture 2)

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• 1

• 2
• To gain the support of subordinates and peers, a
manager must understand them and know how to
motivate them.

• People are motivated by unsatisfied needs.

• Certain lower order needs must be satisfied

before higher needs are satisfied.

• To understand and motivate people, a manager

must know human nature. People behave
according to certain principles of human nature
which govern our behavior.
• 3
• Many motivation theories propose that human
needs are the main driving force behind
behavior. Do you agree with this statement?
• What are some of those human

What happens when those needs go unsatisfied?

• 4
Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need

• Theory proposed by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 paper

"A Theory of Human Motivation" in Psychological

• It is popular because it presents an optimistic

picture of human nature.

• Maslow identified five basic categories of

needs that people seek to fulfill.
• These categories of needs range from the more
fundamental basic needs to more advanced human
needs that represent the uniqueness of mankind.
• 5
In this hierarchy each
lower level of need
must be fulfilled to
some degree of
satisfaction before Higher
advancing to the next Order
higher level of need Needs


• 6
Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need
• Basic Order

• Safety Needs
• Physiological
• Include the desire
to feel safe and
• These are basic
secure and to
needs that are
ensure that the
basic physiological
necessary for one’s
needs will remain
• Oxygen, Food,
• Shelter, Housing,
Sleep, Water etc
Safety • 7
Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need
• Higher Order
• Esteem Needs
• Self
• An individual
needs to fulfill
that he needs a
• ‘What a man
social status.
can be, he must
This also
be”. This level of
need refers to
recognition of
what a person’s
full potential is
from others
• Badges, and the
realization of
Awards, Self
that potential.• 8
• 9
Includes the need to help
others become self-actualized

The appreciation of beauty,

form, and balance while
also activity seeking it
include the need for
knowledge and meaning

• 10
Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need

Management in Action
If a manager or organization understands that
lower-level needs must be met before a person can
satisfy higher-level needs, the manager or
organization is better positioned to meet those
needs, and in the order they must be met.

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