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Background of the Study
The Corona virus 2019 pandemic has a significant impact on Education delivery in the
country. Teaching has to be done remotely using modular and digital platforms in order to
protect the health of students and teachers.

The Basic Education-Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) is the Department of Education’s

key response and commitment in preserving the health, safety, and well-being of learners,
instructors, and workers, according to a statement issued by Education Secretary Leonor M.
Briones on May 8, 2020.

She went on to say that the education must continue in accordance with the Department of
Health’s and World Health Organization’s health regulations. The IATF approved the BE-
LCP to ensure that the students continue to learn despite the lack of face-to-face classes
due to the COVID – 19 threat.
In response to the department’s request, each school has developed School BE – LCP. All
teachers polled parents to find out which mode they preferred.

Parents were given options for how their school children may continue their education,
however most parents chose learning through printed and digital modules as the most
favored distant learning approach.

A number of suggestions were obtained. However, because internet access is a major issue
in some areas, Modular Distance Learning was established (Naval, 2021).
This study aims to find out the impact of Modular Distance Learning on the Academic
performance of Intermediate Grade Pupils in Campoyong Elementary School in the school
year 2021-2022. As observed, the said school is conducting a modular distance type of
learning wherein pupils are accompanied with printed learning modules to assess and cater
the continuity of learning.

The researcher also hope to find out the advantages and disadvantages of the modular
distance learning approach to the pupils and also to identify if there is a positive and
negative relationship between Modular Distance learning and Academic Performance.
Theoretical Framework
Student’s Utilization of Distance Learning: Moore’s Transactional

Moore’s Transactional Distance theory considered as a theoretical framework to design this

research. Moore (1983) developed this theory of distance learning programs to investigate
two variables: student’s autonomy and the distance between students and teachers
(Hanson et al., 1997). Transactional Distance theory mainly describes the learner and the
educator/teacher relationship. The second element of Moore’s theory involves the autonomy
of the student, as the distance between him and his teacher means that the student must
adopt responsibility for his own learning.
Conceptual Framework
In relation to the aforementioned theoretical framework, the researchers determined the
variables in this study as shown in Figure 1.

Students’ academic performance is an important subject to all stakeholders in the

education sector. As a result, several studies have been conducted to asses’ impacts that
contribute to students’ academic performance (Nkrumah, 2017).

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Figure 1. Shows the Dependent and Independent Variable of the Study

The conceptual framework shows the independent variable which is the modular
distance learning. The dependent variable shows the academic performance of
students' in Campoyong Elementary School.
Statement of the Problem
This study aims to determine the correlation between the Modular Distance Learning
to the Academic Performance of Intermediate Grade Pupils in Campoyong Elementary
School, during the school year 2021-2022.

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of?
1.1 Age
2.1 Sex
1.3 General Weighted Average (GWA) from 1st Quarter to 4th quarter of S.Y. 2021-2022
2. What are the advantages of the modular distance learning approach to the pupils?
3. What are the disadvantages of the modular distance approach to the pupils?
4. What is the correlation between the modular distance learning and the academic
performance of intermediate grade pupils?
4.1 Is there a positive correlation?
4.2 Is there a negative correlation?
In this study, the following hypotheses will be tested:

Ho: There is no significant relationship between modular distance learning and academic

Ho: There is no significant impact between modular distance learning and academic
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
This study entitled, “Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of
Intermediate Grade Pupils in Campoyong Elementary School.” The focus of the study is to
identify and determine the impact of modular distance learning towards the academic
performance of intermediate graders in Campoyong Elementary School. This study
conducted in Campoyong Elementary School located at Brgy. Campoyong, Guiuan Eastern
Samar. The researchers’ provided questionnaires to gather information from the
respondents. The researchers considered working on this study to find out if there is an
impact of modular distance learning to the academic performance of Intermediate Grade
students in Campoyong Elementary School.
Significance of the Study
This study focuses on modular distance learning: Its impact to the Academic Performance of
Intermediate Grade Pupils. This will be beneficial especially to the following:

To the Students. They will become more aware on their performance in academics. They
can notice the difference between modular learning and face to face mode of learning.

To the Parents. The result of the study will give insights to the parents regarding the
academic performance of their child in modular type of learning.
To the Teachers. This will give information for the teachers to better decide about their
teaching strategy. It will help them determine their students' strength and weaknesses in
terms of academic performance on modular type of learning.

To the School. The result of the study will give the school enough information to better
cater the learners needs, appropriate standards for them to excel in any academic

To the Future Researchers. This study can serve as their basis for further research
enabling them to suffice their studies.
Definition of Terms
The following are terms used in this study. These terms were clearly defined to avoid
misinterpretation and confusion. These are as follows:
Academic Performance
Academic performance have been defined and explained by several authors. According to Narad
and Abdullah (2016) academic performance is the knowledge gained which is assessed by marks by a
teacher and/or educational goals set by students and teachers to be achieved over a specific period of
In this study, academic performance is defined as the basis of giving students' score or grades. It is
defined as the outcome of their performance.

Modular Distance Learning

Modular Distance Learning is in the form of individualized instruction that allows learners to use
self-learning modules (SLMs) in print or digital format/electronic copy, whichever is applicable in the
context of the learner and other learning resources.
In this study, modular distance learning is defined as the use of modules made by teachers with
different tasks and activities.
Traditional Learning
Traditional Learning refers to lecture based learning where teachers provide instruction
to students. It is a teacher directed learning in a setting where course implementation takes
place with face-to-face interaction.
In this study, traditional learning is defined as the old way of teaching wherein a
moderator regulates the flow of teaching.

New Normal Education

It is an online-based alternative learning modalities which aims to be receptive and
beneficial to learners amidst the enhance community quarantine (ECQ) period.
In this study, new normal education is defined as the new mode of learning where
students are responsible of their own learning.
Covid-19 Pandemic
Covidd-19 pandemic is known as the coronavirus pandemic, is a global pandemic of
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
In this study, it is defined as the major reason why different schools in the country
(Elementary, Secondary, and Tertiary) are utilizing the modular distance learning.
r I II
Research Design
The researcher will use descriptive correlation design; hence this study aimed to determine
if there is a significant relationship between modular distance learning and academic
performance. Creswell (2012) stated that the quantitative descriptive-correlation approach
explain if the researchers are looking for a research problem based on field trends or the
need to explain why something happens. Creswell furthers says that describing a trend
means that a study in which the researchers strive to establish the overall tendency varies
among people from the explanation above is the best way to answer the research problem.
Moreover, correlation method is used in this study since it is designed to look into the
relationship between variables. The correlation coefficient classifies the degree of
correlation between two variables. The correlation statistical test is used in this type of
research to describe the relationship between two or more variables or sets of courses.
Research Locale
This study will be conducted at Campoyong Elementary School, located at Brgy.
Campoyong, Guiuan Eastern Samar during the school year 2021-2022.
Figure 1: Shows the map of Guiuan Eastern Samar, Campoyong Elementary School
Figure 2: Shows Campoyong Elementary School where the study will be conducted.
Respondents of the Study
The respondents of this study will be the intermediate grades of Campoyong Elementary
School, who are enrolled in the school year 2021-2022. A total of 120 pupils.

Table 1: Shows the distribution of the respondents in Campoyong Elementary School

Grade level Section No. of Respondents
IV Peach 20
Chico 20
V Strawberry 21
Grapes 21
VI Durian 18
Cherry 21
Total 120
Sampling Procedure
The sampling procedure that the researchers will use is simple random sampling. A
simple random sample is a subset of a population chosen at random. In this sampling
approach, each member of the population has an exact equal probability of being chosen.
Because it only takes a single random selection and little prior knowledge about the
population, this method is the simplest of all the probability sampling methods. Because it
uses randomization, any research performed on this sample should have high internal and
external validity (Thomas, 2020).
The main instrument that the researchers will use is survey questionnaire. The
responses/comments of respondents will be gathered through questionnaire that is adopted
from the study of Santillan & Labaria (2021), entitled Student Experiences on Modular
Learning Amidst Pandemic: A Survey Design at Western Philippines University.
Data Gathering Procedure
Permission to conduct the study will be secured from the principal’s office of
Campoyong Elementary School. Upon giving permission to conduct the study, the
respondents will be requested to answer the questionnaire that will be handed to them
personally by the researchers to ensure 100% retrieval of the instrument.
Data Analysis
The gathered data from the respondents will be tallied and tabulated using survey. This
study will determine The Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance
of Intermediate Grade Pupils in Campoyong Elementary School during the school year
2021-2022. Percentage Count and weighted mean are the statistical tools that will be
utilized by the respondents on gathering the needed data from the respondents.
Table 2: Shows the Likert Scale to be used in questionnaire
Description Scale
Mostly Agree 5
Definitely Agree 4
Neither agree or disagree 3
Definitely Disagree 2
Mostly Disagree 1
Statistical Treatment
The statistical treatments that will be utilized for this study are Percentage Count and
Weighted Mean.

This will utilize to access the Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic
Performance of Intermediate Grade Pupils in Campoyong Elementary School during the
school year 2021-2022 based from the parameter of units.
WM= (∑fw)/n
WM= the weighted mean w= weight of the responses
∑= Summation n= number of cases
f= frequency of the respondents
P= f/n ×100
P= Percentage n= no. of respondents

f= frequency
Scale Range Description
5 Mostly Agree
4.21 - 5.00
4 Definitely Agree
3.41 - 4.20
3 Neither agree or disagree
2.61 - 3.40
2 Definitely Disagree
1.81 - 2.60
1 Mostly Disagree
1.00 - 1.80

Table 3: Shows the descriptors used in interpreting the weighted mean.

To know if there’s relationship between modular distance learning and academic
performance, the researchers used eta coefficient. Eta coefficient or also known as eta
correlation ratio, is useful to measure a relationship if it is linear or not. This is interpreted
similarly to the Pearson’s r (Calkins,2005) as cited by Cabides (2019).

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